Terminator Salvation - Theatrical Trailer 2

This is awesome, I'm extremely excited about it. It looks like it will be a great movie. Great find! :)
That does look pretty decent....Not sure about 9 dollar a head decent...but I'd rent it.
John looks like such an amateur. He thinks he so tough. We dur... I think we know for the bazzilionth time that they are all destined for death.. now why don't you shut up and save the world pffhh!
AWESOME!!!!! yes I am seeing this movie!

Also: Watch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles on Fox Friday at 8/7central. Its a great show that adds a lot to the T universe.
yeah is he being paid to promote terminator?
saw the newest trailer in theatres this evening....
consider me psyched!
This movie is gonna be soooo good...hopefully! Awesome trailer.
Saw a trailer for this at Watchmen the other night, looked quite good. I hadn't looked into this at all 'coz the last Terminator was pretty bad, but I'm looking forward to this now.
Actually looks pretty awesome. Glad they're getting into the post-apocalypse war finally, the opening scene of T2 is one of my favourite of all time.
I think it looks pretty great. I still need to see Terminator 2 in full(seen parts of it, mainly the second half, a million times, but never in full. At least not when I was old enough to understand it.), and Terminator 3 despite the mixed reviews that got.
While watching Terminator III, I was nearly dying. Now that Terminator IV is on the way I might actually die. Scratch that, I will die.

RIP Terminator I & II.
It's officially PG-13.

Warner Bros. can suck a cock.

gay, i hate this "lets get more money but kill the hardcore crowd" shit that goes on. Same with the meh Die Hard 4
I'm probably the only Die Hard fan who liked Die Hard 4. Other than the absolutely ridiculous F-35 scene and the retarded semi-censoring of "mother****er", it was a pretty good action flick. No Die Hard, but pretty enjoyable.
I'm probably the only Die Hard fan who liked Die Hard 4. Other than the absolutely ridiculous F-35 scene and the retarded semi-censoring of "mother****er", it was a pretty good action flick. No Die Hard, but pretty enjoyable.

I also liked die hard 4 actually.
Is this Arnie is Salvation? It's definitely a CG arnie, but is it for the film do you think?

I remember reading somewhere that he okay'd the use of his likeness in the movie. So I'm thinking real actor, CGI face.
Judging from that review, the movie will probably be just good or ok, one of the two
As long as it is better than T3 I will be happy :)

I think it will be, most reports coming from the press that have seen it (that review, Empire magazine) say it's actually pretty good. Although I'm in no way expecting Terminator 2 I'm hoping it will be a good addition to the franchise.
Ah have empire reviewed it? Not that I believe all their reviews though :P (they did give indy 4 a higher score than iron man and they said eagle eye was good)

I'm surpised McG might actually have made a good film for once :)
It might be alright, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Trailers look pretty meh.
£1 says they overcomplicate things with 'is he/she a good/bad terminator/human'?!! Really, who gives a **** about that? I may be jumping the gun, but Hollywood has a tendancy for this kind of bollocks and it's always shite.

Take a burnt out city, put T100s everywhere, have the humans hiding like rats, and have skulls being crushed in machine tracks. That's all that's needed for a great Terminator movie.
Ah have empire reviewed it? Not that I believe all their reviews though :P (they did give indy 4 a higher score than iron man and they said eagle eye was good)

I'm surpised McG might actually have made a good film for once :)

Nah, just previewed, but they said they watched a good portion of the film and thought it was "very good".
The films IMDB page is already carrying a vote of 8.9/10 with 1321 votes. I thought it hadn't opened yet so how could this many people have seen it?
Hopeful Terminator fanboys/girls probably.
I'm going to be seeing an advanced screening tomorrow, so I'll let you guys know my impressions.