How much fun is "too much" for these forums?

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The fact that most people posting on there were old members of the community, I'm sure they were all mature enough to accept it.





It wasn't all veteran members at all, it was a mixture. And maturity doesn't really come into it. I'm sure if they posted it in the first place thinking it would be suitable, they'd undoubtedly go back on their decision and say 'fair enough it was spam', and to be honest...some people love a little fight.

It was deleted also to removed the post count whoring which was also another part of it. Double and triple posting is unacceptable.

Edit: Samon, you are right, having to justify everything would be insane, but I've got 2 PMs from Darkside and 9 page thread discussing it so it seems he feels very strongly about this so I've had to make an exception this time.
So can we at least draw the conclusion that if it isn't broken, don't fix it?

No one seems to be able to define a better standard than what we have, so why continue?
On the specific case of the Avatar thread you asked about Darkside, I deleted that thread. My initial thought was purely it being a normal thread about avatars, but it quickly spiralled into the picture posting contest of various eras, including this one picture you guys seem to keep posting in various threads (which is unarguably spam). Also people were posting in size 6 etc, and trust me the infraction spree would have been a job for the entire staff of, Halflife Fallout and PHL. It was deleted to avoid giving out all those infractions, clean up the forum and set a standard I guess. The last few pages I recall being especially bad.
I figured the last few pages were getting rather good; people had actually stopped using the large fonts and were actually trying to make something out of it, but what's done is done.

I was really starting to love that damn thread, though. ;(

Query: if a thread were opened where the purpose was, from the getgo, to have a multiuser image-inclusive story on the forum, would that be considered spam? It would not be much different than the zombie convention.

I can't believe Glenn had to justify his decision here. :|
Yes well, the fact that he did it rather than being someone who would just say, "I don't have to post any justification to these people about my decision" actually makes him very respectable in my eyes.

I'd find the reverse downright contemptable.
Before this thread closes, and without reading all 4 pages, I agree with OP

The only reason I still come here anyway is just force of habit
Before this thread closes, and without reading all 4 pages, I agree with OP

The only reason I still come here anyway is just force of habit

Well, there's 9 pages.

And to get my word in, I think that a simple lock could have done, and if someone wanted to continue that story, they could have created a new thread for that specific purpose.
Tbh in even the relatively short time I've been a member, this forum has gotten more and more lax, not strict, in the way it deals with spam and infringements of the rules. Remember when there used to be a 'warning level'? Or something like that... I used to think it was great. People would make an earnest attempt to make posts of substance, if only to avoid having the dreaded red warning text as part of their title.

I think we're lucky that this forum is as comparatively mature as it is, considering after all that FPSes aren't exactly known as being cerebral. I never saw the thread in question, but generally speaking there are plenty of places on the net to spam meaningless BS and tiresome memes - if a thread descends into shitty triple posting and endless 'MOAR!'s and '5char's (or whatever-char it is nowadays), then sorry if you're enjoying it but to most everyone else that type of crap is just clutter. Like the man said, if it aint broke...
I figured the last few pages were getting rather good; people had actually stopped using the large fonts and were actually trying to make something out of it, but what's done is done.

I was really starting to love that damn thread, though. ;(

Query: if a thread were opened where the purpose was, from the getgo, to have a multiuser image-inclusive story on the forum, would that be considered spam? It would not be much different than the zombie convention.

Yes well, the fact that he did it rather than being someone who would just say, "I don't have to post any justification to these people about my decision" actually makes him very respectable in my eyes.

I'd find the reverse downright contemptable.
So what will happen to the adventures of Cortez, Dexter and Mr. Peabody and his lovable assistant Sherman? :(
Sorry guys, the fun quota has been reached. We're shutting down the interbutts.
I'm fine with an infraction now and then for a failed joke, but I don't see what was wrong with the avatar thread. While I wasn't a very active participant, I quite enjoyed it. I don't see what was wrong with it, really. Just a bit of fun isolated into one thread. It's not like the "spam" was hurting anyone. And saying it was meant to boost post-counts isn't a reason to close it, in my honest opinion. I can't understand why anybody would participate in something purely to increase there post-count. (in b4 e-penis) Just seemed like some harmless fun to me.
I don't see why it would be. It's not a I said, it's like the zombie convention, just with pictures. It's a story with images. That SHOULD go in this forum, not the subforum.
I got banned via infractions for posting Pi to 36,000 places, WTF RITE?

I agree though, it seems kind of arbitrary as to what they decide is spam. It doesnt seem like its that often though, because god knows ive made a lot of useless posts in the name of fun, and didnt get any shit for it. Maybe they just do it randomly to keep the forum in check, and prevent it from becoming Which I support.
I'm on the fence.

Of course people want less moderation to have their fun, but I can really see this forum getting out of hand fast with the members we do have (myself included). I could go either way on this one. Shocking as it may be, I find the moderation fine. If I post something that derails a thread, fails at being funny, or hurts someone's feelings (onos) then, yeah, give me an infraction. Because, truthfully, I think infractions are laughable. I post something and have four points on my account. Woo. It's really no big deal.

But on the other hand, I can see why some people might be chapped that someone closed down a fun thread. Again I'm on the fence. Plain deleting the thread might not have been the right choice. And it is up to the moderators to determine spam from not. Sometimes the mods are in the wrong, other times it's just right. I do agree with the Politics comment though; there really needs to be more moderation in there. When it devolves into two people go back and forth (Stern always being one of them), there's no point in keeping that thread open.

I don't know. They're doing a decent job, the moderators. I really don't have a problem with how they run it apart from a few discrepancies.
I'm on the fence.

Of course people want less moderation to have their fun, but I can really see this forum getting out of hand fast with the members we do have (myself included). I could go either way on this one. Shocking as it may be, I find the moderation fine. If I post something that derails a thread, fails at being funny, or hurts someone's feelings (onos) then, yeah, give me an infraction. Because, truthfully, I think infractions are laughable. I post something and have four points on my account. Woo. It's really no big deal.

But on the other hand, I can see why some people might be chapped that someone closed down a fun thread. Again I'm on the fence. Plain deleting the thread might not have been the right choice. And it is up to the moderators to determine spam from not. Sometimes the mods are in the wrong, other times it's just right. I do agree with the Politics comment though; there really needs to be more moderation in there. When it devolves into two people go back and forth (Stern always being one of them), there's no point in keeping that thread open.

I don't know. They're doing a decent job, the moderators. I really don't have a problem with how they run it apart from a few discrepancies.
Aside from the sentences with the word "fence" in them, I feel pretty much the same way. The mod teams do do a great job, but the occasional seemingly random locks and deletions are irritating.

Ideally there should be some sort of distinction made between "fun" threads and "spam" threads. I'd say any thread that serves to amuse the forumites, and has some sort of cohesion or common theme to it, should be considered a "fun" thread, but once the thread devolves into actual randomness/flaming/trolling/one-word replies then it would be considered "spam".
Sorry guys, your having too much fun.
Thread closed.

-Supreme Leader.
You know what would really help? Getting rid of the ridiculously elitist, harsh attitude that a certain 2 or 3 moderators have against the community.

Members in this thread, Darkside especially, have been acting incredibly mature about discussing this issue. Moderators like Samon and Pi, however, never disappoint when it comes to sarcasm-soaked "we have power, you don't, live with it" attitudes. Moderators are members of the community as well, and just because they have a baton doesn't mean they should act like masters of the universe who are just by definition more important people with opinions far more valid than any community member's could hope to be.

You moderators act like you don't care ONE BIT about what the community thinks. This thread is proof that an IMPRESSIVE number of members (more importantly, veterans) are distressed by the current moderation. That should be telling you something. Like Darkside said, you should PREFER to run a community as close as you can to what the community wants. This should be your job. But like I said, you don't want to do that because of your attitudes. You act like you don't give a shit whether we like the forum or not. That's just ridiculous. I'm certain Munro wouldn't agree with that mindset. In fact, Munro is far more helpful and listens and helps the community when he can, as I've witnessed. Whereas you moderators are incredibly biased toward keeping things the way they are.

I know what you're thinking, Pi and Samon. "Oh boy, Vegeta complaining about us again. What a surprise. Let's proceed to insult him with our clever sarcastic remarks. Teehee."

Guess what, I'm sure 90 percent of the people in here agree with me.
You may get their sarcastic tone in this thread but let me assure you, when it's necessary to deal with problems on the forum, both Pi and Samon deal with it in a responsible and proper manner. They don't run around on ban sprees, they are both extremely good at what they do judging by the moderator stats that Munro supplies.

Without any disrespect to Darkside, I am happy to tease this thing out with his questions he asked, but when it comes to cold hard moderation there is quite a bit to consider depending on the circumstances or perpetrator. From a moderation perspective we are truly united in what we consider spam / warranting bans etc. These are decisions based on many factors (some of which you guys never see) and are in our minds valid. What I'm getting at is, it's different from where we are standing, not everything is black and white.

You may say 90 percent of people will agree Vegeta, but then a great deal of this thread also said the moderation is fine, it's mixed. There are veteran members here who think that they are untouchable due to their join date and then there are newbies who are incredibly respectful. It's extremely varied but the same rules apply for all. As surprised as you may be, the entire moderation team actually work on the same standards, you won't find any cracks from the people who can actually see the full picture.
I never implied that the moderation team doesn't use the same standards to deem what is inappropriate or not. I do, however, believe that some moderators should seriously consider treating members with more respect. Veterans don't act untouchable. Hell, Darkside wouldn't have made this thread if he felt like he could do anything. We are all aware of your powers, and respect you in that way. But when it comes to how you treat us in areas that don't involve the normal duties of a moderator, I can suggest mass improvement.

You, Glenn, for example, have a far better attitude toward the community. Like just now, your post responding to me, is a thousand times better than what Samon or Pi would say, I know this. I thank you for your relatability and sincere want to satisfy the members by answering questions and coming to satisfying conclusions. Thank you.
Glenn said:
From a moderation perspective we are truly united in what we consider spam
Which is what I'm trying to clarify. If everyone's united in their decisions on what spam is, why were the answers we were getting, "personal discretion" and "up to the mod in question?" Why'd I have to wait for an answer from you about why the thread was deleted rather than for any moderator if any of them could have potentially answered the same question? I'm not even sure the moderators are so much united as they are inclined to trust the judgement of other mods, which IS a significant distinction.

And I'm not trying to quantify the rules here so that moderators can be stricter, or even any less lenient; I'd like to get it to the point where a user can say, "If I post this, X will happen." Now for most cases it's common sense what'll get you infracted: extremely inappropriate content, actual trolling and harassment (I've seen people get this one when it was undeserved), spam posts that really do derail from a valid thread's context. But sometimes a user will get an infraction that leaves them scratching their heads. Sometimes a thread gets closed without any discussion. These things do happen. So the reason I'm trying to get things quantified is so that members don't have to worry about getting infractions because they know what's out of line and what isn't. It shouldn't all be left up to chance. It shouldn't all be left up to personal discretion.

I mean, that infraction Pulse got that he mentioned on page 1, that's still getting to me. Things like that, y'know?
Why not ask Munro for modship veggie, he would probably give it to you.
Let's put names in a hat, and then beat the crap out of each other to see who makes mod.
It's mimicking real world. People are timid and cautious about everything that's exciting.

In my office, the only time you can laugh is when the witch-like female boss cracked a dumb joke.

Humanity is doomed, PC rules.
Guess what, I'm sure 90 percent of the people in here agree with me.

Not even slightly.
no humor please, I'm trying to concentrate on the internets.
Well, IMO I like the mod system in general, but some things, like the locking of Image dump II were a little off. Closing it for racism? Most of those pics with the chicken and the like, were reposts of the first couple pages. If anything, the mod system needs consistency.

I got banned via infractions for posting Pi to 36,000 places, WTF RITE?

I was there for that. Wasn't that the thread about wether porn was good or bad? Then it got off topic as to the lack of pie in the forums. It got worse from there. I posted pi to the 1000th place, and you just had to one-up me.
Think about it this way, if you got banned, you are now more inclined to go out and have fun with friends outside than sitting in front of a monitor and click "Refresh" to see forums acitivities.

I got banned 2x at above top secret dot com and now I go gym, and hang out with friends more, until I start playing Portal...dam that valve.
I got banned 2x at above top secret dot com and now I go gym, and hang out with friends more, until I start playing Portal...dam that valve.

just find some other forum and register. it's easy to avoid gym, friends etc when you know what to do.
We dont talk about that place


It is true, don't know why Het was even mentioned?

If I was a moderator I would probably take a harsher line than is currently used, even though I can often be seen to spam etc.

I personally have huge respect for the guys that moderate here, it is a tough job trying to keep everyone happy without letting the forum fall into the crapper.

Keep the moderation as it is, it works for me.
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