The 'Change your Avatar' Thread!

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Bumping this from the dead to let you all know that my dog can balance waffles on his head
Bumping this to let you know my dog can roo
rooby rooby roo!

EDITL what teh **** made them think that a dog speaking english would put an R in front of every word.
I forgot what this achievement was called but it will kill cowards
Isn't that the achievement to kill with a taunt?
Doing some serious bumpage here!!!!
My av is now Ianto from Torchwood. Yes, i am a Torchwood geek and I'm not afraid to admit it!!!!!
Changed my avatar about ten times in the past five minutes, I like this one. May change it later. S'not like it took very long.
Nobody knew what my Jack of Blades avatar ****ing was, so it's been a kiwi bird for some time, now. Kiwi birds ftw.
No, because then I'll think of the fruit when I want to focus on the bird.



Jesus ****, it's 'Kiwi'. Do you call a sparrow a 'Sparrow bird'? Do you call an eagle 'eagle bird'? The name of the bird is Kiwi, so call it Kiwi. Jeez.
Well it's just like calling a Cat a Kitty Cat.

Or an Kinetic, a Kinetic Aesthetic.
Oh look, a shitty meme! Congratulations!

Also, don't even argue. It's f*cking Kiwi and that's final okay jeez. D:
They got more *censored* than they do the likes of me.
Gasp that is a beautiful image.
I was going to say something like that too

Are there more of these?

All these years I had no idea. Alice In Wonderland is right up my alley with this twisted art.

Want wallpapers
I wish I had a higher resolution, I'll have to ask my friend who I got them from. I read 07 at the bottom, so possibly a new painting.
Instant CP:

Google image search
First result
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