Taking a Sabbatical

Okay guys I'm taking a sabbatical too. I'm going to dedicate myself to Trivial Pursuits and the search for something worth dying for.

;;;Huge post goes here

See you in a year.
See you in a few weeks once you realize all that stuff you didn't finish had nothing do to with HL2.net.
See you in a few weeks once you realize all that stuff you didn't finish had nothing do to with HL2.net.

yeah, pretty much this.

hl2.net is for me when i have nothing to do and if there's something TO do it's probably boring so i rather hang here.
The longest I was away from this site was because I was banned for a month.

I still used proxies to check in once a week or so. It's harder then you'd think to stay away.
Is it just me, or has the post count for this thread been at 666 for several days? Also, will you continue to fold for the team?
Well, like two weeks ago, Kadayi and I got to messaging about the forum, and distractions, and so on, which is basically where the idea of a one year break came about. I had already considered such an action, but Kadayi really pushed it to be more drastic and actually make it happen. So I'm leaving until 2011.

I love (most of) you guys a lot, but this forum is too large of a distraction from what I need to get done. Giving up this site along with online games will probably cause the next year to have an extra week or two in store for me. I'm also finding a lot of disturbing new trends among the community, mostly just little cliques of stupid people and intelligent people acting stupidly having retarded and childish fueds. The forum is degenerating and the fact that no one posts isn't helping. All my criticism in the rant thread still stands. Better contests, more direct community activity, less focus on getting new members in any way possible and more focus on keeping and caring about the ones we have. Also, I think McHammer should be unbanned, since it was pretty much all my idea and he didn't really do anything. But any way, I love you, and I'll still make my way into chat from time to time.

I was going to do an elaborate birthday thread for Blackthorn, but since I'm gone somebody else has to.
"Oh god guys, I have absolutely no way of managing my life with the INTERNETS IN FRONT OF ME!"
I can 'manage my life' with HL2.net in it, but if I find that something's ultimately just a mindless time waster getting in the way of better things, why would I not want to take direct action to rid that thing from my life?
I have a hard time believing that people actually let a internet message board affect their life. You guys are ****ing with me, right?
I can 'manage my life' with HL2.net in it, but if I find that something's ultimately just a mindless time waster getting in the way of better things, why would I not want to take direct action to rid that thing from my life?

What are you gonna replace it with?
This is where I'm lost. How could 'a mindless time waster' be getting in the way of better things? That's gotta be a sign of something.....
Reading, more focused time for school, more time to direct on studying for my pilot's license, more time outside/with friends, excercise, etc. Even if I went on HL2.net for a couple minutes every day, I'd still end up spending over 24 straight hours on it. 1 entire wasted day.

Pitz: There is nothing better you could be doing right now than looking at this forum?

Edit: The first part is directed towards no limit.
I didn't say I cared about WHAT important things, it just boggles my mind how you could have a forum interfere with that.
The implication being that there is absolutely nothing more important you could be doing right now?

Edit: Haha, well that's just the kind of thing I'm talking about. I just drop in to say I'm leaving and the first reaction I get is "Wow, you're so obsessed with this forum that you have to force yourself to leave lololol". Pardon me if I got upset.
Not really. Sitting here at work. I work with School districts and they are all out right now. I guess I could be looking at what's for sale over on Newegg or on the RX8club forums...but I've got tabs for that!
Reading, more focused time for school, more time to direct on studying for my pilot's license, more time outside/with friends, excercise, etc. Even if I went on HL2.net for a couple minutes every day, I'd still end up spending over 24 straight hours on it. 1 entire wasted day.

Pitz: There is nothing better you could be doing right now than looking at this forum?

Edit: The first part is directed towards no limit.

ahahah...yeah sure.

you fail to notice what is the source of your laziness.

and btw...what the hell is up with you bitching about my posts?
The implication being that there is absolutely nothing more important you could be doing right now?

Edit: Haha, well that's just the kind of thing I'm talking about. I just drop in to say I'm leaving and the first reaction I get is "Wow, you're so obsessed with this forum that you have to force yourself to leave lololol". Pardon me if I got upset.

@ the edit: Well? What do you expect. You say you can't do things that are more important because the forum is in front of you. Makes no sense. If there is something more important to do RIGHT NOW, do it. Don't blame the forum being so accessible to you.
Not really. Sitting here at work. I work with School districts and they are all out right now. I guess I could be looking at what's for sale over on Newegg or on the RX8club forums...but I've got tabs for that!

Click those tabs, close this one. Buy a book.

When the hell did I blame the forum for being accessible to me?
Why? I'm not the one making excuses as to why I can't get shit done in life.
Because you said there is nothing more important you could possibly be doing and I gave you two simple things without even thinking about it?

Once again, you're looking at this as complaints and excuses, and I don't know why.
so leave already


"Important" is quite a relative term. Reading a book is about the same thing I'm doing here, to me.

I'm not seeing it as a "complaint" at all. Although the "excuse" I do. If it wasn't an excuse, you wouldn't have to leave for a year.
An excuse for what? HL2.net has not directly prevented me from accomplishing anything necessary for my advancement in life. I clearly said it hadn't interefered with that. I'm simply saying I have better things to do than reply to your pointless attacks, but here I am, fifteen minutes I could've spent doing any number of things.
A lot of people seem to be leaving.

Well, Happy New Year to everyone!
Could I be doing something more important right now? probably, but it's not this web site preventing me from doing those things. If you are the type of person that lets simple things distract them from the important things then you got much bigger problems, leaving this site wont fix those problems.
See, no self control!

You do it yourself, you just justify it by saying there's nothing more important for you to be doing. If that's good for you, then fine, but you'll only make me laugh if you keep looking down your nose at me like that.

Could I be doing something more important right now? probably, but it's not this web site preventing me from doing those things. If you are the type of person that lets simple things distract them from the important things then you got much bigger problems, leaving this site wont fix those problems.

I can't think of a single other thing, other than online games, which I'm also giving up, that I ever really do which isn't really worth doing. So yeah, it should. And once again, it's my free time I lose from this site, it doesn't prevent me from doing what I need to do.
You do it yourself, you just justify it by saying there's nothing more important for you to be doing. If that's good for you, then fine, but you'll only make me laugh if you keep looking down your nose at me like that.

I can't think of a single other thing, other than online games, which I'm also giving up, that I ever really do which isn't really worth doing. So yeah, it should. And once again, it's my free time I lose from this site, it doesn't prevent me from doing what I need to do.

Laugh at me all you like, but I'm not the one in denial about the lack of motivation to do something 'more important'.
Can you not see how you have this completely backwards? After noticing that this site got in the way of me doing better things with my time, I decided to leave it. I'm not in denial at all. You, seeing that I was leaving and trying to improve my life to a degree, are harassing me about why I'm doing it and saying there's nothing that better that could be done with your time.
I'm only harassing you about the fact that you have to bar yourself from an internet site to do something better with your time. I do that all the time. I get my ass out of my chair and do it. I hardly have to block/ban myself from it. That's what I'm saying about you. The fact that you HAVE to do that to get around and do those 'more important' things just seems a little....odd.
As posted by the all mighty lord Agg on OCAU

Keep the "LOL NO SELF CONTROL" comments out of here, ta.. or I'll assume by posting in this thread you also want a ban.

Seriously mods get cracking.
I'm only harassing you about the fact that you have to bar yourself from an internet site to do something better with your time. I do that all the time. I get my ass out of my chair and do it. I hardly have to block/ban myself from it.

Yes, that's exactly what I intend to do. Why should it matter whether I take a more official year long break, and you go out and do something every time you get the inclination? Yes, I will be banned, but I will still be able to come onto the site and lurk. I will excercise self control every day until I forget about the site (took about a month last time). The impression I get from you is that you resort to hl2.net when you're bored or unoccupied. When you specifically have something better to do, you do it. I consider any time spent here wasted, so I'm leaving entirely.
Aww, go easy on Sheepo. Surely admitting you don't have the self-control to regulate some potentially deleterious activity is a positive thing?

I don't buy chocolate or biscuits, because I know I'll pound the lot the minute I get home with a gallon of Yorkshire Tea. While this may constitute poor self-discipline in the eyes of you unforgiving monsters, I'm much thinner for it.

EDIT: Apparently Stephen Fry is doing something similar to get his autobiography done