The Chronicles of Riddick movie


Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
has anyone seen The Chronicles of Riddick ? Is it good or not? I'm going to see it this week.
is that out already? If so, then I'm gonna see it sometime this week..... :)
All i know is that it good bad reviews mostly, but i don't care. They're the same critics that hated Pitch Black when it was in theatres and recommended it when it was on dvd.

I'll prolly see it when it my exams are done.
brink's said:
All i know is that it good bad reviews mostly, but i don't care. They're the same critics that hated Pitch Black when it was in theatres and recommended it when it was on dvd.

I'll prolly see it when it my exams are done.

Reviews are just someone else's opinion about a movie. I tend to rely on my own opinions rather than someone else's.
My local reviewer has his head so far up his ass its astounding. Anywho I saw it yesterday, and it was pretty darn entertaining. Think of it as nerd porn.
Pressure said:
Reviews are just someone else's opinion about a movie. I tend to rely on my own opinions rather than someone else's.

Yeah, but if a movie gets really TERRIBLE reviews its probably not a good movie. Likewise with good reviews. Do you read game reviews before you buy a game?

He isn't making a return, "Chronicles" is supposed to be a prequel... and I generally don't trust reviews... for example, everyone blasted "Leage of Extraordinary Gentlemen", but I thought it was an awesome movie! My wife and I own it on DVD
What is wrong with some reviewers? Is it so hard to understand that a "review" does not entail telling us how the movie unveils and develops and basically ruin the movie for us? I just read the worst review ever which told me names of characters, what they do and what happens in the end. Yay for reviews eh?

Direwolf said:
My local reviewer has his head so far up his ass its astounding. Anywho I saw it yesterday, and it was pretty darn entertaining. Think of it as nerd porn.

hehe i agree with that assesment :)

btw Direwolf, who is that in ur avatar? just curious :)
Pressure said:
I think it's from some old show they had on Nick or something lol.
That's Grr, the robot sidekick in Invader Zim! Y'see, fi they didn't cancel it, you would know what it is!

/me shouts profanities at Nickelodeon
DreamThrall said:
He isn't making a return, "Chronicles" is supposed to be a prequel... and I generally don't trust reviews... for example, everyone blasted "Leage of Extraordinary Gentlemen", but I thought it was an awesome movie! My wife and I own it on DVD
Actually the movie is a sequel and the game is a prequel.

I'll go and see it not waiting for anything good. I'm really tempted to buy the game, but its just 10 to 15 hours of gameplay...
No the movie is NOT a sequel, its a prequel. Go watch pitch black before you say stuff like that
All those reviews at Rotton Tomatoes sound like they're coming from people that have never watched a movie for its action, but for the "underlying theme entwined in a true love story."
It didn't get such bad reviews when people with a less intellectual mind watched it.
Chewcky said:
No the movie is NOT a sequel, its a prequel. Go watch pitch black before you say stuff like that
Nope it IS a sequel. It builds somewhat off of the events in Pitch Black. The game is the prequel.
Chewcky said:
No the movie is NOT a sequel, its a prequel. Go watch pitch black before you say stuff like that
Vin Diesel was on Leno Wednesday and said it was a sequel himself.
brink's said:
Vin Diesel was on Leno Wednesday and said it was a sequel himself.

emm...It's a prequel. The critics are calling it a sequel as they don't know jack about the movie or pitch black - they just know that they can't give a good rating to a movie which has mediocre acting.
It's not out in the UK till the 20th of August.

Shame because I wanted to see it.

I'm still waiting for a decent Sci - Fi movie, actually. Haven't seen one for ages.
Vin Diesel is a big poof who can't act. I'll watch it when it's released on TV :)
If you watched the damn movie, you know its a sequel. I thought it was a prequel too but it makes it pretty clear its a sequel.
It deals with some of the characters that were involved in Pitch Black's ending, and even flashes back for a few seconds.
I take back my words, brink. It is a sequel. I got confused between butcher's bay.

Butcher's bay is the prequel, pitch black comes next, chronicles of riddick is the sequel.
nicrd said:
Actually the movie is a sequel and the game is a prequel.

I'll go and see it not waiting for anything good. I'm really tempted to buy the game, but its just 10 to 15 hours of gameplay... should buy it. It's soooo fun. I've played through it twice already.
i liked it, and if u watched it you'd know its a sequel. its very obvious so i hope the ones saying its a prequel have not seen it, otherwise u werent payin any attention to the characters or plot :P
DreamThrall said:
He isn't making a return, "Chronicles" is supposed to be a prequel... and I generally don't trust reviews... for example, everyone blasted "Leage of Extraordinary Gentlemen", but I thought it was an awesome movie! My wife and I own it on DVD

Too bad "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" was one of the worst movies I've ever seen :|
Again, thought that was fun, if only for its silliness.
And thank god Riddick is better than xXx in space...Diesel is actually slowly garnering credibility.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I thought that was a good film. I quite enjoyed it....What didn't you like about it?

The plot was awful, the CG was bleh, the characters were crappily casted, the action was stale.. I could go on, but I just GREATLY disliked the movie.
If it hadn't been for Captain Nemo, I'd of walked out ;)
I get the feeling a lot of people need to learn not to take some movies so seriously. Theres a certain satisfying fun to be had just grabbing some popcorn and watching something.
Riddick was decent, nothing super-fantastic, but it was what it was. Part of Pitch Black's appeal was the style and silence of the movie, but CoR cashed in more on the action and adventure. The whole Necromonger thing was a bit eeugh, and they didn't do much with the whole see-in-the-dark theme. Nevertheless, it was entertaining.
Actually I thought it was nice to see some serial-syle hard scifi for once. Sort of an evil version of Flash Gordon.
I saw it today, it was like Fictious said, "decent"

I liked the game better, even if the plot wasn't connected :P
Direwolf said:
I get the feeling a lot of people need to learn not to take some movies so seriously. Theres a certain satisfying fun to be had just grabbing some popcorn and watching something.

I know what you mean....there are some films, like Lord of the Rings where you can really get into the story and talk about it for ages.

Then, there are films like, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen which really you shouldn't analyse to much and instead should sit down and enjoy them for what they are...pure entertainment. Its not there to make any moral points, or bring up interesting topical debates. When you come out, you should say things like "Wouldn't it be cool to be the invisible man" and things like that.