Super Mario War Mod Recruiting!



I am looking for a team of highly-dedicated:

The Modification is called "Super Mario War", and will be based in the Mario universe.
The Gameplay is fast-paced, third person, with all of Mario 64's moves encorperated into the game itself.

Imagine playing in a mario64 themed world, with mario64 graphics, with mario's triple high jump, only while unleasing a unrealistic volley of bullets from duel ingrams. :sniper:

You can help make this possible!
Contact me, Scott, at:
[email protected]

AIM: Ayscotty

I look forward to bringing this wonderful idea to your computer in the coming months!
i think you should stop before you even start...i doubt Nintendo would let you make this mod and if they found out they'd crush you.

just saying...
I would so be on board... if i knew how to model, code or do any mod related stuff... ;(
Your more then welcome to come aboard, i have a couple slots for Misc people, as long as you contribute your fair share of ideas.

You dont have to be a technical team member, you could help creating ideas and (since your a forum operator) could help with the website a little longer down the road.
First of all, to avoid lawsuit, call it 'M-rio' or something. And alter a LOT of names, THEN, and ONLY THEN can this, (probably) fly.
Just FYI. Out of all the intillectual properties to infringe upon, Nintendo's is probably not the best choice. Nintendo is VERY adament about enforcing its trademarks and copyrights. They don't let anybody use their intellectual property without a lot of scrutiny and oversight. They've gone so far as to force some women to remove a complimentary statement about the Gamecube from her blog because she happened to be a porn star.
Ayscotty said:
Your more then welcome to come aboard, i have a couple slots for Misc people, as long as you contribute your fair share of ideas.

You dont have to be a technical team member, you could help creating ideas and (since your a forum operator) could help with the website a little longer down the road.

1) He's not a forum operator (not this one at least)

2) Wrong section

Cyanide said:
Just FYI. Out of all the intillectual properties to infringe upon, Nintendo's is probably not the best choice. Nintendo is VERY adament about enforcing its trademarks and copyrights. They don't let anybody use their intellectual property without a lot of scrutiny and oversight. They've gone so far as to force some women to remove a complimentary statement about the Gamecube from her blog because she happened to be a porn star.

If your talking about what I think your talking about, She was not a porn star, they did not force her to remove anything from her blog. Oh...and she is a he. :p
I 'm sure this is the incident you are reffering to. And heres what happened.

Try sending Nintendo an email, maybe they already have a mod policy in place. The worst that can happen is the say no, at best they have guidelines for you to follow, but either would be better than a cease and desist order.
I did nothing wrong... and my thread was deleted.

Did I piss off a moderator?
I don't know WHY your deleting me, but you got the wrong guy.

and whatever that OTHER guy, has nothing to do with me.
As long as its not sold

:smoking: Sounds like a fun mod. As long as you dont sell it, you can do whatever you want with the Mario name and logo.s
Nintendo wont allow any fan based games to be made, simply because they are a bunch of turd sandwitches. RTM in its infancy had some copyright issues and because of that we had to scrap our concept and story section and start from scratch.

Companies are generally inhuman things, and don't like people enjoying their property
Not to hijack the thread but, why is it that people are completely unable to make their own IP ? Here how about this, I'll personally develop a new IP with logo for anyone! I have no problems if you want to mention things are "an homage to", or "draws inpsiration from", I think I'd even let "Spirtual Successor" slide. But please stop trying to propel your mods forward by using name recognition that is not yours.

The issue that companies generally have is the fact that you are essentially hijacking their PR to make your work more recognizable. Look at it this way, If I started a mod with the same name as yours you'd be upset right ? I mean first off there would be confusion as far as which was which, this extends to any PR you get, any positive reviews you get. Also my mod is nothing but a bad CS clone that uses the same characters as your mod, sure they are not your actual models, but they certainly appear to be the same characters.

Generally speaking I imagine that most of the community would shun my crappy rip off mod, and you or someone on your behalf would probably try to force me to change the name at least. Why is it that somebody can get away with doing the same thing to a big company ?

Oh well guess this won't stop you, I just really am dissappointed that there are so many whose hard work is being wasted, whether you get foxed or not I for one am not nearly as interested in mods using other peoples IP as original IP's.
I will be making this modifcation, though i will not be selling it and I shall contact Nintendo regarding the copyright issue.

Also please keep this post on-topic as I am serious about this MOD idea.

Im ready for people to start posting suggestions.
A mod should start with a gameplay concept, not a theme. An acrobatic 3rd person shooter could be interesting - just don't revolve it entirely around the gimmick of a license that isn't yours. The novelty won't last.
Ok, currently we have a very small team:

2 modlers
1 animator
and 3 Misc. people

I am still looking for a team a highly dedicated individuals to help this HL2 Modification come true.

You can contanct me here or in e-mail.