T3h PwN


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
The pownest movie in the history of NG.com.

Well, not THE pwnst, but it's almost as pwn as the Madness series.



The more and more I watch this, the deeper it seems. It very well represents a 70's drug trip.

Dunno, i'm probably just reading too far into it :P

Not in "Funny Videos" thread because it's not funny, just pwn.
If a mod dissagrees with me, then either argue it here, or PM me before you delete and/or lock this. I don't like my threads locked without an explanation.
How is this good :( It had no point. Sorry.
OvA said:
music = own
flash = shit


I've just been hitting replay and minimizing the window.

Flash isn't THAT bad, but i've seen and could perhaps make better.
That was shit. Not the shit, just...shit.

And now I can't get that stupid song out of my head.
The song was great (<3 the band Ween) but the flash was indeed stupid.

And DeusExMachinia... wow. That flash vid was amazing.
JNightshade said:
The song was great (<3 the band Ween) but the flash was indeed stupid.

And DeusExMachinia... wow. That flash vid was amazing.

Tiny Tim song the song.

Livin' in the Sunlight, Lovin' in the Moonlight by Tiny Tim. GTFO.

<3, don't eat me.
sinkoman said:
The pownest movie in the history of NG.com.

Well, not THE pwnst, but it's almost as pwn as the Madness series.



The more and more I watch this, the deeper it seems. It very well represents a 70's drug trip.

Dunno, i'm probably just reading too far into it :P

Not in "Funny Videos" thread because it's not funny, just pwn.
If a mod dissagrees with me, then either argue it here, or PM me before you delete and/or lock this. I don't like my threads locked without an explanation.

dood! the brownies .... stay away from the magical brownies!!

song is catchy
JNightshade said:
The song was great (<3 the band Ween) but the flash was indeed stupid.

And DeusExMachinia... wow. That flash vid was amazing.

Pretty trippy right?

Oh and Tiny Tim was a fascist. fyi.
haha, i laughed at a few of the scenes, and the animations were great, though as a whole it did suck because of its pointless randomness.
DeusExMachinia said:
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/187874 is still the greatest flash animation I've seen on Newgrounds.
Nice, but it took a lot from Roger Water's The Wall. Not too much, though, but there was definate influence.

By the way, this Tiny Tim song starred in the first Spongbob Squarepants cartoon, while he flipped paties. :)

Tiny Tim isn't quite tiny, by the way.
He sounds really, really gay. Why does it remind of me of Willy Wonka from that new movie?
UltimaApocalyspe said:
He sounds really, really gay. Why does it remind of me of Willy Wonka from that new movie?
You just answered your own question. :p