The Arena

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Like waiting for Christmas on Boxing day eh? :P Bah humbug.

/me puts on Fat Tonys on switch and sucks everyone else into his belly.


/me throws a grenade in the vacuum.

if you really feel like it

but its more fun to cuase mindless violence like this:

/me pluck's Bad Hat's emu :P
okay then I do...

Mr. White you're... s.... stupid or something!

/me looks at MrWhite Weirdly...

strange strange strange strange person.....

/me shoots MrWhite in his fluffy pink head, now die slowly will you....
/me doesnt know what everyone is talking about so he shoots Stone in the leg with a pea shooter
Speaking of Christmas. Its got to that time of year when i start to think about it. I mean, Ive got my birthday and my dads birthday on the 25th and 26th of October. But after that...:) These last few years Ive really looked forward to Christmas and Ive enjoyed it a lot. The few years before that, it kind of lost its meaning and i found it dull but now, its the best time of year. I can tell this is going to be the best year yet.

Everyone is look at me funny...Just because its still August doesn't mean i cant think of Christmas, it just sits on the back of my mind until about November, then i really get excited. When it reaches December and i get an advent calender:eek: :x

Anyway, theres nothing wrong with me talking about Christmas, after all the shops start to put Christmas stuff on the shelves this time of year, once all the gardening stuff is gone. In fact, by now or possibly within the next month or so, they will set aside an area in the store for the eater eggs.
lol, your right, christmas has been dull for the past few years...

actually all of the holidays have been

looks like corporate americas been killing easter, christmas, and holloween (never see any kids runnin around anymore... oh well)

but they are coming back
/me hides from what ever it is that is coming back...

Bah Humbug....

/me remounts the mounted Browning onto the roof of his house, and gets ready to fight back the mounds of trick or treaters that come at that time of year and the carol signers, and those damn raindears and those damn pink bunnies with baskets of eggs....

look there's one now...

/me rips MrWhite in half with the rounds from the mounted browning...

hey I dont go where the pink rabbit goes my freind, and besides, my rabbits got a gun... s it can defend itself...

plus i got like... 40 more, they mate like jack... rabbits
I will get that rabbit for you.

/me begins to sound like a carrot

*A rabbit comes*

/me shoots the rabbit
s'alright, the rabbit is nerd hunting, and he's gonna make you ill and groove to the smooth beats of the gorillaz :cheese:
/me puts on his hunting suit, and dons his shotgun, and puts on his best elmer fudd accent....

I'm huntin Wabbitssss

/me gets confussed as to who is the wabbit, as elmer does always, and shoots login_here in the trigger guard....
thenerdguy knows that the rabitts are nerd hunting. Buts its a good thing the rabbits do not know a nerds weakness. (Two 6"tf" tall blond 18 year old scantily clad women. And a ticket for a two week cruse in the bahamas. :) ) yes its a good thing the rabitts dont know what a nerds weakness is.
* Mr. White's Pink Rabbit gives thenerdguy two 6"tf" tall blond 18 year old scantily clad women. And a ticket for a two week cruse in the bahamas.

now i have to go to the bahamas and marry the two 6"tf" tall blond 18 year old scantily clad women. darn you Mrwhite. darn you.
Hmm. Worked for thenerdguy

Its a good job nobody knows my weakness to screwdrivers being inserted into my....wait thats not right.

Uh i mean, my weakness to screw drivers...DAMNIT!

I just cant lie.

Oh well.

/me kills everyone who heard his weakness.
/me comes in after trying to get liero to work with these weapon packs when it didnt wotrka and aiskll kil youa andna!!! aahaha!!!
Man and I thought that I suck at typing. thenerdguy send TheDemonWithin to 1st grade.
Man, and I thought I sucked at typing! Thenerdguy sends The Space goes here DemonWithin to first grade.

Weeee! I just got to level three in annoyance!
thenerdguy shoots the demond within's head with a quasmo time splitter pulse wave gun and send the demond to heck.
/me picks up the screwdriver and sicks it in....the loose screw on his computer case. He then tightens the screw

there we go
/me takes the screw driver from FLS and shoves it into his.......toolbox

much better
/me reinflates nw909 with a Bicycle Pump.

[EDIT] aw fs Mull lol
/me wonders why people are being kind.......?!?

/me is confuzzled..

/me deals with confuzzlement the only way he knows how...

/me beats everyone to death using nothing but an old pair of jeans and some pocket fluff.....

I needed that eye, what am i going to do 2morrow now, when i go to fill in all those forms for my course....;(

/me saves Arena from going onto second page by pushing nw909 into the bag, and handing HIM to Mc Donald$ !!
/me does the 102 page dance.

Whee! Teh arena is owning up Word association just like i said :P
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