The Arena

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Ah fooey.

/me takes out SpuD Madness Interactive style, in bullettime, with a Grenade Launcher.

Now what's with this cross on my face?
They tried to hold us down, it didn't work... it's back... with permission...


No excessive spamming please, and all posts must contain an action :)

Thank you... and goodbye :D
/me jumps around and slaps random people

Its alive!!! alive!!!!

/me sits down

Where is everyone? isnt anyone interested?
/me slaps DarkelP
Heh, that was fun =)
/me slaps DarkelP again
/me stands up

Suckering suckertash!!!
/me slaps [CoHn]FuSeD

May i call you [CoHn]? or FuSeD, or how about Hn]Fu? like a chinese dish?!
thenerdguy smacks mrbadger with a salmon. :) It took you long enough to unlock the might arena!

Thats harsh!!!

*Runs and does a break dance kicking combo on Hn[fu, to the music of 'dont copy that floppy*
Ohhh...That hurt mon...That just plain hurt :'(

*slips Westlife CD into player*
Volume = Max
*does the bird dance*
thenerdguy trippes darkip with a broom handel. Then drives over him a dump truck.
What did i do nerdy guy!

*Slaps thenerdguy with a floppy piece of wood* take that!!

*Puts cheeky girls on CD player and does the 'Cheeky death of doom! on Hn[fu chest*
You asked for it!

[Insert Spice Girls CD]
*does a break-folkdance-BirdDance combination on DarkelP's left foot*
My left foot damn it!!

Erm why am i alive in this one, and dead in the other thread? ah well....

*Puts on classical music, and does a slow yet deficating dance on Hn[fu's little finger on his right hand*
*pokes DarkelP in his right ear with a cucumber, all to the tunes of Nirvana (Come as you are)*

Ha! Take that"All-gods-are-bastards!"
How did you know of my past time?! anyway....take this you man who eats donuts and then stands in a circle made from sugar screaming *dont let the bread men get me!!!'

*flicks Hn[fu's right ankle*
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