The best times from HL1.

The greatest moment was on the last legs of surface tension. There was more damage caused by the soldiers and the airforce to Black Mesa than the invading aliens. It just adds to the paranoia the marines must of been feeling and the chaos that followed. In case of an alien invasion, this is the most believable scenario that the army and civilians alike would encounter, and I like the game for doing that.
I think this means I'm gonna have to buy HL2 and play it again...ah, it's been so long=)
Map C2A5, Surface Tension, The dam in other words, i have loaded this part up over and over and take out the chopper in many ways. Also C2A4, Questionable Ethics, i just liked the feel of them area's, its also the first place to get the Guass gun with the funny sound clips before it 'Hey, what is this thing? Is it some kinda weapon?' :)
WhiteBoy said:
I just loved all of the scripted events. I loved walking into a room and seeing a scientist get sucked into a vent and his guts shooting back out.. Or when someone/thing got smashed... heh

ye, but I think the best part, was in this long tube, and marines were dropped down by an apache, and then the tube got bombed

i also like this scene on some square, with ditches and tunnels and all, filled with marines, and you could sneak up to them via the tunnels and all..
AcousticToad said:
Map C2A5, Surface Tension, The dam in other words, i have loaded this part up over and over and take out the chopper in many ways. Also C2A4, Questionable Ethics, i just liked the feel of them area's, its also the first place to get the Guass gun with the funny sound clips before it 'Hey, what is this thing? Is it some kinda weapon?' :)

yup liked that one to, where you have to blast that wall out and walk through the sewers :)
Xen was the best part of the game!

but scenes with the Gman too were cool.
estling said:
Oh, really :cool: :cool: :cool: Where did you buy HL2? In russia? ;)


Oops, meant HL ^_-

But seriously, I'm on my way out the door to buy it. I'm so happy!
O lets see where to about from the beginning?

The way I got into half life is a long and twisted story. For the logest time, I was obsessed with old-school Star Wars favorites (Dark Forces, Jedi Knight). It just so happens that I was walking through Albertson's in 1999 and saw PC Gamer. I picked it up and saw nothing interesting except this one add for like a diamond monster sound card or something, with gordon and all these grunts around him. Upon seeing this ad, for some reason I had to find out more. I downloaded uplink, and HOLY CRAP!!!!! Absolutely amazing!!! It's so funny thinking about it now because Jedi Knight only required the arrow keys and ctrl and space to play. Half Life was the game that made me switch to mouse and keyboard! Hilarious! Anyways...I remember loading up the demo and seeing the zombie for the first time in the demo. I tried to kill it but shot the Oxy tank instead, and was scared shitless when my guts flew everywhere and I could still see. Holy Crap! I must have played uplink 40 times.

I had to have HL. My parents were sceptical though (M rating), but I promised to be good. So I got my precious. Holy Crap! I played and HL marathon and finished. SO AMAZING!!!!

Best/Scary Moments:

-super music-
I loved how the game played music at key moments, it really got your blood pumping!!!

-Smart Enemies-
I remember chucking a grenade at the soldier in We got hostiles outside, and he ran away and took cover!!! F***ing awesome.

-For the longest time I didn't know the tentacle thing in blast pit heard you (it's probably cuz the guy how says i killed for ammo lol), and that part took me forever.

-i jumped outta my seat the 1st time a headcrab shot outta the dark in a vent at me

-The Immersion
-breathing after containment failure
-seamless levels
-no cutscenes

-I guess the biggest thing about HL was that you felt like you were part of something bigger, even more so than any rpg. It actually felt like you had a mission to accomplish, that things depended on you, and yet you were just gordon freeman: scientist. I always felt obligated to play to "complete my mission" lol...Anyways HL was a great game. I celebrated when I beat it. That's my 2 cents....

PS: Ummm Xen??? I was so weirded out when i went there. i kept going up to all the little light things, but then they closed on me. Not cool. Xen was ok, you still felt immersed in the game, but it was a bit "out there"

PSS: Best scenes:

-1st time seeing grunt (w/ scary music)
-Mission IMpossible music when u get the gluon gun thing
-firing the sattelite-MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENT
-Weve got hostiles and surface tension tied for best maps
-best script-getting dragged by soldiers
Half Life was the game that made me switch to mouse and keyboard! Hilarious!

LOL Me too! The only FPS I played before Half-Life was Doom and maybe Duke 3D, I played them with the keyboard only I believe. My friend was like "Dude, you have GOT to use the mouse!" I can't believe I actually played an FPS without a mouse at one point!
Frost said:
LOL Me too! The only FPS I played before Half-Life was Doom and maybe Duke 3D, I played them with the keyboard only I believe. My friend was like "Dude, you have GOT to use the mouse!" I can't believe I actually played an FPS without a mouse at one point!
Haha! Me too! I played Blood and Duke Nukem with only keyboard! Wow, so long ago... two classics... A and Z to jump and crouch haha! Oh and let's not forget about NAM. So good! :D
Here are mine in no particular order ('cept for the last 2):

Hitting a female assasin square in the face with a mp5 grenade (in mid jump!) OHH!

In office complex (i think, part with all the alien slaves) when i found a secret passage up to the turret that overlooks the stairs (its above the couch)

Shooting down the apache on the cliffs with a laser guided RPG

Finally realizing that the tentacles reat to sound...i had never seen that in a game before half life

spending at least a half hour quickloading to find the most awesome wiy to kill a scientist

#2 Seeing a dying barney get cut in half by i laser beam in the beginning. I literally almost fell out of my chair in shock screaming "OHHH MY!"

And my #1: Right before you teleport to Xen, in the room with a barney and a scientist, i shot a tau cannon shot shrough some boxes, hit barney in the face (he explodes and gibs) and it reflects off the wall behind him to hit the scientist in the chest, who falls over and dies. After, i must've loaded and redone it at least 200 times.
DC9884 said:
And my #1: Right before you teleport to Xen, in the room with a barney and a scientist, i shot a tau cannon shot shrough some boxes, hit barney in the face (he explodes and gibs) and it reflects off the wall behind him to hit the scientist in the chest, who falls over and dies. After, i must've loaded and redone it at least 200 times.
That's awesome!!! You sure did have an amazing experience with Half-Life!

We all did. :)
another: not realizing that the onslaught of marines and bombs never ends the first time you reach the surface. I was so proud that i had finally gotten there that i refused to recognize that you had to leave. I think my record on hard is surviving for about fifteen minutes.

yes, yes i did. **tear**
HalfLife was the first game I completed without cheating.
I went back to duke nukem3D, but I couldn't be bothered because the strafing was a bit bollucks
Everyone get this: after playing the game mor ethan 200 times this was the first and only time it ever happened:

At the start of SURFACE TENSION, in the canyon with all the explosive barrels and grunts, something ultra cool happened that never happened again.

I cam in slowly took the first grunt guarding the door with my magnum pistol and then became engrossed in holywood style shoot out with 3 grunts that were at the end of the canyon. I used cover as did they and tactics shown were unreal. Anyway i manages to kill the first with a good shot of the grenade launcher at an explosive barrel incinerating the first grunt. Second grunt i took out with smg fire and some well placed grenades, now comes the third guy, the real action.

I first used cover as he slowly came towards me and we got stuck in a shoot out. I got fed up of hiding behind cover so i decided to go RAMBO style and go head on, well apparently this Grunt had the same idea and what came about was a head to head shootout reminiscent of the FACEOFF gun play. As we headed towards each other we fired our rifles wounding each other to near death until we got about 2 metres apart when THE MOST AMAZING THING HAPPENED(EVER), we (ME AND THE GRUNT) finished our "clips"(OUT FRICKIN BULLETS) and i "saw" and watched as we both reloaded our weapons at the same time trying desperatley to beat the other in realoading speed to continue the fight. I managed to be tenths of a second faster when reloading and managed to finished him of with a few small shots just before he could give that trigger enough pressure to let loos a hail of bullets.....This never happened again or never happened before, that is why Halflife was the best game ever, it was PURE PC gaming at it's greatest i have to say. (the shootout i mean) I thought it was a perfect example of the way first person shooters should be made.

What say you?
scarecrow1 said:
What say you?
I say that's friggin awesome. :D
One part I really liked in HL Opposing Force was when you are in the desert, running with your squad, and a wave of aliens are just over the hill, you open fire, your M-Gunner get's into a good spot next to a sandbad wall, your going crazy with all this AI teamplay, you allies help flank the enemy when they see you doing it, when you throw a grenade they throw em, it's so great! And the soundtrack at that part was awesome too. :D It started right when you come up over that hill, and see all those Shock Troopers and Slaves, AWESOME.
i still have a firm belief that surface tension is the greatest thirty minutes in any first person shooter to date, soo much stuff happend in that chapter

you see a human grunt being thrown through a wall by one of those hornet gun shooting armored things

you get to through those creepy but cute alien like things on top of marines

and you get to control missiles from a sattelite, pure unadulterated action gameing
Dunno if this has been mentioned, but in the first part where you go to the elevator in the lab and the whole thing falls down full of scientists... "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" *SMASH*.... LOL first time that happened I quick loaded and did it again :)
el Chi said:
So very very good.
Sorry the scan's a bit rubbish.

That's very cool, never saw that before, either... I was talking about the Garg tied to the dam ;)...
vegeta897 said:
One part I really liked in HL Opposing Force was when you are in the desert, running with your squad, and a wave of aliens are just over the hill, you open fire, your M-Gunner get's into a good spot next to a sandbad wall, your going crazy with all this AI teamplay, you allies help flank the enemy when they see you doing it, when you throw a grenade they throw em, it's so great! And the soundtrack at that part was awesome too. :D It started right when you come up over that hill, and see all those Shock Troopers and Slaves, AWESOME.
That the part with the mortar?
Does anyone remember that last sequence with the black-ops in HL:Opposing Force? you get sent down the elevator by Barney and there are TONs and TONS of black ops in a warehouse fighting aliens, best part of the game.

I remember spotting a female assasin and chasing her down with the shotgun, running after her. As i turn the corner she's gone and i hear two shots from behind me, i turn around, she's gone again. So i figure....hmmm....trying to play it smart hey? So i turn in the opposite direction and try and meet her half-way, i turn around, take a left, then a right, and end up right in front of 3 black ops and a turret. Needless to say i died, and kept dying long after the first attempt, but that was the coolest part in Opposing Force, and possibly the whole HL series

HL was truly groundbreaking, probably the most important FPS game ever.

My favourite parts?
The part near to the start where you have to cross that huge 'pit' by jumping onto the crates, my first bout of computer game vertigo!
This was beaten though by the cliff-side escapade - I could feel my pulse racing and my blood-pressure increasing, palms getting sweatier.
Reaching the surface was another milestone - "daylight, at last!". I got the feeling there that I wanted to take a deep breath and inhale a whole bunch of fresh air!

Least favourite part was Xen - ruined the game for me. There I was, making my way through a pseudo-realistic environment and suddenly I was teleported to a strange, unexplained planet. From then on it was a bit of a trudge to the end, where finally killing the end-of-game "boss" (one hard mutha!) gave me one great feeling of satisfaction.

It's the only game I've played that has stirred my emotions (and in several ways) - Resident Evil on PS provided some shocks but nothing compared to the roller-coaster that is HalfLife.

TFC was the first time I played online - I can't believe it was almost five years ago and that I played it on a 56k connection (how times change!)

I've just reinstalled HL and signed-up for a Steam account (after dusting-off the HL box) and was surprised at how many TFC (and other) servers are populated - can't wait to get TFC working (it crashes at the mo) and brush up my engineer skills... Maybe it'll drag me away from SoF2 for a while!!

Ah yes... great times...
I remember the first time I played Half-Life was in Virgin Megastores in New York on a PC they had set up there, and I went through the intro and literally stood there agog at how wonderful it truly was. The two things that really stood out for me then were the electricity effects and the chrome effects on Barney's helmet. I literally did like that Half-Park episode and jumped around seeing how it reflected. :)
Another one i remember, i went out, bought the game and was sat down just looking through the manual at the concept art, went to one of the first pages and read the letter to Gordon...I bought the game on the same day mentioned in the manual, the first day i bought and played half-life...the first day my full-life changed my way of gaming.
Also, I liked the parts where the g-man displayed his retard-ridden voice.
Brian Damage said:
I can hardly move, what with all the nostalgia in here...

Yeah I must say it caught me too. I clearly remember the day I got HL. I just had a new 166 pc (with mmx technology!) and a crancked up voodoo card, it was the shiznit! I had never heard of the game, and didn't expect anything really. A friend of mine had given me the cd, without even telling me what it was about.

First, the trainride. I couldn't believe what I saw. And it was running like a charm, all that 3D tech, I just couldn't believe it. When Barney came, and started talking, wow, that just blew me away. Then I had to follow him, and he punched a friggin' code to open the safe-like door, I had to calm down, as I slowly realized the game hadn't even started yet. Running around the B(lack)M(esa) all those scientists, talking, worrying about their tie(awesome!).

During the "incident", I really got into the story. flip that. do this. push that into this. BOOM!!!

When I got out, I feared the worst. And that's exactly what we got, aint it? Laser beamin' headcrab jumpin' madness machinery falin' explosions all over the place. And not even a weapon!

[I cut this short cus I don't wan't to tell the whole story, even tho I want too. You guys got me enthusiastic :rolling: again, damn you!]

Anyway, HL just Rocked, and still Roxx today.

It's a shame no other game ever came close to rivaling with it. I never had any experience like it before, nor after. Not even in a movie, never was I so relieved, so thrilled or so scared(!) as in HL. The story, unfolding bit by bit, the loops, the confusion, only add up to make this the best game still today. I even broke my chair(was made of wood, the back leg broke) while playing it, falling on my ass, after a headcrab jumped at me in one of those vents.

[OK, I'll stop now]

So to summ up, if you haven't played this, do it now, don't waste your time on nothing untill you played it, I don't care what you think just go
- buy it - play it - funk it -

[that's it]

+ I even got my girlfriend to play it. She hated games. She liked HL as a 1st(except for donkey kong, wich she knew from when she was a kid).

[really now bye bye]

1 more thing, anybody, please make a mod using source, k txs
Yeah, that's the thing, even people who usually don't play FPSes seem to like HL... my sister loves it, and she thinks most FPS games are too boring for words... even the good ones...
I actually remember playing multiplayer the first time. It was actually the first time I played an internet based online game. I had a shitty aol connection via a 56k modem and I was lagged so much I could hardly move. But HLDM has captured me since then and I keep playing it almost every day. So in a sense it has really chenged my life, sometimes I wonder what I could have done with all that precious time :)
i remember thinking, this will just be another fps... then i played uplink, and i think the first time i knew this game would be different was when i fell from something and i heard the HEV suit "fracture detected...injecting morphine" that game thought of everything and really became the pinnacle of its genra, and in my opinion the only game that looks like it has a shot of coming close is its sequel.
HL Uplink!!! I had forgot about that *goes off and hunts through demo discs, ooh HL mod special :D*
Reaching the surface was really good, finally being out in the open.

An amusing moment (dunno if this has happened to anyone else?) was when I got a Barney to follow me, he got killed so I went back to where I found him to get some health, but "the ghost of Barney" (a glitch) was still offering to buy me a beer. Ever so kind of him, but sorry Barney, you're dead...
"Hello and welcome to the Black Mesa Facility..."
That struck me as great :D

"Speaking" with the scientists and barneys throughout the intro.

Meeting a Garg for the first time and running for my life.

Slipping into the water when i knew something was in there but i didnt know what. Then turning round and seeing the Ichthyosaur coming out of the misty water at an incredible speed...I desperately swam for the way out and only just made it in time. Just as i climbed out it bit my but didnt kill me...I was so scared after that and then when the scientist told me to go after it i was like..."No way man, you kill the dame fish. Im outa here."

Reaching the surface.

When i realised i was heading off to xen i was quite apprehensive because i had only had a glimpse of what was to come. It made me feel the loneliness of the situation, especially when i saw barney getting killed just as i ran into the teleporter. When i arrived and i was facing the multiple tentacles, gargs, grunts and big momma i really identified with what they were trying to get across. It was eerie walking through the alien factory and the fact that it showed the aliens as a race who did things other than just shoot, it made it seem that little bit more real.

Of course, seeing nihilanth for the first time was scary, especially when he bagan firing at me. I remember madly trying to escape the teleporter ball but being caught in it and having to get out of the chamber i was sent to. At one point, i never thought i would be able to escape...which really brought Gordons plight home. Being trapped in asmall cave on some small planet, surrounded by aliens and having little left of Earth's military might to protect yourself with.
Mine was one of the little scripted events of the game.

A scientist or barney dives through an office window, does a little roll and is back on his feet, "Good morning Gordon" then runs off. I just laughed and moved on.

Another cool moment was when you're running through a large pipe and the end breaks off, you fall onto a table with a headcrab under it. Splat. You crush the table and the headcrab.
Completely off the topic of the rest of the thread:

I was playing Opposing Force today, and a headcrab leaped at me from the dark.. and I jumped ;(

That was always a defining moment for me, no game's been able to shock me so much :o