TF2 Beta unlock time

7:06 am. 2 hours of sleep, no beta

thanks valve, you make me tired!!

( not my fault :O )
I was feeling it to guys ..I really was then i l raised my leg and to my sirprise twas only gas !! :P
Friend came back and forums are alive again!
PatrickM from Valve just confirmed that linux binaries are ready and being uploaded to content servers.

Approx. 20 mins to go. Not much guys :)
NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need tips on how to keep friend awake!
Not really fussed and all, just wondering if Valve are waiting to release it or if there's a problem? I don't mind waiting like a week or whatever for TF2 beta... but I did give them my money early so that I could play... hm... Anyone got any info on when abouts we can load it up?

Cheers :thumbs:

I'll only have time to mess about for a bit, but should be fun. Random class gogogo.
finished my homework, masturbated, must take a shower and come back in time

94% pre-loaded, LOL

will it make it in time????
Hello All-

I have to share some bad news - we will not have a Linux dedicated
server available for download tonight. We've been crunching really hard
but there are still issues that prevent us from shipping it tonight. We
will continue to work on until it is available, but for now the only
dedicated servers available will be running Windows.

I'll post updates to the lists as soon as I have more info. Thank you
very much for your patience. And again, we are sorry for missing this

-Best Regards,
Mike Durand

These things happen.

Dont know when that was posted but i guess they crunched it out!
K this forum moves fast... info was posted before I could post my earlier comment...

So 20 minutes... awesome!! As I just got home from uni :cheers:
'7am the next day' YAHOOOOO!!!! HERE WE GO EVERYBODY!!