The Arena

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Reply #1520

/me walks into Mc Donalds.

Mullinator: "Can I have that bag over there marked burger meat?"
Guy at the counter: "Sure, you want fries with that"
Mullinator: "No thanks"

/me throws the bag into a meat grinder.

EDIT: awww im on a new page.
/me says hi and respawns behind thenerdguy and kicks thenerdguy and The mullinator into the grinder. Eh the grinder wots been going on here :(
/me tells everyone to change to 40 posts a page, the thread only has 39 pages.

/me is saved from the meat grinder because his mullet clogged the machine so now its useless.

/me runs around screaming like a maniac
/me After being forced by his friends goes to McDonald's

OK, so I'll have a Large Double wh...Sorry. I'll have a Big Mac and Fries. I'll have a Sprite and its to eat now

*Sales Person* You want Fries with that?

Hmm, yeah i think so.

*Sales Person* OK, so what drink would you like?


*Sales Person* Would you like to eat that now or do you want a bag?

. . .

*Sales Person* OK so thats £XX.XX

Thank you...:rolleyes:

(Up to this point, is actually something that happened...Oh well)

/me sits down to eat his Burger not realising its made up of thenerdguy

Hey, this Burger tastes funny. Kinda like...Uh....Real meat. A bit tough but still, its nicer than normal.
/me comes in an sits down next to FLS with a big mac an a coke.
"hey man, whats up?"
/me begins eating with FLS
Man, this burger is weird. Its in it. Mullet hair!


Run for the hills.

I saw a person today near my collage with possible the biggest mullet ive seen. And this was a super 80's mullet, not your average mullet.
/me doesnt know when to cut his hair, its well long at the moment, as in beatles length :( need it cut...

/me uses a chainsaw to cut TDW down to size
/me is down to size.
/me takes stone and puts him in an upside down basket and leaves him there.
/me takes out Leon.

Leon kicks the ass of that guy in thenerdguy's avatar.
/me wonders which leon mitoboy is talking about.
/me turns around from his table wit FLS and watches the fight while drinkin coke.
/me sits down with The DemonWithin drinking a 7up

Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
I saw a person today near my collage with possible the biggest mullet ive seen. And this was a super 80's mullet, not your average mullet.
Oh man those mullets are sooo funny and shocking when you see them, thats what makes them so good.
/me is bewildered by the 7up that appeared in his hand then was taken by meatloaf.
/me continues drinking his coke, an looks sympatheticly at the mullinator.
*Manly Bumpage*

I didn't understand your cartoon nw ;(

/me is confused, so confused in fact, he goes off for a weekend at his grandma's :(

this is me - signing off :(
Don't forget to come back in 5 weeks so we can do whatever we want...err...I good stuff
thenerdguy shoots the funny little guy with a chopped up mullet as he opens the pubs door.
/me bitch slaps you all, in his drunken state he falls over and falls asleep in a puddle of his own vomit....
what is it with you guys and drinking? Its seams thats all you guys ever do? thenerdguy burns down all the beer barns in the world.
/me pulls a badger an goes off for the weekend too.
"goodbye boys and girls, dont kill too much while im away!!!"
Originally posted by thenerdguy
what is it with you guys and drinking? Its seams thats all you guys ever do? thenerdguy burns down all the beer barns in the world.

Blashphemy! Beer is mans best friend
/me is discusted at this....

the arena was at the bottom of the second page, how could you guys let this happen ;(.....

/me cries lots...... and shoots MrWhite in the head, and shakes Bass' hand

this guy knows jhis business..... :cheese:
/me jumps betweem the bullet stone fired and MrWhites head.
I saved you.
Originally posted by Stone
/me is discusted at this....

the arena was at the bottom of the second page, how could you guys let this happen ;(.....

/me cries lots...... and shoots MrWhite in the head, and shakes Bass' hand

this guy knows jhis business..... :cheese:

Why did you shoot me? Ow... yeah well... uhmm... no I give up

wait appearantly I shot myself


I didnt let this get to the bottom of the second page

liquor is better than beer
/me downloads some copyrighted music

* The children cry.
Originally posted by SpuD
/me jumps betweem the bullet stone fired and MrWhites head.
I saved you.


I am now SpuD's bitch.

did that sound kinky? No not that way people
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