teenage Iranian girl to be hanged

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Parrot of doom said:
I haven't been to N.Korea. I don't know anybody that has. The only information that comes out of there is of extremely sketchy quality, and rarely can it be found from an unbiased source.

Its not actually possible to say with any certainty that N.Korea is '****ed up' unless you've been there for any length of time.

Now if you want to continue making broad brush strokes about an area of the world of which you obviously have no direct knowledge, feel free - but please try not to get upset when others point out the ignorance in your posts.

By the way, which part of the world do you hail from?

I have met people who have done humanitarian work in North Korea. Trust me when I say: It IS ****ed up.
I don't entirely trust biased sources - and people who visit a country with the aim of 'helping' aren't exactly going to condone the way it is run.

A visitor from one country to another can easily find a large number of things to critisise. For instance, I love the US, but if I wanted to I could very easily find fault with the gun culture, the drugs, the inherent racism, the bible bashing, the poverty. I could use those problems to base my entire argument that the US is 'a deeply troubled country with major social and welfare issues' if I wanted to create such an argument. I could also point out the lack of democracy in 'the land of the free'.

Sweeping generalisations and stereotyping are worthless arguments.
15357 said:

-An unbiased source of Information, aka S. Korean goverment's National Intelligence Service

You so crazah
Would those actually have been things you would have seen?

Or is it different from whatever it is you guys are taking about..
Parrot of doom said:
I don't entirely trust biased sources - and people who visit a country with the aim of 'helping' aren't exactly going to condone the way it is run.

A visitor from one country to another can easily find a large number of things to critisise. For instance, I love the US, but if I wanted to I could very easily find fault with the gun culture, the drugs, the inherent racism, the bible bashing, the poverty. I could use those problems to base my entire argument that the US is 'a deeply troubled country with major social and welfare issues' if I wanted to create such an argument. I could also point out the lack of democracy in 'the land of the free'.

Sweeping generalisations and stereotyping are worthless arguments.

OK... the fact they weren't allowed out of the embassy complex without armed guards was quite interesting. The lack of electricity and running water for precisely unknown but significant portions of the population through mismanagement sounds a bit crap. The fact that they couldn't talk to any citizens without the individual in question being sent for briefing didn't sound too great. The papers and televisions have nothing of value to anyone with any education, unless you happen to enjoy studying communist propoganda.

I can't be bothered to go on, you're a complete ass if you think that North Korea is desirable in any way as a society and that it's government is a defensible institution.

P.s. Just realised how far off topic this has got...damn you all, and by all I mean you.
Parrot of doom said:
I don't entirely trust biased sources - and people who visit a country with the aim of 'helping' aren't exactly going to condone the way it is run.

A visitor from one country to another can easily find a large number of things to critisise. For instance, I love the US, but if I wanted to I could very easily find fault with the gun culture, the drugs, the inherent racism, the bible bashing, the poverty. I could use those problems to base my entire argument that the US is 'a deeply troubled country with major social and welfare issues' if I wanted to create such an argument. I could also point out the lack of democracy in 'the land of the free'.

Sweeping generalisations and stereotyping are worthless arguments.

The information I have on these countries comes from a variety of newssources and the countries themselves. The Inhumane and unjust laws are not only reported by the BBC but proudly broadcast by the nationas themselves, this is not a matter of looking at it, it's a simple fact. And even if it wasn't, Newssources like the BBC have proven themselves unbiased and reliable over and over again, you can simply deny everything by holding unrealistic standards, and calling everything biased.

As far as your example of the US is deeply flawed, simply because in the same way I could say that I loved Nazi germany, despit you know the little fact that it killed 6 million innocent yews, had no freedom of speach, started world wars.
And use that example to show that the ME isn't so bad.
Or i could see that nazi germany was ****ed ap, as is the US today(the fact that we critisize it so much in the politics forum should have givin you a clue), as is thge middle east. It's not a generalization when every country there tramples on basic human rights it's a fact.
Rupertvdb said:
The lack of electricity and running water for precisely unknown but significant portions of the population through mismanagement sounds a bit crap.

Unknown but significant? Bit of an oxymoron is that. I'll remind you that in the SE of the UK there are currently restrictions on domestic water supplies. Oh no!

You haven't managed to convice me that I should trust your 'friends', and there are places in the world that are far worse than N.Korea. But then again, none of the places I'm thinking about have a Nuclear capability, so they don't count do they? :rolleyes:
Grey Fox said:
The information I have on these countries comes from a variety of newssources and the countries themselves. The Inhumane and unjust laws are not only reported by the BBC but proudly broadcast by the nationas themselves, this is not a matter of looking at it, it's a simple fact. And even if it wasn't, Newssources like the BBC have proven themselves unbiased and reliable over and over again, you can simply deny everything by holding unrealistic standards, and calling everything biased.

As far as your example of the US is deeply flawed, simply because in the same way I could say that I loved Nazi germany, despit you know the little fact that it killed 6 million innocent yews, had no freedom of speach, started world wars.
And use that example to show that the ME isn't so bad.
Or i could see that nazi germany was ****ed ap, as is the US today(the fact that we critisize it so much in the politics forum should have givin you a clue), as is thge middle east. It's not a generalization when every country there tramples on basic human rights it's a fact.

In the UK you can be detained without trial by the authorities, with no access to a solicitor. Or you could board a train quite legally, and be shot in the head - and nobody takes responsibility. In the US, they execute criminals and torture terrorist suspects. They casually side-step the Geneva convention on prisoners of war. Until recently, they practiced segregation of persons based upon race and colour.

So who exactly is inhumane, and unjust?

The BBC isn't an unbiased source. Some of its reports on UK news are laughably ill-informed, rely heavily on government statistics and poor quality journalism. When they actually report the truth as in the Gilligan case, they get their arses whipped into shape by a government that seeks to control every aspect of our lives.

Your example of Nazi Germany has no real bearing upon this argument. Nazi Germany was a dictatorship and died a rather painful death. Its spurious to compare the bad aspects of the US culture to the extermination of the Jews.

Oh, and Germany didn't start any world wars.
Parrot of doom said:
In the UK you can be detained without trial by the authorities, with no access to a solicitor. Or you could board a train quite legally, and be shot in the head - and nobody takes responsibility. In the US, they execute criminals and torture terrorist suspects. They casually side-step the Geneva convention on prisoners of war. Until recently, they practiced segregation of persons based upon race and colour.

So who exactly is inhumane, and unjust?

The BBC isn't an unbiased source. Some of its reports on UK news are laughably ill-informed, rely heavily on government statistics and poor quality journalism. When they actually report the truth as in the Gilligan case, they get their arses whipped into shape by a government that seeks to control every aspect of our lives.

Your example of Nazi Germany has no real bearing upon this argument. Nazi Germany was a dictatorship and died a rather painful death. Its spurious to compare the bad aspects of the US culture to the extermination of the Jews.

Oh, and Germany didn't start any world wars.
Yes it did, it started them two times allready or purposefully provoked them.
It's spuriouse to compare bad aspects of culture of the US to the extermination of the jews, but that was not the point of the comparison, the point was to show that taking one bad/****ed up country you love and saying that because that country is so bad it excuse other countries. So the comparison still stands.
The BBC is one of the most informed and objective newssources of the world, they get their news and crossrefference it with news from AP and reuters, the statistics are checked for their authenticity and methodology. And are more often then not done by independent organizations who specialise in statistiecal sampling, organizations which are hired by the government, but also by business. Plus the BBC reveals where it's statistics come from.

I don't understand why you keep bringing up the US, I allready said it's ****ed up, that you still love it is your thing. Britting has it's share of unjustness too, but's the unjust actions and laws are the exeption not the rule, and they atleast are prone to public scruteny. Even the US still has free speach, and the segregation was abolished more then half a century ago, which is not recent by any means.
Still both are a farcry from the bruatlity which is the rule not the exeption in the ME. It's as you would say spurious at best to compare the west with the ME.
Ok if I translated that correctly, you basically are living in cloud cukoo land. I'll let you have the last word.
you know, as horrible as it sounds, i can only read the thread title as "teenage Iranian girl to be banged."
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