Terror attack in Spain: 173 dead.

That is kind of out of context, and I found out Spain is already apart of the war on terror.
Our hearts are with those who are suffering.

Retribution I deem will be swift.
The Mullinator said:
As for the other country (im assuming Haiti) there has been almost no arguments to the US sending in troops there.

john kerry sure does.
John Kerry is against anything that involves sending troops anywhere even when its a good idea.

Besides, even though Im not American I suspect most of you guys were alright with sending military to Haiti considering what was happening there.
Why do so many think more about the rights of a terrorists(Who aren't considered as POWs by the Geneva Convention.), than the rights of a soldier from their own country? How come none were complaining about the soldiers executed or starved in Iraq?
Because they look for every excuse they can to say bad things about the US. At least thats what alot of them do.
Fat Tony! said:
Rilcon, u need to lighten up people have been killed but you cant do anything about it, give dawdler a break we need people like him to lighten up you fools. And zeus, in my opinion the american army have misused their power and shouldnt had gone into afganastan i agree with iraq but not afgan and erm that other place which is recent. Also they dont treat prisoners of war properly and its discraceful. I think people care to much about terrorists and restrictions should be dropped. so annoying i can understand why terrorists attack sometimes

people from Afgan flew planes into 2 of the worlds (yes the world for economic reasons) most imporant buildings. but we have no right to invade them? are you stupid or something? they kill thousands of our poeple and we as a country should all just say "yeah it was wrong but we have no right to retalliate". yeah real smart comment you jerka**. get your dads popsicle out of your a** and start thinking with the brain above your shoulders not the one you sit and fart on.
gh0st said:
john kerry sure does.
Show me proof of john kerry being against sending troops to haiti, I've never heard of it.
Oh and I don't think he has a problem sending troops anywhere, he voted YES to go to Iraq (under the impression that the intellegence was correct and Saddam was an immediate threat to the safety of the US which we now know otherwise))
And if you sympathise more for a terrorist than your own country men, thats just sad. People who murder innocent men, women, and children, for no reason are just plain sick neanderthals and should be treated as such. Beat them with sticks for all I care, they deserve it. I have no problems with the way our soldiers treat their POWs (but as ghostvalkyrie said, terrorists are not considered POW under the geneva convention, they are merely murders) The only thing that irks me is american citezens having their rights stripped from them, being held "indefinately", allowed no lawyer, or trial by jury for being classified a terrorist, or terrorist supporter. In when the administration makes the accusation and detains a citizen they don't even have to have proof because its a "threat to national security"... Now thats scary if you ask me. They could simply say that someone who is anti-government and speaking out, is a terror supporter and detain them. Abolishing any desent that may arrise, sounds like tatics you would hear about in nazi germany in WW2. If you can't at least draw the similarities from that, you are just blind.

(just so you know, I don't really care that much for john kerry either)
Innervision961 said:
Show me proof of john kerry being against sending troops to haiti, I've never heard of it.
Oh and I don't think he has a problem sending troops anywhere, he voted YES to go to Iraq (under the impression that the intellegence was correct and Saddam was an immediate threat to the safety of the US which we now know otherwise))
And if you sympathise more for a terrorist than your own country men, thats just sad. People who murder innocent men, women, and children, for no reason are just plain sick neanderthals and should be treated as such. Beat them with sticks for all I care, they deserve it. I have no problems with the way our soldiers treat their POWs (but as ghostvalkyrie said, terrorists are not considered POW under the geneva convention, they are merely murders) The only thing that irks me is american citezens having their rights stripped from them, being held "indefinately", allowed no lawyer, or trial by jury for being classified a terrorist, or terrorist supporter. In when the administration makes the accusation and detains a citizen they don't even have to have proof because its a "threat to national security"... Now thats scary if you ask me. They could simply say that someone who is anti-government and speaking out, is a terror supporter and detain them. Abolishing any desent that may arrise, sounds like tatics you would hear about in nazi germany in WW2. If you can't at least draw the similarities from that, you are just blind.

(just so you know, I don't really care that much for john kerry either)

(a note for my previous comment, i meant disagreeing with bush, as in his timetable for that particular deployment: which we shouldent have done anyway, sorry)
john kerry is a fraud, he has 2 faces for any given issue. frankly, he doesnt know if he's for or against the war(s) (also including the persian gulf, which he was for, then later against). also, as a senator, he had access to the CIA's and other intelligence organizations saying that evidence for war was skeptical.

in regards to your other points, john kerry also voted for the patriot act, which (if you actually READ what it is) isnt as terrible as what people make it out to be http://www.epic.org/privacy/terrorism/hr3162.html.

edit: and theres a whole other argument for that iraq war being unecessary crap.
edit2: 193 have died in this particular attack (thus far)
Our spanish class was supposed to takea field trip to spain this spring break, this happened in the same plaza that our hotel would be in :(
In case you didn't know, the group that claimed responsability in the name of al-quaeda also claimed responsability for the power outage in the US a few months ago, so I wouldn't really be trusting what they say.

On the tape, it's a comercially available tape. It should be noted that eta member otegi was very quick to suggest 'arab resistance', and that the tape was found only when an anonimous call was made about a suspicious van.
More things to ponder. The van with 500kg of explosives intercepted two weeks ago carried all the necessary materials to fabricate bombs, except detonators. This new van found yesterday carried seven detonators, and no other bomb making materials.

This attack also comes almost a year after eta's political wing, of which otegui was leader, was banned.
If John Kerry wanted to send troops into Haiti it would to help keep that drug lord murderer of a dictator in power. That guy tortured and killed his own citizens and for some reason there are so many of our politicians who wanted to keep that illegitimate ruler in power.

Also, as far as fighting terrorism John Kerry has stated he thinks Al Queda and terrorism is a local police problem for the states to fight not a national military problem.
Pitbul said:
people from Afgan flew planes into 2 of the worlds (yes the world for economic reasons) most imporant buildings. but we have no right to invade them? are you stupid or something? they kill thousands of our poeple and we as a country should all just say "yeah it was wrong but we have no right to retalliate". yeah real smart comment you jerka**. get your dads popsicle out of your a** and start thinking with the brain above your shoulders not the one you sit and fart on.
Well ure rant was amusing :P. People get killed but u dont go and have a war about it, the tower thing was bad but not exactly terrible. More people died in the afgan war then the twin towers. anyway it was just the terrorists way of saying the government are a load of bast***s.
Right Fat Tony, the terrorists have a problem with the government. :rolleyes: If we only the US changed their foreing policies and Isreal left Palestine alone then all the problem of terrorism would go away in the US, Spain, England, Isreal, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Chechnya, Algeria, Sudan, Congo, Phillipines, India, ect.

I guess you missed the memo where the guys have stated their goal is to convert the world to Islam and the only way Islam has suceeded in ruling society is through force. They have a pretty little picture that goes along with it that shows the Earth with the Middle East centered and a sword through the globe. Its real charming. You should have received the memo along with the TPS reports. :P
Ben, stfu. Quite simply. The aim of those terrorists was to bring the world to it's knees. So, shut up mate. Oh, and how much do you know about Afgahnistan huh?

(Apologies for this kind of flame, but I know the guy and what he's like. )
How do you know this eh then?. This doesnt sound like something a moderator should say. Simular to ghostval, hmm.
Ben. Shush :E

Anyway, we know the aim of Al Queda becuase they broadcast it. Anyway.
Total number of people killed has gone up to 199 :(

I don't see how terrorists can justify this kind of attack.
If we didn't goto Afghanistan we would be raped by terrorists. I am sure the body count would have been easily in the millions. We can't negotiate with terrorists, so the only option was war.
Well..... i suppose ure sorta right ill give u that one. I didnt think of it in that way
I'm not pro kerry, just for the record (I said that in my other post, if anyone cared to read that much :D) I am however, anti bush foreign policy. All these presidents come from the same club, there is no lesser evil. But they may have different policies on different things. Sometimes you agree and sometimes you disagree simple as that... Right now, i disagree (wish edwards was still in the reace TBH)
My condolencies to all Spanish people, Spain is a second home to me and I would never like to see any Spanish, or other people hurt in any way.

This reminds me that I was in Spain once and ETA bombed a "Queen Burger" in Torrebieja (sp) which is the closest town to where I live in Spain. No-one was hurt (to my knowledge) but that was scary enough, but this...this is terrible.
I'm kinda spanish, I'm more Catalonian though. Catalonia sepratists aren't connected to ETA.
its a regional spanish dialect for "basque(land) and liberty"
GhostValkyrie said:
Why do so many think more about the rights of a terrorists(Who aren't considered as POWs by the Geneva Convention.), than the rights of a soldier from their own country? How come none were complaining about the soldiers executed or starved in Iraq?

For me its becuase our current republican goverment milked it for every cent it was worth politically. Our soldiers deserve better.
yeah what does jessica lynch have to do with terrorists in guantanamo bay?

oh thats right: not a damn thing. are you on crack?
waedoe said:
another reason why france is usless, they cant even stop terrorists... wait i dont even think they try.
You, good sir, are an idiot.