The Administrator ...

Here he is!


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holy shit, rofl! I totally expected something like that too, but it still took me by surprise :eek:
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
The Administrator - Hello, Gordon.

Gordon - ...

The Administrator - I am the Administrator. I've been waiting for you. You have many questions, and although the process has altered your consciousness, you remain irrevocably human. Ergo, some of my answers you will understand, and some of them you will not. Concordantly, while your first question may be the most pertinent, you may or may not realize it is also the most irrelevant.

Gordon - ...

The Administrator - Your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the Half-Life. You are the eventuality of an anomaly, which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision. While it remains a burden assiduously avoided, it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control. Which has led you, inexorably, here.

Gordon - ...

The Administrator - Quite right. Interesting. That was quicker than the others.

* Gordon releases snarks into the room.

Lol. Well done. You have the movie on bootleg or kazaa? I love that part... The 1st time I saw it I was like... whoa.
I was extremely disapppointed by Revolutions. Kung-fu fighting? what the hell, it looked like some kind of Jet li movie! What ever happened to all the great cinematic gun fights of the first Matrix?

Anyhow I just realized I've played HL1 more than a dozen times and I haven't once listened to the scientist's hysterical babble, I had no clue what you guys were talking about until I read the audio transcript.
According to the transcript: the Gman is the administrator but that can't be.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
I was extremely disapppointed by Revolutions. Kung-fu fighting? what the hell, it looked like some kind of Jet li movie! What ever happened to all the great cinematic gun fights of the first Matrix?

I wondered the same. I was expecting the good ol' Matrix fights, but they had kong fu :/

The first Matrix was completely balanced. They had enough fighting scenes as well as philosophy.

In Matrix: Reloaded they had too much fighting/running away scenes, that didn't look quite like the Matrix's, but like Terminator's.

I love the talking in Matrix.

back to the topic:
Maybe the administrator is something from xen? :p
Um.. well, on that transcript site it says the G-man is the Administrator:
"Administrator: Gordon Freeman in the flesh. Or rather, in the hazard suit. I took the liberty of relieving you of your weapons; most of them were government property. As for the suit, I think you’ve earned it. The borderworld, Xen, is in our control for the time being, thanks to you. Quite a nasty piece of work you managed over there. I am impressed."

I dunno.. maybe the guy/girl who wrote it just assumed the G-man was the Admin?
As far as I was aware the administrator and the g-man are one in the same.

I would actually find it kind of stupid if they changed that - because it's obvious in several portions of the original it's one in the same person - this is just putting on an extra stupid un-needed spin (just like re-loaded)

my opinion anyhow.
I've always assumed that the G-Man was The Administrator, and so I kinda hope he is (we could've misinterpreted Laidlaw, maybe?). But if he's not, well... Let's see.

As far as the Matrix goes... That scene was awful. all of a sudden explaining the entire bloody thing - poorly, I might add - and supposedly not giving any leeway for anything other than failure.
In the next film, I want the Oracle to tell Neo that the Architect is just a jumped-up old fool with delusions of grandeur who doesn't actually control things any more. But that won't happen. Probably Smith will be the new variable to tip the equation or something ridiculous.
Anyway, the Matrix doesn't get destroyed at the end of Revolutions, you realise?
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
I was extremely disapppointed by Revolutions. Kung-fu fighting? what the hell, it looked like some kind of Jet li movie! What ever happened to all the great cinematic gun fights of the first Matrix?
i think it's really cool when you think of it, actually. since bullets can be stopped in air, guns don't make much sense anymore. the only way to kill someone is by doing so in a fist fight.

i dont think they changed it, just that the guy who wrote the script assumed it.
The g-man does not run the show. remember he had to talk to his employers just to keep shepard alive.
Originally posted by @bel
[offtopic]i think it's really cool when you think of it, actually. since bullets can be stopped in air, guns don't make much sense anymore. the only way to kill someone is by doing so in a fist fight.[/offtopic]

It's a matter of personal opinion, I really liked the gun fights, kung fu is just not my cup of tea : /
personally I'd rather watch Kung Fu fights rather than gun fights, they're just more interesting IMO...but than again I am a martial artist IRL :cool:
Either they changed it, or someone misinformed Gearbox Software many years ago. Otherwise the guy who let it slip on the Sierra Op4 forums that "Gman=Administrator" wouldn't have been so worried about getting his buddy at Gearbox fired. Luckily everyone on the forum was already pretty sure that the Gman was the Administrator, so it wasn't really that big of a deal..

But now we have this.. Interesting...

Jeremy Dunn
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
It's a matter of personal opinion, I really liked the gun fights, kung fu is just not my cup of tea : /
i like gun fights more than the kung fu as well, but i also really like the idea behind it. (the kung fu that is)
Originally posted by Lobster
I hope it doesnt turn out like the matrix reloaded and all the dark conspiracy stuff suddenly gets blown open and explained (rather craply) to u by the administrator/architect.
The Matrix: Reloaded was all the crap the Wachowski Bros. were smart enough to leave out of the first one. But I don't think this will be a problem with Half-Life 2. Valve seems genuinely interested in continuing the story and expanding the gameplay possibilities instead of just cashing in on a flash in the pan success.
Originally posted by @bel

i think it's really cool when you think of it, actually. since bullets can be stopped in air, guns don't make much sense anymore. the only way to kill someone is by doing so in a fist fight.

If someone is invulnerable to bullets, what makes you think fists would be any more effective? The first Matrix film worked fine because they didn't try to over-explain stuff. The filmmakers basically said, "Look, we know it doesn't really make sense, but just play along, o.k.?" Then comes the second film where they tried to fill in all the gaps and ended up with an unsatisfying mess. I have no desire to see the conclussion.

Now Star Wars: Episode III on the other hand... :bounce:
well well

Looks like i was right all the time...

I always assumed that the gman and the administrator were two different beings. And I was RIGHT!! THAT IS GREAT!

There was evidence on this in the three games anyway, we can discuss on this if you like.
G-Man = Government man?

So maybe the admin is just a step up the ladder and his boss. Cause I don't expect that the G-Man is the most powerfull guy, there must be someone higher than him.

Maybe Gordon and G-Man turn against the Admin in City 17 somehow with his combine army?
Originally posted by PvtRyan
Maybe Gordon and G-Man turn against the Admin

Are you insane? and risk a permanent ban? heh : )
The administrator has a big metal hand and pets his cat with it, we only get to see the back of his chair though.
Originally posted by Ralphus
The administrator has a big metal hand and pets his cat with it, we only get to see the back of his chair though.

Go go Gadget HEV Suit.
The G-man and The administrator are not the same person.

Excerpt from the Laidlaw interview:

The G-Man is not to be confused with "The Administrator," who was mentioned in the original Half-Life, but won't actually be seen until Half-Life 2.
Originally posted by FortisVir
The G-man and The administrator are not the same person.

Excerpt from the Laidlaw interview:

Yes however, what people are saying here is that in the original HL, the G-Man was most likely the Administrator. Now that the story is being fleshed out in HL2, they decided to make them seperate characters.
Originally posted by Claws
Yes however, what people are saying here is that in the original HL, the G-Man was most likely the Administrator. Now that the story is being fleshed out in HL2, they decided to make them seperate characters.

Ah I see...

Well, I had always assumed they were 2 different people anyway :dozey:

Thanks for clearing that up.
They never said in the original Half Life that the administrator was the G-Man they only ever hinted at it and everyone just assumed he was.

I am actually quite annoyed that Laidlaw has said that because that would have been a great surprise in the story. I personally don't see why people have a problem with this i think it is a good twist.

moving onto to what has seemed to become the topic when i saw Reloaded i bought too big a drink and for the last 30mins i was wriggling about in my seat not wanting to leave for the loo cause i knew i would miss something important to whole triology. So by the time he reached the room with the screens i was worried about wetting myself and so didn't get a word of what he said :cheese: oh well i'll have to wait for the DVD. I thought it was a great film (not quite as a good as the first but still excellent)
Originally posted by Mad_Eejit
They never said in the original Half Life that the administrator was the G-Man they only ever hinted at it and everyone just assumed he was.

I am actually quite annoyed that Laidlaw has said that because that would have been a great surprise in the story. I personally don't see why people have a problem with this i think it is a good twist.

Yes, they never confirmed that they are the same person, this is why it is ok that they turn out to be 2 different people. You're right, they should've kept it as a surprise.
I'm sure I remember the G-man referring to his "employers" in some of his dialogue... this would imply that there are people in whatever organisation he's involved in, who are higher up than he is. I've always considered it possible that the administrator was the G-man's 'boss'.

As for reloaded: most people really missed all the intricacies of the storyline. I think after seeing the third film, and watching through the trilogy again, people are going to start realising the importance of various characters, scenes and dialogue in reloaded. There's actually a lot of plot there. People just didn't pick up on it, perhaps because they were too distracted by (or too eagerly anticipating) the uber-visual-effect action scenes.
Originally posted by Lobster
I hope it doesnt turn out like the matrix reloaded and all the dark conspiracy stuff suddenly gets blown open and explained (rather craply) to u by the administrator/architect.

That would suck ...

Complely agee, the Matrix sequel didn't make any sense at all. Now it's just gotten too complicated for me to even care. Hopefully, this won't happen to HL2. As long as they don't let don't make the plot too complex it should be ok, or too over-the-top like MGS2.
Matrix reloaded wasn't that difficult imo and was very cool...

Hmmz... they should kept it secret, I thought they were one and the same, but they're not... Ok :) We'll see how it works out
Originally posted by Xrenity
Matrix reloaded wasn't that difficult imo and was very cool...
Way too big for its boots and thought it was far cleverer than it was and in all the pompous explanation tripped on its own poorly-tied shoelaces and ended up making very little sense. Silly film.

Meanwhile, on topic...
I'm all a bit worried now about The Administator. What if the G-Man's boss (and I assume that's who he is) is rubbish and it all spirals into this stupid conspiracy theory-heavy nonsense and completely disebgages itself from all that's made it great.
Oh Christ, even if the game's elements are all great, a plot-twist like that would be its complete and utter undoing.
Oh dear, now I'm worried.
It's obvious, looking at the original, that there will be some conspiracy stuff in the game but i think it will be things such as there being "G-men" placed in the government to control everything that goes on in US and partially the world.

Speaking of the Matrix could you imagine if this game ended on a cliff hanger. I don't know if i would be annoyed or not with that, it depends how long it would be to HL3.
Originally posted by el Chi
Way too big for its boots and thought it was far cleverer than it was and in all the pompous explanation tripped on its own poorly-tied shoelaces and ended up making very little sense. Silly film.

Meanwhile, on topic...
I'm all a bit worried now about The Administator. What if the G-Man's boss (and I assume that's who he is) is rubbish and it all spirals into this stupid conspiracy theory-heavy nonsense and completely disebgages itself from all that's made it great.
Oh Christ, even if the game's elements are all great, a plot-twist like that would be its complete and utter undoing.
Oh dear, now I'm worried.

How is something that big supposed to make sense.

Wtf was the architect supposed to say? "Oh yeah dude , almost forgot , youre the 7th "One". You have to pick 14 other dudes and chicks to go into the new matrix , were shutting the old one down and deleting Zion. So uh , yeah , Ill just sit here while you decide dude."
Originally posted by Mad_Eejit
It's obvious, looking at the original, that there will be some conspiracy stuff in the game but i think it will be things such as there being "G-men" placed in the government to control everything that goes on in US and partially the world.

Speaking of the Matrix could you imagine if this game ended on a cliff hanger. I don't know if i would be annoyed or not with that, it depends how long it would be to HL3.
I hope it will be LONG to Half-Life 3, so the mod community for HL2 can last for another 5 years, and they come up with something totally supercool
Originally posted by Mad_Eejit
It's obvious, looking at the original, that there will be some conspiracy stuff in the game but i think it will be things such as there being "G-men" placed in the government to control everything that goes on in US and partially the world.

Speaking of the Matrix could you imagine if this game ended on a cliff hanger. I don't know if i would be annoyed or not with that, it depends how long it would be to HL3.
I'm going to hate it if there are loads of G-MEN. Worst thing is, I know you're probably right. And HL2 is ending on a cliff-hanger. It's been said already and let's face it - it HAD to.

Dmitiri - I'm not saying they should have skipped through it - I'm just saying I thought that bit was arse, and that when it got so convoluted was one of that film's greatest failings for me (and there were dozens of failings) and ruined the previous film for me a bit. I hated that whole bit and that whole direction the plot took. Quite blatantly an afterthought by the Wachowski bros who suddenly believed the hype around their ever-swelling heads.
Although I like your idea of the Architect being a stoned surfer dude rather than a Colonel Sanders look-alike. Dude shoulda been there with a big f*ckin bucket of chicken.
I'll be interested to see the third one... where the plot goes. Although as we all know, it'll end with a new Matrix... Or something along those lines.
Ph and you realise that the "Real World's" well... not real.
Originally posted by Claws
Yes however, what people are saying here is that in the original HL, the G-Man was most likely the Administrator. Now that the story is being fleshed out in HL2, they decided to make them seperate characters.
That's not what Marc Laidlaw seems to be saying.
If there is going to be lots of G-Men i don't think it will be to bad as long as they don't make them look all the same, just the same speech problem, the thing with the letter s.

This would also lead to the G-Man probably being an alien, which i know a lot of people have said they don't want, or maybe he could be part of some underground group trying to take over the US government and then the world. Cliché alert.
Originally posted by Logic
As for reloaded: most people really missed all the intricacies of the storyline.
How could anybody have missed them? Every single important (and often not so important) plot point was reiterated at least three times. I mean, just how many times did we need to hear a lecture about cause and effect and the illusion of choice anyway? The problem is, without a good narrative and engaging characters, there was nothing for the Wachowski's to hang their premise on and the movie felt flat and uninteresting because of it. Not to mention, it completely invalidated the whole first film.
I'm betting theAdministrator is a woman. They could use another female character in the game. So far Alyx seems the only one.