TF2 Beta unlock time

hey maybe so... I would be lying if I said I'm never gonna buy another Valve product...

but believe me when I say this is the last time I buy something off this STEAM bullshiz... Much rather wait til the retail release and then have the disk than deal with this crap again
*three thousand trained dancing weasels*

*two hundred thousand gun salute*

*one million-strong orchestra-army*

*enough fireworks to wipe Bulgaria off the map*

TF2 is ****ING RELEASED, *****es!!

Oh, wait, nevermind...that's my alarm.

*everything grinds to a halt*
You know,

Some guy on the forums is saying how Valve has actually been hacked, the source code was removed and content for EP2 has to be recovered from backups or some such. Says he heard about it from a private Usenet board. Either the guy is being mislead/being a dick... or this would explain the absence of TF2 and no comment by Valve.

'Course, could be nothing more than someone forgetting to flick the TF2 switch before leaving for the night. :)
hey maybe so... I would be lying if I said I'm never gonna buy another Valve product...

but believe me when I say this is the last time I buy something off this STEAM bullshiz... Much rather wait til the retail release and then have the disk than deal with this crap again

This makes little sense. This is the beta, maybe something screwed up, when the full version is released, it is released when they say its supposed to.
This won't be the last time I buy off steam, it will be the last time I sit idly by expecting to see it any minute, next time I'll just play it a day later then everyone else.
I got a e-mail back from Gabe!

Waiting on a Linux dedicated server issue.

From: Kori
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 7:44 PM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: TF2 Beta?

Hey Gabe, any word on the TF2 beta?

- Kori

But seriously it's 11:10pm where I live and there's quite a few time zones after me. Not to mention that I'm sure your life would go on even after you had to wait a whole extra day to play a video game that you're getting a few weeks early and for five dollars less than the standard price.
I'm not particularly bothered about it. I'm just saying - keeping to deadlines is good business. Looks more professional than what Valve normally does. Even if the world's not gonna end with it being a day late (assuming no hacking was involved), it's the principle of the thing I suppose.
Well there's 4 hours left in Valve's timezone until Tuesday so by then if they still don't have the beta then something's wrong :(
I didn't even think they were going to release the linux DS right away anyway...
Waiting for f***tards to stfu

From: Kori
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 7:44 PM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: TF2 Beta?

Hey Gabe, any word on the TF2 beta?

- Kori
hey maybe so... I would be lying if I said I'm never gonna buy another Valve product...

but believe me when I say this is the last time I buy something off this STEAM bullshiz... Much rather wait til the retail release and then have the disk than deal with this crap again
What's the bullshiz, really? The fact that you proceeded to ASSUME that it would have a release before YOUR time zone's midnight, and stayed up late and proceeded to wait, now knowing how long you could possibly wait. Or is it that you don't have to leave your house, it's much faster to install, it's cheaper, it comes with a free mini game, or part of the deal comes several weeks earlier.
If you go on to the steam community website and search valve you should find the valve steam community group as one of the first results. Wont let me post the link for whatever reason.
This makes little sense. This is the beta, maybe something screwed up, when the full version is released, it is released when they say its supposed to.

Makes perfect since to me... I'd rather have a box. I went for digital distribution cause I figured it would be more "streamlined" and "faster" when it is the contrary. They promised the 17th and in a few hours they will not have fulfilled that promise. Beta or retail I purchased for the 17th. I can shit in a box and call it a "beta" but if I promised it on a certain date then the consumer expects on that date.

Therefore I'm going to exercise the capitalist practice of not buying from a service that has disappointed me in the past. If I did then when this happens again it's only my fault. People will say "you need to understand that they are working the bugs out" or "they are just making sure its perfect." Well thats all well and good but my money is now involved, and when I pay for the 17th thats what I expect.

But again this all hinges on whether or not they deliver before the 17th is over with.
Ok, the hacking idea was total rubbish it turns out. Bastards.

As for the time it's taking for the beta to appear, someone pointed out something rather useful:

It's taken roughly 8 years to release TF2 - another day or so is not gonna mean much. :)
Just a heads up for all you; I'm about to bust a nut so stand at a distance.
I don't know if you guys release this but Valve still has about 2 and a half hours before the "release" is late.
Makes perfect since to me... I'd rather have a box. I went for digital distribution cause I figured it would be more "streamlined" and "faster" when it is the contrary. They promised the 17th and in a few hours they will not have fulfilled that promise. Beta or retail I purchased for the 17th. I can shit in a box and call it a "beta" but if I promised it on a certain date then the consumer expects on that date.

Therefore I'm going to exercise the capitalist practice of not buying from a service that has disappointed me in the past. If I did then when this happens again it's only my fault. People will say "you need to understand that they are working the bugs out" or "they are just making sure its perfect." Well thats all well and good but my money is now involved, and when I pay for the 17th thats what I expect.

But again this all hinges on whether or not they deliver before the 17th is over with.

Keep in mind that if you had bought retail, you would have to wait until October 11th in order to play Team Fortress 2. It's because you're buying through Steam that the September 17th date was even an option.

If you buy it over Steam, you're getting it almost a month early. Twelve hours (or however long it is) won't kill you. :)
Wow, I love how you guys are crying over a BETA!!!! Something that we are getting not because we are entitled, but because the guys at Valve are awesome enough to give you the privilege of playing the game early. Do something more constructive than troll forums to whine.
Makes perfect since to me... I'd rather have a box. I went for digital distribution cause I figured it would be more "streamlined" and "faster" when it is the contrary. They promised the 17th and in a few hours they will not have fulfilled that promise. Beta or retail I purchased for the 17th. I can shit in a box and call it a "beta" but if I promised it on a certain date then the consumer expects on that date.

Therefore I'm going to exercise the capitalist practice of not buying from a service that has disappointed me in the past. If I did then when this happens again it's only my fault. People will say "you need to understand that they are working the bugs out" or "they are just making sure its perfect." Well thats all well and good but my money is now involved, and when I pay for the 17th thats what I expect.

But again this all hinges on whether or not they deliver before the 17th is over with.

Fair point, personally I thought of this as a bonus, I didnt purchase it specifically for the 17th.
Wow, I love how you guys are crying over a BETA!!!! Something that we are getting not because we are entitled, but because the guys at Valve are awesome enough to give you the privilege of playing the game early. Do something more constructive than troll forums to whine.

The people who get to play TF2 beta have already bought the game. This isn't like some other games which have had open betas - this is open provided you spend money first. I don't see that as a privilege.
OMGFZMOGOGGGO It's people! GO AND I'll See you on the other side..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................not
Keep in mind that if you had bought retail, you would have to wait until October 11th in order to play Team Fortress 2. It's because you're buying through Steam that the September 17th date was even an option.

If you buy it over Steam, you're getting it almost a month early. Twelve hours (or however long it is) won't kill you. :)

oh trust me, I understand all that, and look forward to when it finally does get released. Valve makes great products, and it was a good offer.

But it's just a matter of accountability. If no one held them accountable then all you do is open yourself up to have this happen again and again. Therefore I will not participate in Steam purchases again because I don't approve of their business practices. If you want to then by all means thats your prerogative.

(again this is all assuming that in a few hours nothing happens)

I think the real problem is that people will just forget about this, and Valve knows it, and thats why they don't give a damn.

The people who get to play TF2 beta have already bought the game. This isn't like some other games which have had open betas - this is open provided you spend money first. I don't see that as a privilege.

It's a priviledge because we aren't playing the full game, we are playing a beta. It's not hard to understand, really. Also, it's not Tuesday yet where Valve is located, so let's wait until it's officially Tuesday before you guys get your FUPAs out of place.