Tables chairs etc...

a turbocharged crowbar...umm..yeah...o..kaay...but really, every source i found says that a wood texture gives an object properties of wood...therefore it wi burn and, it will break and splinter where it is shot.
Back to answer yet I'm afraid :(

Maybe my question was a bit sure must be if they in fact were cheating a bit with the wooden destructions in the tech-movie, as was conspired from Firingsquad in that article.

Sure hope its not like that though, but guess its possible, we got no real proof it will work this or that way. Would really like a nice answer on this from Gabe or anyone else responsible.

Waiting some more before I give my hope for an answer up....
Originally posted by Seb
Back to answer yet I'm afraid :(

Maybe my question was a bit sure must be if they in fact were cheating a bit with the wooden destructions in the tech-movie, as was conspired from Firingsquad in that article.

Sure hope its not like that though, but guess its possible, we got no real proof it will work this or that way. Would really like a nice answer on this from Gabe or anyone else responsible.

Waiting some more before I give my hope for an answer up....

look guy, its like this, in HL2, not everything made of wood will be destructable, sure they Could make it all destructable. in HL2 there is a story to follow, there are things you need to do, if you need to go up a wooden staircase but for some reason you get the bright idea to blow it to smitherines and have no way of getting up, then what happens? youre ****ed.

understand? they dont want allow the player to be in the position that they cant continue. im sure there will be objects in the world built of wood that you can go crazy destroying, but not all of it will be destructable.

of course if you create your own level you can make it all out of wood if you'd like and spend hours destroying it.

but anyways, what practical use would shooting table legs have? its kind of a novelty, but you wont have time to sit around and shoot at table legs in the actual game.
Hey i just had a thought. Do ya think that it would be possible to croutch just under a table then stand up, therefore knocking the table on its side and then useing it for cover in a firefight.
Cos that would RULE in multiplayer!

dont u think :D
Do ya think that it would be possible to croutch just under a table then stand up, therefore knocking the table on its side and then useing it for cover in a firefight.

Better yet, you stand up the table just moves up with you but still basically sits on your head. "Hey look! I'm table-head! I've got a table hat! Beat that!" And then you'd run around like a crazy man and probably get shot by someone right away.

as was conspired from Firingsquad in that article.

What's that you talkin? English?

Anyway, I doubt they are avoiding your oh-so-dangerous question, because they've already answered it: Gabe said in an interview that they wouldn't allow everything to be destroyed, because some structures are crucial to the actual game. Basically everything Xtasy0 said. They aren't answering your questions because they are too busy to answer every quesiton a million times.
Originally posted by Apos
Anyway, I doubt they are avoiding your oh-so-dangerous question, because they've already answered it: Gabe said in an interview that they wouldn't allow everything to be destroyed, because some structures are crucial to the actual game. Basically everything Xtasy0 said. They aren't answering your questions because they are too busy to answer every quesiton a million times.

I never said or asked or wished that everything should be destructable!!!
I dont want that, I'm not stupid.

I just want to know if SOME objects are really destructible in a very realistic way, or if they made it the easy way, that is shoot a table and it will sort of explode. No big impact on gameplay I know, but for sure would be the coolest part of the game for me, since I like when the worlds become more and more realistic.

It would be sort of like Max Payne when it showed up, cool firefights where glass, wood, and other stuff would shatter all over the room....and of course it would be cool to see a table loose a leg, or a wooden door get a few chunks shoot out of it while fighting.
The thing I'm after is kind of the same thing as they mentioned about the making of the faces in the game. They could have made them look even more realistic, but they didnt cause they couldnt keep up with all animations and movements, so it would look strange....the very realistic faces wouldnt match the somewhat less realistic actions/movements they could make.

If I can shoot a wooden plank standing by itself somewhere in the game into two parts, or even more parts maybe (read that somewhere), but I cant shoot a leg of a table...that would not really make sense.
It would be like in Max Payne, you could shoot and break all kind of things, it was really impressive back then, but if you aimed and took a shot at a light bulb, nothing would happen. WTF I thought, thats strange (and sad). But if nothing in the game had been destructable then it wouldnt have mattered to me (also Max Payne would have totally sucked then lol).

What I'm saying is that if you CAN do some things, then you expect that you should be able to do other similar things, and if you cant, that alters your experience of the realism in the gameworld.
I think gabe actually said that if you can destroy something, it wont interfere with the overall gameplay. Eg if you destroyed a bridge, it wouldnt matter in the overall gameplay, as there would be another route. This is how i interpreted it, but im not sure. As there are "materials" as opposed to textures, wouldnt that mean that, for example, all of one type of wood can be destroyed, etc, or are the properties defined for specific objects??
Can we pick things off from the ground and start using them as protection?.And for Counter-Strike 2 can we put tables in front of the door and block the other team from coming in?Now that would be cool to do.
Well, if one thinks about it, the game is suppose to jump out at you and say "Hey, that thing is wood, you can do anything to it that could be done in real life." So I think if you see a table or a chair and shoot the pegs or whatever, it should in theory break where it got shot.
PEOPLE!! i already answered the question....anything defined as wood that has a wood texture is just like wood, it breaks wherever it is shot, it floats, and it burns...ok?
Originally posted by torso boy
PEOPLE!! i already answered the question....anything defined as wood that has a wood texture is just like wood, it breaks wherever it is shot, it floats, and it burns...ok?

There are different ways wood can act though. What if you want one door to be fireproof and one that can burn? There must be a way of giving specific objects different properties even if they are both defined as "wood" material. Making all wood act the same would be a constraint more than a good feature.

If you throw a match at a thick wooden log it wont go up in flames but if you throw it in some wood carvings they will. Thats just an example but there should be variables/choices the content designer can make about his materials.
Well if they have made it realistic enough, the whole match on a log thing will happen automatically and you wont have to define it.
No, in HL2 a door with a wood texture would burn. If they want to make it unbreakable the could make it out of metal.
What if you wanted to make a wooden shed to put in the garden of a map of your house and you didnt want it to burn. There is no way theyd make it so you cant have it look like wood AND not burn.

Its like on Jackass the movie: "Lights and fog at the same time, its not too much to ask for."

Just lookin at my door now, its painted so it doesnt look like wood or metal but if i shot it itd splinter, you will be able to define your own properties on your objects in one way of another. Even if its just defining new materials.
Originally posted by 82ross
What if you wanted to make a wooden shed to put in the garden of a map of your house and you didnt want it to burn. There is no way theyd make it so you cant have it look like wood AND not burn.

Its like on Jackass the movie: "Lights and fog at the same time, its not too much to ask for."

Just lookin at my door now, its painted so it doesnt look like wood or metal but if i shot it itd splinter, you will be able to define your own properties on your objects in one way of another. Even if its just defining new materials.

Ok, but in real life you don't really expect some maniac to shoot rocket propelled grenades at your gazebo, so you don't expect it to burn.

Basically, of course you could make a non-destructable wood object in your mod. But in HL2 just about all wood thats not necessary to the completion of the game will burn.
Originally posted by 82ross
Just lookin at my door now, its painted so it doesnt look like wood or metal but if i shot it itd splinter, you will be able to define your own properties on your objects in one way of another. Even if its just defining new materials.

Source cant find out on its own wether a texture is a wood or sg. You'll have to add to the texture what it has been made of, and you apply this texture to your door, not a simple red texture.
Source uses materials, not textures. You choose the material (wood, metal, la di la di la da...) and apply the texture yourself.
So we can make a wood material, then texture it like...oh say...a penis? Or metal? And it would splinter like wood?
Yep. Where do you think of this stuff anyways? :p
Id rather not have pictures of penis' in front of my eyes. I rather have boobs.
Originally posted by guinny
So we can make a wood material, then texture it like...oh say...a penis? Or metal? And it would splinter like wood?

Originally posted by jhero
Yep. Where do you think of this stuff anyways? :p

maybe he draws ideas from his wide selection of........self pleasure devices.
Originally posted by jhero
Well, if one thinks about it, the game is suppose to jump out at you and say "Hey, that thing is wood, you can do anything to it that could be done in real life." So I think if you see a table or a chair and shoot the pegs or whatever, it should in theory break where it got shot.

I for sure haven't seen that information anywhere, that it will really be that powerfull and realistic, and my mail to Gabe gets no response and probably will not either after the time passed now.

Personally I dont think it will be as cool as I hope, like shooting legs of tables at any point you wish, or shoot with a heavy gun at a wooden door and tear realistic holes through it....I just think thats a bit into the feature. Hope I'm wrong though, but nowhere I have read that it really will be like that. All I know is that single wooden planks will be like that, and that itself is somewhat cool also :)

Well, in a few months we will know for sure, dont think this secret will be let out before that....but you guys can always continue the speculation if you want :D
I just watched the trailer again, has anyone noticed, when gordon pushes the table infront of the door, it doesent hold the door back, its when he closes the door it locks, cuss a table cant hold soldiers back ....
I thought when the soldier first tries to get in the door just opens a tiny bit then gets blocked by the table and boucnes back shut.
Originally posted by Digital
I just watched the trailer again, has anyone noticed, when gordon pushes the table infront of the door, it doesent hold the door back, its when he closes the door it locks, cuss a table cant hold soldiers back ....

heavy table? there was like a propane container on it as well, and some boxes *shrug* and doors have latches, so you need to turn the handle to open it, but obviously he was just pushing it/kicking it....
Originally posted by 82ross
I thought when the soldier first tries to get in the door just opens a tiny bit then gets blocked by the table and boucnes back shut.

yep, it opens a bit but hits the table and knocks the table a bit but doesnt open.
I think a table can hold back a door quite a lot. The soldeir did just twat it dead hard in the end. When we get the game we can replay that scene our selves. Dont put the table in front of the door and see what ahppends, then do put the table there.
Hmmm. i thought it was some sort of satellite dish..
Anyone notice in that scene the AI started shooting at the washing machine before gordon got to it? It definately wasn't video playback. The AI distinctly shot at the washing machine while gordon was still by the door. Then gordon went and ducked behind it. This leads me to believe the A.I was set up to do that, and was scripted, and they don't really think for themselves.
I don't quite see what you're talking about. I see rather scattered fire.

It wouldn't make much sense to script AI to shoot in the wrong place, when even HL1 AI can shoot in your general direction.
That's my point though. I think it was staged. And he was supposed to run to the washing machine earlier. If you look, the tracers and gunfire shoot something off the washing machine before he even gets there. Watch it again.
Originally posted by guinny
That's my point though. I think it was staged. And he was supposed to run to the washing machine earlier. If you look, the tracers and gunfire shoot something off the washing machine before he even gets there. Watch it again.

He's shooting inside the building to provide cover for the other guy. He might not even know where Gordon is exactly. This isn't a problem with AI, human players do it all the time (have you played CS?)