The Big Sunday Fight!

Nice job with the screenies there Kamikazie. Ah, should of played.
Shakermaker said:
and the Dude squad pwning three 256 dudes.

Don't be so humble, I viewed this scene myself and you pwned them all single-handedly :D

kaf11 said:
I'd like to see those. We had some very good chopper battles going.

Why don't you simply play the recording? :]
Really sorry I couldn't make it guys... we're still in the middle of a move and I had to move a bunch of shit (TV's, couches, tables, beds, etc.) Sucks.
Cool shots Bvgasm. Esp. the one of Amish, CJD, and yourself getting pwnd by Evo. And you're prolly right:

bvasgm said:
(I would have used Imageshack but Unfocused really did break it, it's slow as **** right now.)
Unfocused said:
A bunch of screenshots I made:

I've got a few more to post but I think I crashed and I can't access it so the last 3 link do not work :P
noes!!!i wanna see damnit ;(
bvasgm, can ya email me those please? Rapidshare aint lettin me d/l em :(

Actually, why don't you all send me your zipped pics, see if i can get them put onto the clan webby :D
jimbo118 said:
noes!!!i wanna see damnit ;(

I can't upload the remaining ones, but those I've already uploaded are viewable it seems.
Good stuff lads, I will try and not get kicked 30 mins before the game starts next time.

(not my fault by the way)
john3571000 said:
where's shaky gone - iwannaseethevideo! :bounce:


Been to my parents yesterday and the missus yesterday evening. Just did my chores (cleaning house ftl) and now I have the rest of the afternoon 'off'.

/engaging Steven Spielberg mode
AmishSlayer said:
I like the chopper picture story :) Cool angles and shots you got there. Later that match there was a weird crazy 256 player that was alone in the cobra that just seemed to want to distract me and kaf11...but he wasn't too good at it. We dropped him pretty quickly a couple times.

Uh, was that =256=Unfocused? I happened to be on the TV tower at one point of the match and saw, that the heli was just standing there, so I though I might as well use it for a while :E Since I'm no heli pro, you took me down pretty quickly.
Unfocused said:
Uh, was that =256=Unfocused? I happened to be on the TV tower at one point of the match and saw, that the heli was just standing there, so I though I might as well use it for a while :E Since I'm no heli pro, you took me down pretty quickly.

Nope. That was somebody else but I remember you doing that :P

Somebody else was just doing tight circles for a while under us with the cobra while I thought they were spiraling up with us. 10 seconds later we found the guy and blasted him.
Ah, that was probs one of our guys who grabbed the chopper in a moment of blind madness and tried to harass you to stay away from our ground troops! :P
Mwahahahhahaa people are discussing MY photos. *Starts frollocking in the meadows, looking generally frollicky*
As I said, I wanted to make a little movie as well, but my PC can't run the 'BF2 + FRAPS in recording mode" combo too well, therefore I only made a short, 1 minute, clip. I hope you like it nevertheless :). Enjoy!

Filefront link