The Black Mesa Incident (spoilers)

Samon said:
Well if you want it, just pm me with your email, but i aint gonna post it...just in case.
I haven’t earned the right to send a pm yet... Need to be a member for at least 5 days. ;(
Hope in that case you catch this post
[email protected]
lol looks like there's more of us :p
and all of a sudden we leap out, just to get that nice script :laugh:

this is probably my first post here, not quite sure 'cuz I've registered over a year ago... since then I'm visiting the site and the forum everyday, but now I think came the right time to act, not just watch;) :sniper:

so, greetings to y'all fellow HL-junkies! :cheers:

..and yes Samon, please @-mail me the script :afro:
oberGeist's e-mail
This is off topic but relevant to the script - have any of you read this bit yet:

"npc_citizen.gordead_ans01" "Now what?"
"npc_citizen.gordead_ans02" "And things were going so well."
"npc_citizen.gordead_ans03" "Don't tell me."
"npc_citizen.gordead_ans04" "Oh, God!"
"npc_citizen.gordead_ans05" "Oh no!"
"npc_citizen.gordead_ans06" "Please no!"
"npc_citizen.gordead_ans07" "If you dare say 'That's gotta hurt,' I'll kill you."
"npc_citizen.gordead_ans08" "Should we bury him here?"
"npc_citizen.gordead_ans09" "I had a feeling even he couldn't help us."
"npc_citizen.gordead_ans10" "Spread the word."
"npc_citizen.gordead_ans11" "What's the use?"
"npc_citizen.gordead_ans12" "What's the point?"
"npc_citizen.gordead_ans13" "Why go on?"
"npc_citizen.gordead_ans14" "We're done for. "
"npc_citizen.gordead_ans15" "Well, now what? "
"npc_citizen.gordead_ans16" "Dibs on the suit."
"npc_citizen.gordead_ans17" "Wait a second that's not Gordon Freeman! "
"npc_citizen.gordead_ans18" "He's done this before. He'll be okay."
"npc_citizen.gordead_ans19" "I'm gonna be sick."
"npc_citizen.gordead_ans20" "Somebody take his crowbar."
"npc_citizen.gordead_ques01" "He's dead."
"npc_citizen.gordead_ques02" "What a way to go. "
"npc_citizen.gordead_ques03a" "Oh my God, it's Freeman! "
"npc_citizen.gordead_ques03b" "Oh my God, it's Freeman!"
"npc_citizen.gordead_ques04" "Freeman is...dead..."
"npc_citizen.gordead_ques05" "That's not Freeman is it?"
"npc_citizen.gordead_ques06" "This can't be!"
"npc_citizen.gordead_ques07" "Look, he's dead!"
"npc_citizen.gordead_ques08" "He came a long way from Black Mesa."
"npc_citizen.gordead_ques09" "He's not moving."
"npc_citizen.gordead_ques10" "This is bad."
"npc_citizen.gordead_ques11" "I thought he was invincible!"
"npc_citizen.gordead_ques12" "So much for Doctor Freeman."
"npc_citizen.gordead_ques13" "So much for our last hope."
"npc_citizen.gordead_ques14" "It's not supposed to end like this."
"npc_citizen.gordead_ques15" "Dr. Freeman? Can you hear me? Do not go into the light!"
"npc_citizen.gordead_ques16" "What now?"
"npc_citizen.gordead_ques17" "Any last words, Doc? "

All this doesn't happen in the game does it? I mean, when you die, that's it - no one notices. Pretty funny though :)
Right...that was a lot of pms and emails lol.....

Anybody else!

Zastrow theres been a problem with sneding you the email, it sent it back...
I would like the script aswell. =)


Thanks. =)
I got all of your pms...will get the script sent when i get home tonight
Gman knew the administrators plans so caused the system crash back at Black Mesa. The cart which you pushed into the anti-mass spectrometer usually is remotely controlled, but the system crash caused you to push it in manually, Gman obviously didn't see this comin, or did he?
Gman knew the administrators plans so caused the system crash back at Black Mesa. The cart which you pushed into the anti-mass spectrometer usually is remotely controlled, but the system crash caused you to push it in manually, Gman obviously didn't see this comin, or did he?

I don't get you...what do you mean? Is this in the script somewhere?
well i am takign a break from the script sending...anyone want to host it?
Samon thx for the script (captions list to be precise), may host it for a while now;)

so anybody who wants it PM me or leave ur e-mail here.
I'll send it to y'all tonight (which is in about 5-6 hours) or tomorrow morning.

also I found in the net, that VALVe released the HL@ script by mistake with one of the preloads. is this the same thing that we got from Samon or something else?
Its the same thing, i downloaded it from somewhere but i cant remember where now, i really wish i had book marked it..o well.

Yeah it was accidently released via the CS Source cache in internet cafe's...suffice to say it wasnt long before it turned up on the internet.
I would love a copy of the script as well. PM to me please.

guh, can't PM for another few days... gutted. Hope someone can host it, I would on my bt webspace but the demand would probably kill the poor server :p. Would be great to have a read through (Y).
nice :). If not could someone please pm me :$. Cheers. Really would like to have a gander at the script.