The best times from HL1.


Feb 4, 2004
Reaction score
Well, since, we once again is near a release I think we all should post the most exciting times from Half-Life. What scenarios is the best from hl1, did you pee in your pants when you crawled in the ventilations and a headcrab jumped onto you, did you laugh when you saw the.. "Baby"?

Tellme.. :-) Moderators can close this thread if there already is one about the 'Highlights from Hl1' :D
I think one of the best times i ever had was with MP was when the game had just recently come out(few months probly). Me and my freind were playing on some 30 person server....

well....30 people swinging rapid fire crow-bars....i was on the floor luaghing my ass off after about 3 minutes....
I just loved all of the scripted events. I loved walking into a room and seeing a scientist get sucked into a vent and his guts shooting back out.. Or when someone/thing got smashed... heh
Reaching the surface wins hands down. I played the through it four times before I continued.
My biggest shock ever was when I ran up to the wooden door of the utility closet, only to jump a metre out of my seat as a zombie broke the door apart.

And the time when you're venting crawling above the two marines, overhear the "I've killed twelve dumbass scientists, and not one of them fought back" convo, get mad and dispense justice was one of those classic moments I shall never forget :).

Oh, and the det pack in the pipe with the fireball rushing towards you, I loved the moment of realisation followed by horror as the fire rushed towards me that gave.
amen to that. Also the bit when you first heard the tentacle groling noise and you just go...what. the. ****. was that?
HEHE :D hell yeah. ;)

The whole game is such an success. I didn't realize it until now.

Half-Life.. Damn. I probably will remember it when Im 90 years old, sitting and talking with my senior friends about my first experience in "horror-action" games..

Dark areas + Strange noises + no battery = :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I love the way every time you play it - you never have the same expericance

I also like feeding the scientist to barnalces and watching them run away when you injure them
I love the part in the game, when you are crawling through a airvent, and the G.Is shoot into the vent and it breaks and you have to fight you'r way out. Then the magical moment is when you reach the surface. The feeling of freedom :)
My favorite memory has to be the first time I saw the limpet creatures. I remeber coming to that broken bridge part seeing these "ropes" all around and thinking "hmm, all i need to do is jump into those ropes to get across"...

Needless to say I was loading my saved-game soon after :D.
My favorite part was the end of Apprehension where you fight the female assassins in the warehouse... it triggered such an overt emotional response. I mean, come on, I just killed a half dozen acrobatic assassins and I get caught when somebody turns out the lights? I remember reloading my save game four or five times and trying to lob a grenade in the little room before I walked in, to no avail. I was sure I was doing something wrong, or there was some kind of mistake... :-)
Being chased by a Garg... Awesome

Finding the frozen Vortigaunts in the truck in Blue Shift... Beyond Neat

The Pit Worm... Freaky

Popping up behind two grunts who are talking about how they're going to kick your butt - then kicking their butts... Priceless
Seein the sci guy gettin eaten by the itchyasaur was kool :E
estling said:
Half-Life.. Damn. I probably will remember it when Im 90 years old, sitting and talking with my senior friends about my first experience in "horror-action" games..

Hahaha That'll be me for sure!!
Not actually pertaining to hl itself but mods.
1) Seeing counterstrike for the first time (beta 3) then downloading it and playing it 4 hours at a time every day of the week. (too bad it is what it is now)
2) Playing natural selection when it was first released, I knew there was something special about that mod (still my favorite to date)
3) Day of defeat, a very solid game.

Halflife was good, but opposing force imo is the best hl game as far as expansions go, only problem was it was too short.
The scene in the warehouse with all the female assassins. First and till this day the last time I fought an enemy that was f*cking hard but without having huge amounts of HP or doing massive amounts of damage.

The part where you first encountered the marines, where they slaughtered all the scientists.

And of course the opening. The tram ride that really set the mood for the game, creating a realistic believable environment. And after the opening, the shit hits the fan...
When the cage above the "pool" with the itchyasaur broke and fell down with me in it.

Best game moment EVER.
when i played the game the first time thru and i was too young to follow anything, so i was totally surpised and phsyched (spelling) to be in Xen (albeit not the most fun part of the game)

Oh, and when the grunts didnt just run straight at me to try and kill me, they werent complete idiot AI and that was awesome
The train ride at the start. It really was a unique start to the game :bounce:

It felt quite good to reach the surface for the first time as well, pity we had to jump down a vent about two mins later :|
The cliff-side was so very very good.
Two moments in Surface Tension (I think - it's right before Forget About Freeman) is when you step into a big warehouse on a walkway and down below, an APC crasshes through the wall and a small group of grunts pile out and fight some beasties, and then around the corner from there you walk down a coridoor and then BAM! a marine gets thrown through the wall by an Alien Grunt :)
Am I the only one who liked Xen?
el Chi said:
Am I the only one who liked Xen?

It wasn't bad, but compared to the brilliance of the rest of the game it was disappointing.
Originally Posted by el Chi

Am I the only one who liked Xen?

no, i know lots of people who liked it, its just that it wasnt everybodys cup of tea, although it did add to the game alot, i dont think it would have been the same experience without it
I was surprised when I found out that people didn't enjoy Xen. Although now I can see why they feel it was a bit of a cop-out. Too much platform jumping. But that didn't stop me from enjoying the hell out of it - I'll always remember New Years Eve 1998 for that very reason. I felt it was the perfect end to the game, and a perfect way to finish out the year. Every subsequent New Years eve is just a blur. :)
slicktick said:
no, i know lots of people who liked it, its just that it wasnt everybodys cup of tea, although it did add to the game alot, i dont think it would have been the same experience without it
True - it was certainly very different and I can understand why it wasn't well-liked, but it was very atmospheric and eerie. Hmmm... Speaking of cups of tea...
<Goes to make tea>
God damnit, now I want tea too ...

Back to topic, first action on the surface was extremely cool, I agree. I thin Half-life was the first FPS I actually finished. I just couldn't stop playing.
Znipper said:
God damnit, now I want tea too ...

Back to topic, first action on the surface was extremely cool, I agree. I thin Half-life was the first FPS I actually finished. I just couldn't stop playing.
<Sings> "Tea is lovely/Tea's refreshing/Tea is such a pleasant drink/ (Aaah) So warm and.. (aaah) so comforting (Aaah)/ That's why I say "Polly put the kettle on" and let's all sit and have a cup of..."
Then you just go back to the start, y'know? you can do it like a round if you've got quite a few people, which is quite nice. Don't forget to harmonize on the "Aaah"s, 'kay?

But on-topic, I am with you all the way and then some. HL was the first FPS I completed too. Great cherry popper though... :naughty:
i too loved the experience of reaching the surface. no other game has actually made me feel like ive accomplished so much. shooting down a helicopter with a laser guided rpg is also a favorite moment of mine. garg chase ruled, especially with him flipping suv's like they were toys. the tram ride was the best beginning ever (i hope they out-do themselves) and also the devastation and confusion after the accident was awesome (i couldnt believe it when i saw a scientist giving cpr...brilliant).
Gotta love the first time you jumped into the pool of water and almost imediatly flew out while being chased by the Ichyosaur haah, good times... and that Pit Worm thing (whatever the one was that was blind) and having to crawl slowly past them while lobbing grenades in the opposite direction to distract them and the awesome feeling once you pushed the "power" button and fried them like shrimp :D I was scared silly.
Those were the Tentacles... the Pit Worm was the boss with the eye-laser in OP4...
the tentacles were awesome. barney: "ssshhhhh....they can hear you...." and then the other one runs out gun blazing and he gets smashed. so much fun.
kaf11 said:
the tentacles were awesome. barney: "ssshhhhh....they can hear you...." and then the other one runs out gun blazing and he gets smashed. so much fun.

Aww man... I hope someone makes the Single Played HL for HL2... that would own!!! :smoking:
Deadline said:
Aww man... I hope someone makes the Single Played HL for HL2... that would own!!! :smoking:

Too True.

*sigh* HL was all good. I can't really choose a good moment... But definately the dark areas. For some reason, those electricity cables whipping around really scared me, it must have been the sound.

Anyone remember when gordon saw the scientist lying on a table being electrocuted? I think it's from OpFor.
What a great thread.

Halflife has so many great memorable parts - it's like no other game.
Truly movie like in quality, i've never seen a conversation like this about any other game.

One of the most standout parts of the game for me is when you reach the cliffs. I remember looking out that pipe for the first time, seeing the plane fly past... wow.
Then i poked my head out, looked down and felt truly giddy from the sense of height... and then a gun turret shot at me.
Holy crap.
I was truly scared of falling.
And after picking off every last soldier from those cliffs, you have to climb up those freaking flimsly looking red ladders, only to reach a pipe and have a headcrab jump out at you!!

:laugh: :cheese:

I seriously jumped out of my chair, and beat the living shit out of that little bugger...
All the above posts describe some of the very best moments. I remember the tentacles being a very cool part, hearing that loud metal bang, bang.... bang bang bang... hearing the echo and then actually seeing them for the first time as one slams down right in front of me and I jump back. The elevator scene with the grunts coming down from ropes was extremely cool at the time. And when I played multiplayer across the internet for the first time. I was connecting using NetZero, which was then free, with a hack that would get rid of the advertisements. Downloading the newest patch, the one that first included TFC ect... And playing Team Fortress Classic with people from all over the world, that is probably the most memorable time in my gaming life outside of the first time I walked into my den to see my Dad play Zelda for NES and playing it myself for the first time. My Ninja Turtles, Ghost Busters and GI Joe figures got alot less play after that!

Hell yeah! The pipe on the cliff. Me and my little sister played that part. It was fun.. Until you should climb in. The bloody headcrab 'screamd' and jump right at ya. We both screamed and we fellt of the cliff tho :// So we had to do it all over again. :P

I think my heart is very bad nowdays.. :S
Barney's witty lines
"Die you evil blood-sucker!" (When killing marines)
" that smell?" (At a scientist)
"Erm,..that will look nice in my trophy room" (At a headcrab)
"Hey, Hey over here...Eat Lead You Outer-Space Octopus!" (At the tentacle)
"What do you wan't on your tomb stone" (you Shooting him/Not the enemy)
"I only take so much, and no more" (you shooting him/Not the enemy)
"Ha Ha, got another one" (He shoots you/Not the enemy)