teenage Iranian girl to be hanged

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_Z_Ryuken said:
Well I meant only one of the two men came out alive. Sorry for being unclear.

Think about it. 2 men vs 1 girl.

In any random hypothetical situation, who would you put money on?

Three men... there were THREE men according to the article.

And in any random hypothetical situation, I would put the money on the men. Women aren't generally as violent as men tend to be... thats why you don't see barely any in comparison to men in the prison systems of the united states.
wow, how come Nat was banned?

one of my best friends is Persian(born in the states, moved to canada)
his parents fled Iran because their practice of the Bahá'í faith was ridiculed and not recognized as a religion
they now own several successful businesses and are enjoying a life of prosperity and freedom

i think that human rights issues, like those found in Iran, need to be the goal and responsibility of the UN, and should not be a pretext(among other things) for war by the US
Raziaar said:
Three men... there were THREE men according to the article.

And in any random hypothetical situation, I would put the money on the men. Women aren't generally as violent as men tend to be... thats why you don't see barely any in comparison to men in the prison systems of the united states.
3 men? Now I am convinced this is all a sham. This story and the petition was probably made up to test people.
Ok I just read the article for the first time (lol) and it says their boyfriends were with them? That just makes it even more stupid.
_Z_Ryuken said:
3 men? Now I am convinced this is all a sham. This story and the petition was probably made up to test people.
Ok I just read the article for the first time (lol) and it says their boyfriends were with them? That just makes it even more stupid.

You live in alaska? Where at?

Oh and by the way... the boyfriends took off apparently. What makes you think its a SHAM? Do you think a girl getting gang raped, then managing to kill an attacker is an impossibility?
_Z_Ryuken said:
3 men? Now I am convinced this is all a sham. This story and the petition was probably made up to test people.
Ok I just read the article for the first time (lol) and it says their boyfriends were with them? That just makes it even more stupid.

the petition was started by an Iranian born model now living in Canada
it's no sham
Look at it this way, if she allowed herself to get raped she would have been hanged because she slept with omeone outside of marraige. So pretty much once these guys decided to rape her they pretty much signed her death certificate anyway.
why are you talking about nukes? this is about the girl. there's a thread about that in the poltics forum
I didn't read the whole thread but the hey

I'm sorry Nat Turner, but my freind turned sucidal because of rape.Shes still effected today. She didn't want to tell anyone about it either.

How about i take you over to iran, and "pentrate" you. Really slowly. Along to some hardcore trance song

Sorry just had to say that.

Edit: How about 3 of us. Anyone want to help? Think you could take 3 nat. I'd be in pain
Nat Turner said:
Why would people ever overthrow a government and then vote in brand new leaders to bring back Islamic conservatism?? Clearly they wanted it.
Nat, there are almost no one that will agree with ever single policy of a single party. If people only voted for people they agreed 100% with then there would be either hundreds of uselessly small parties or a party would get to power with almost no one voting for them.
OvA said:
What part of this happened in IRAN do you people not understand!?
Chirst, I'm glad he got banned.
Iran has signed saying they can't sentance a minor to death (under 18 years old at time of crime) yet they continue to do it.

Innocent, guilty, wrong, right. It doesn't matter. They are breaking their word and breaking the rules putting children to death for crimes!

Maybe I can make the difference.

Petition Signed.

13317 Signatures Total.

We need numbers. 15357 more
Raziaar said:
You live in alaska? Where at?

Oh and by the way... the boyfriends took off apparently. What makes you think its a SHAM? Do you think a girl getting gang raped, then managing to kill an attacker is an impossibility?

By sham I mean the story is full of crap. 3 guys pull out of nowhere in front of 4 people, a girl, her cousin and their boyfriends.
The boyfriends jet because they are huge pussies.
3 men on two girls I guess threatening rape, one girl pulls a sharp object out of nowhere and stabs this guy severely enough that he dies, and what happens I guess the other two guys do nothing?

Doesn't add up.

What did she stab him with? How did she do it? Where were they? Where did the boyfriends go?

They aren't telling us something.

Oh and I saw this at the bottom: "She was eventually hanged in public in the northern town of Neka."

So I dunno what you people are petitioning for.
Ryuken, I think you need to read the original post in this thread, click the link, and read it thoroughly.
Proof that some cultures ARE bad and wrong, and there aren't just "no moral wrongs, just different cultures"
@ Ryuken : You should read the article again carefully this time..you must have skimmed it too much
I know its a bit off topic but...


Cool dude... I lived in Eagle River for about 6 years. You know where that is.
_Z_Ryuken said:
Oh and I saw this at the bottom: "She was eventually hanged in public in the northern town of Neka."

So I dunno what you people are petitioning for.

it's concerning another girl

"In August 2004, Iran’s Islamic penal system sentenced a 16-year-old girl, Atefeh Rajabi, to death after a sham trial, in which she was accused of committing “acts incompatible with chastity”.

The teenage victim had no access to a lawyer at any stage and efforts by her family to retain one were to no avail. Atefeh personally defended herself and told the religious judge that he should punish those who force women into adultery, not the victims. She was eventually hanged in public in the northern town of Neka."
Ok I read it again and they named like 3 differnt girls. Kinda confusing.

In any case, realize women's rights are always at a low in the Middle East so I don't see how anyone could be surprised by any of this.

The only thing that surprises me is while being attacked, a teenager was able to fumble a sharp knife from her pocket(?) and stab this guy before he knew what was going on. He must have been a complete moron, probably why he's out raping and pillaging with his buddies. Same goes for the boyfriends. They have no dignity and are living with something far worse than judicial punishment.
15357 said:
However, the rights of a person is not god-given. There are no such things as natural rights. The rights of someone is decided by that someone's regional authority, and the members of that person's society.
Yes, rights are not God-given. I didn't mean to imply anywhere that they were. As I said, we as a society believe those to be rights. It came about from what we felt is moral and good, and over time we have come to accept the idea that women have a right to their own bodies as being right. But there's nothing in nature that says that. Nature, in fact, is quite silent on the issue one way or the other. (And for all other issues that address morality, for that matter)

jerkasaur said:
Twisting Darkside's words to give me some sarcastic-ass remarks
I never said nobody rapes people in America. Did I say that? I must've missed the invisible text where I said that. It's entirely possible I blacked out for a moment and unconciously typed, "Iranians and other <insert expletives and derrogatory racial slurs here> are all horrible rapists and you'd never hear about that kind of shit weekly in America, because we're better than them."

What I was saying, if you'd care to open your brain a little bit before clicking on that "Post Reply" button, was that perhaps, PERHAPS, rape is viewed in a different light over there. Before you go twisting my words again, I am not saying that maybe in Iran rape is viewed as acceptable...I have no idea whether it is or isn't, as I'm not Iranian, have conversed with no Iranians, and being an American I probably couldn't find Iran on a map. What I'm saying is that their culture does view women as inferior; maybe men feel that rape is OK since the woman has no say.

And thank you for quoting my signature. I don't see it often enough, what with it being on every post I make. I should say though that those words apply exclusively to me, and I don't give a damn about my country or the west. If I think my morals are better than someone else's, or a group of people, it's because they are MINE, not my country's.
**** her she was comin on to them it wasnt there fault

nah that scucked up but all kidding aside this sis a sserious case and action should be taken in a perfect world, but realitistically we dont ahve thre resources to wage a way against Iran I would gladly fight to rid the mullahs though **** those crazy idiots.
Sigh, why is it so many people seem to think the only way to effect change is to wage war?

Parrot of doom said:
Sigh, why is it so many people seem to think the only way to effect change is to wage war?


Because, coming from a broken home, violence is the only language they know?
I rarely visit this section of the forum, mainly because stuff like this is so depressing.

I've no sympathy for the guy that got stabbed, but all the sympathy in the world for the poor girl who is going to get hanged for taking the only option she had which wasn't lay down and be raped.

Ignorance is bliss *mooches off back to the games section and replaces head in sand*
its like lay down, let a man shove his penis inside you and receive his dna and get pregnent OR get killed. (Is abortion allowed in iran?)

Abousoulte lack of control for women.

Imagine Some guy raping your wife, and your forced watch and can't do anything about it(Tied up?). But worse because its you its happening to you. Imagine the lack of control you must feel. Powerless!

Thats why rape effects people bad.
She would die either way wouldn't she, if she got herself raped they would sentence her to death because ahw wasn't a virgin anymore, and of she allready had a husband it would be for adultary, like it's her fault.
I do not give a shit if it is their culture, so be it, I will not stop them, but it's still ****ed up.
sHaDdoW said:
its like lay down, let a man shove his penis inside you and receive his dna and get pregnent OR get killed. (Is abortion allowed in iran?)

Abousoulte lack of control for women.

Imagine Some guy raping your wife, and your forced watch and can't do anything about it(Tied up?). But worse because its you its happening to you. Imagine the lack of control you must feel. Powerless!

Thats why rape effects people bad.
Like Grey Fox said- if they guys successfully raped her they'd say she's guilty of adultery and get the same sentence.
Its a big place, the ME. Just in case you didn't know. Lots of countries there, with different rules in each one.

Parrot of doom said:
Its a big place, the ME. Just in case you didn't know. Lots of countries there, with different rules in each one.

ignorance is scary isn't it?
Parrot of doom said:
Its a big place, the ME. Just in case you didn't know. Lots of countries there, with different rules in each one.

Yes and each one worse then the last.
This girl probably would have been hanged even if she didn't kill those dudes. They would have said that she commited sins against chastity and must be punished. *note the pure speculation
Parrot of doom said:
Obviously you have extensive experience?
Do I need to have it, do I need to go to North Korea to know it's ****ed up. What? You do not agree, well then name a country with decent and just laws, name one country that isn't ****ed up in one way or the other.
Parrot of doom said:
What, so N Korea is in the Middle East is it?

Thanks for proving my point.
You know as wel as I do that I was just using the Nk as an example to disprove your point on having to have experience of a country to know it is not allright. Now if you would try to honestly actually argue instead of just looking to insult everyone you do not agree with this thread could move forward.
I haven't been to N.Korea. I don't know anybody that has. The only information that comes out of there is of extremely sketchy quality, and rarely can it be found from an unbiased source.

Its not actually possible to say with any certainty that N.Korea is '****ed up' unless you've been there for any length of time.

Now if you want to continue making broad brush strokes about an area of the world of which you obviously have no direct knowledge, feel free - but please try not to get upset when others point out the ignorance in your posts.

By the way, which part of the world do you hail from?
Too bad North Korea isn't even excepting tourists and when they do one cannot leave the capitol of Pyongyang. There are some either very brave or very stupid NK citizens who are smuggling videos taken from inside the country over the well patroled border into South Korea and China. If you can find them some are pretty graphic, all where taken from a concealed camera. Sorry for derailing the thread.
Parrot of doom said:
I haven't been to N.Korea. I don't know anybody that has. The only information that comes out of there is of extremely sketchy quality, and rarely can it be found from an unbiased source.

Its not actually possible to say with any certainty that N.Korea is '****ed up' unless you've been there for any length of time.

Now if you want to continue making broad brush strokes about an area of the world of which you obviously have no direct knowledge, feel free - but please try not to get upset when others point out the ignorance in your posts.

By the way, which part of the world do you hail from?


-An unbiased source of Information, aka S. Korean goverment's National Intelligence Service
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