Teen rating?

Tlaloc said:
[lil' john] whhhAT!? [/lil' john]

Oh, YOU were the original poster :p
Did you edit it originally to add the disturbed comment? Or did he just delete that part of the quote?
Shuzer said:
From the VALVe info thread:

Gabe's reply:
No HL-2 material is or was being sacrificed. That just looks to be the rating they are going to give us.

Okay, now anyone saying content must have been cut to make it Teen.. stop saying it :)

Quoted for emphasis, and for EDIT:LOVELY PEOPLE that only read the first and last post before posting.
The stupidity of America is shown in this thread. What kind of idiots played HL for the (very little) blood? That's what soldier of fortune was for. HL Isn't, and has never been, about blood and gore.

I've never seen a stupider complaint in my life.
Ahnteis said:
The stupidity of America is shown in this thread. What kind of idiots played HL for the (very little) blood? That's what soldier of fortune was for. HL Isn't, and has never been, about blood and gore.

I've never seen a stupider complaint in my life.

Let it go.
Ahnteis, your generalization is prejudiced at best and based on the opinions of a very small amount of people, I truly hope you are not that ignorant
Ahnteis said:
The stupidity of America is shown in this thread. What kind of idiots played HL for the (very little) blood? That's what soldier of fortune was for. HL Isn't, and has never been, about blood and gore.

I've never seen a stupider complaint in my life.

i'm not american, but for cryin out loud.... who's stupider, some ppl who want a M on their game or someone who calls a whole country stupid based on 10 gamers who are probably not american either.... generalizing like that only makes YOU look stupid :dork:
Ok guys! STRAIGHT FROM THE SOURCE! (Pun intened)

From : Gabe Newell <[email protected]>
Sent : Monday, July 12, 2004 9:13 PM
To : "David Brewer" <[email protected]>
Subject : RE: Teen Rating?

| | | Inbox

We haven't changed anything to get a teen rating.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Brewer [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 8:55 PM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Teen Rating?

Hey Gabe, there's a rumor going around that you guys are shooting for a
teen rating for Half-Life 2. Is this true? I hope you guys don't decide
on doing this. The original was M, and I believe Half-Life 2 should be
M. I don't know how you could convey the same emotions in a Teen game as
you could a Mature game. What would have the opening scene in Saving
Private Ryan been like if the movie had been PG-13?

Just a fan among the masses. David Brewer.
Of course they didn't change anything to get a Teen Rating.
Today's PG-13 Movies would be X movies back in the day.

Ratings get more lax every year.
Alright, time to end this crap once and for all: The ESRB ratings have evolved over the last five years...What was once considered mature(in Half-Life's case), has significantly changed over the past years. Now, if Half-Life was released in today's age of gaming, I am confident that the degree of mature rating would be less harsh than when it was released back in '98. This is nothing new. The film industry's standard has changed over the years...movies can successfully project(no pun intended): alcohol/substance abuse, vulgarity, sexual/violent themes and still recieve a PG/PG-13 rating...our community is evolving and so is the industry. Nothing more to it.
hm... i wonder if they cut out anything cool to lower the rating to teen...

:naughty: :naughty: :devil: :E

lighten up!!!! :cheers:
DiSTuRbEd said:
Yet again, why are you guys complaining about a teen rating instead of mature? Nothing is being cut out or changed from the final product. This thread is dead, and useless, Gabe answered the questions, this needs to be locked.

Where did he anwser?
Tlaloc said:
i'm not american, but for cryin out loud.... who's stupider, some ppl who want a M on their game or someone who calls a whole country stupid based on 10 gamers who are probably not american either.... generalizing like that only makes YOU look stupid :dork:

I'm proud to BE an American. I didn't say all Americans are stupid, I said this is a great example of America's stupidity. There is a very real, and very great difference.

EDIT: The stupidity of America comment is based on an earlier post BTW.
xrdanielalan said:
our community is evolving and so is the industry. Nothing more to it.

For the better or for the worse? Our world is degrading imo..
Since I can't edit any more, it was a reply to this:
Originally Posted by DaLys
As long as the americans keep their stupid ratings for them self i'm happy. I don't want VALVe to remove stuff (eventually) just to get a TEEN-rating on HL2. And if they do they should ship a non-censored version to other countries so we don't have to suffer from the stupidity of america.

The point being that the stupidity of America isn't that we don't want to sell violent games to minors. The stupidity of America is that so many people think graphic, gratuitous violence is a REQUIREMENT for a fun game.
"For the better or for the worse? Our world is degrading imo.."

Of course it is for the worse...planet earth is so ****ed up. Nothing more to it:)
lans said:
I concur!


The Ring is like the most scariest movie I've ever seen, and it got a PG-13 !!!

I am know I am not going to earn many friends saying this, but the RING was horrible. I started to laugh when the little girl came out of the TV.

Sorry you can go back on topic now.
ACLeroK212 said:
Exactly. None of the majority of retailers (except maybe Wal-Mart) checks ID or anything for games anymore, so the only people it really affects are the kids with parents who regulate what they buy or play (which are hardly in the majority these days).
I agree with that. My friend (who was 12 when this happened) went and bought Unreal Tournament 2003. It was rated 18+ (or mature, whatever). No one really follows those ratings.

But some 9 year old went to buy GTA3 (18+/Mature here in Finland too..) with his mom. They didn't sell it to them. And here almost anyone can buy anything they want and no, I don't mean drugs or non-licenced handguns or rifles and shit... I mean movies, games and magazines (you know what I mean, right? :naughty: ).

(sry for my english.. and for quoting such an old reply)
guinny said:
Right now we're targetting a July 30th release candidate. This means we give what we think is a shippable version to VU. Usually you go through a couple of RCs before you reach Gold, which means that you have what you are going to manufacture. After you manufacture it, it goes to stores.

In our last conversation with the ESRB, we were looking at a teen rating.

- Gabe

How do you guys feel about this? :dozey:

A teen rating?

That'd be cool if ESRB is going to rate it teen...

BUT, the thing is, as graphic as HL2 is, my guess is a mature rating...

Either way I can still play it. My parents are good enough to let me play mature games :-P as long as their mature because of blood, gore and language...

They say as long as I don't repeat the words in public, they'll let me play mature games :-P
kungfucheez said:
That would suck if they took out blood in HL2

yeah.... they're not so don't worry about it.... :rolleyes:
*ACLeroK212 wonders why people continue to beat the dead horse that is this topic
I just played Neverwinter Nights, it also has a "T" rating, but there's plenty of gibbing and blood in it. dont you worry, Half-life2 will be just as gory, if not better! a T rating these days, isn't a bad thing.
oldagerocker said:
I just played Neverwinter Nights, it also has a "T" rating, but there's plenty of gibbing and blood in it. dont you worry, Half-life2 will be just as gory, if not better! a T rating these days, isn't a bad thing.

Good example. I totally forgot about NVN.
Why the heck is this topic still open even after 2 e-mails from Gabe that say they didn't remove any content.

People stopped using their common sense , everything bad (or that they think is bad) they hear about HL2 they blame Valve or warn them.
PatPwnt said:
Oh Gabe Please Let There Be Gore.


Valve is NOT going to cut ANYTHING.

So stop beating the bush - please can some mod, PLEASE lock this?
I think people know they didn't remove anything. The problem is that a teen rating shows that HL2 won't have very realistic deaths for people. Call me a sick bastard, but I want nice amounts of blood when I shoot barney in the head from point blank range.

Does hl2 have body hit decals?
Barney: "Hey Gordon! I think we should *turns around* Damnit..not agai- *BLAM*"
fuzzy_aus said:
I think people know they didn't remove anything. The problem is that a teen rating shows that HL2 won't have very realistic deaths for people. Call me a sick bastard, but I want nice amounts of blood when I shoot barney in the head from point blank range.

Does hl2 have body hit decals?

Yes, HL2 does have body hit decals, as seen in E3 2k4.

It even has some disturbing zombie voices, grusome beheaded humans and gibbing. Gabe says it'll get a Teen rating, none the less. If it doesn't inluclude all that I have mentioned, Gabe will be e-mailed to death with stuff like:

"OmG!!11 no blood?!?! :eek: I h@t3 u gabEy!!11!!!"

So it will be inluded later on in a patch, regardless. However I'm sure Gabe will up the rating to mature if ESRB doesn't approve of beheaded humans to be shown in a "Teen" game.
[laugh] You think you'll be able to behead humans? In HL2? [snort]
Ahnteis said:
[laugh] You think you'll be able to behead humans? In HL2? [snort]

no, he said beheaded (past tense), as in, you see them after it's happened, not "you'll be able to behead them".
hoq is hl2 Teen!!!!! chopping off zombies head with razorblades using the manipulator should be enough for the Mature rating because of violence. Games look better with the M - Rating on them anyways!
i want to kill combines starting with the fingers so there better be gore.
I hope they give it a teen rating.. Otherwise my girlfriend can't play with me :naughty:
I dont really see how they can give it a T when your slicing zombies in half and listening to them scrrem in horrer as they burn, but, hey- ESRB has been letting some recent things slip. In general things seam to be rated less strictly. We'll find out what rating it has when the time comes...NOW SOMEONE CLOSE THIS THREAD ;)
Darkknighttt said:
hoq is hl2 Teen!!!!! chopping off zombies head with razorblades using the manipulator should be enough for the Mature rating because of violence. Games look better with the M - Rating on them anyways!

Sorry to say, but you BLOW my mind at how STUPID you are. :rolleyes: