The Completely Unofficial (But Danimal & Ennui Endorsed) NIN Thread

Hokay, I figured it out after a while. Just one-shotted all the files, set the project tempo to 109BPM, and churned out this halfassed no-outside-materials remix:

Capital G (Royal Brass Treatment)

[edit] I realized that one of my tracks was muted when I rendered the file, so I went back and fixed it all up a little. Link is updated.
Heh, thanks.

Am I the only one fooling around with the multitracks? They may be shitty but I'm the only one making any D:

Me, I'm Not (Serenity)

[edit] And a slightly revamped version of Capital G (Royal Brass Treatment), which I still kind of hate.

Also, I'm remixing My Violent Heart, and it's miles ahead of my other remixes. Might be done later tonight, though nobody seems to care :p
Dave, you are a god among men. I love your remixes. Do you sign your name with a Capital D?
Well that is how it's spelt :p

Thanks though, at least two people so far (plus Qonfused, to an extent) are paying attention :D
I'll mix it when Trent releases the multitracks. But just for you I'll make it extra awesome :p

Anyhow, I finished up my new remix. It's still a little on the "meh" side for me, it feels like something is missing, but here it is.

My Violent Heart (Transvariance)
Haha, very nice Zeus. I noticed that posted on echoingthesound. It's a really fun mix, I like it :D
I just bought the CD.

I like Beginning of the End, Capital G and one of the other songs.

Nine Inch Nails has really gone down hill in my opinion. The majority of the stuff on this CD is utter shit. Random electronic noises!=music. I also hate most of the vocal harmonies. (for example, survivalism would be very good if it weren't for the increibly strange and hideously difficult to listen to chorus)

Please, bring back the days of the Hand that Feeds and Every Day is Exactley the same. (not to mention Closer)
I just bought the CD.

I like Beginning of the End, Capital G and one of the other songs.

Nine Inch Nails has really gone down hill in my opinion. The majority of the stuff on this CD is utter shit. Random electronic noises!=music. I also hate most of the vocal harmonies. (for example, survivalism would be very good if it weren't for the increibly strange and hideously difficult to listen to chorus)

Please, bring back the days of the Hand that Feeds and Every Day is Exactley the same. (not to mention Closer)

Generally songs like Hand That Feeds and EDIETS (you know, all those nice With Teeth songs) are regarded as his worst... and YZ being a comeback. Personally I love all NIN, but I disagree that NIN went downhill. In fact, NIN took a step in the old school direction (which was amazing) with this album, while still evolving with its own unique sound.
Trent has a way with his music. If you look at his catalog, the music shifts sounds at every main album release. PHM was dark electronica, Broken was metal, TDS was the most industrial than any, TF was a calm crescendo into loud noise, WT was the softer Trent and YZ was a mix of rock, electronic and industrial.

And I have to disagree, the "electronic noises" you speak of aren't random. I guess it takes a certain ear to hear the musical genius in it. The vocal harmonies add a bit of peace in the middle of rough noise.

The fact that you used two With Teeth songs as the focus point makes me laugh as it's widely regarded as the worst NIN album released.
And I have to disagree, the "electronic noises" you speak of aren't random. I guess it takes a certain ear to hear the musical genius in it. The vocal harmonies add a bit of peace in the middle of rough noise.
I'd have to disagree. The electronic noises don't contain much musical genius in it if you ask me. It just helps convey the mood of the song..

Ehh, I guess not all of us can hear the order in the chaos of noise :p

But I think we're all getting away from the real topic of this thread, which is the fact that my remixes ****ing rule, mirite?


I'll mix it when Trent releases the multitracks. But just for you I'll make it extra awesome :p

Anyhow, I finished up my new remix. It's still a little on the "meh" side for me, it feels like something is missing, but here it is.

My Violent Heart (Transvariance)
I like it, it's different :)

I'm competitively entering the MVH remix bandwagon, but by remix I mean 'done everything myself apart from the vocals' :p

*uploadering now*


Listen PLX! :(

Heh, thanks.

Am I the only one fooling around with the multitracks? They may be shitty but I'm the only one making any D:

Me, I'm Not (Serenity)

[edit] And a slightly revamped version of Capital G (Royal Brass Treatment), which I still kind of hate.

I like them both! Good work!
Just saw NIN last night, it was AWESOME! I loved every minute of it and every single song, plus we got to hear the debut of Hyperpower! live (which is an AMAZING opener)

Heres the setlist:

The Beginning Of The End
March of the Pigs
Gave Up
Help Me I'm In Hell
La Mer
No You Don't
The Big Come Down
Down In It
The Hand That Feeds
Head Like A Hole

This was the setlist. Trent and the band were great, especially Aaron and Josh. The mosh was pretty hectic at times.

The transition from La Mer to Wish was insane. From the quiet piano playing, to an unexpected explosion to your face as Wish came literally out of nowhere, put everyone off while they were relaxed and it was amazing.
I swear, sitting down and drinking water was oh so sweet after that performance.
Pfft nothing quite like March of the Pigs! By far the most intense mosh I've been in :D so much energy from the band
*Bump* so have you guys played around with the new God Given multi-track files?
Negatory. I've been on a Tool kick recently, because I went and saw them a few weeks ago. Are they just for Acid again?
Goddamn this thread is old... time for a bump!

The Year Zero remix CD has been announced and have been cleverly titled "Year Zero Remixed." Here's the cover.
That's good news and bad news to me...

Good news in that we'll finally get a different sound from NIN (hopefully). Bad news in that I ****ing loved Josh Freese on drums.
Doesn't mean the current NiN band to disband... there's been some speculation the whole setup might change.
Good news in that we'll finally get a different sound from NIN (hopefully).
Well considering it's Trent who writes, performs, and records almost everything, I can't imagine a live-band lineup change is going to affect his music too much.
I just watched this:

and it made me realize how much I freakin love that song. That said, I don't have the AATCHB dvd :)() If anyone here has it, would you be kind enough to make an mp3 rip of that song really quick? The AATCHB CD doesn't have it (double :()

Thanks to anyone that does.
and when the day arrives
I'll become the sky
and I'll become the sea

and the sea will come to kiss me
for I am going

nothing can stop me now
Six months later and I still contend that The Warning is the best track on Year Zero.
Thats a big call. God Given, The Greater Good and The Great Destroyer are worthy contenders also.
Nine Inch Nails are scheduled to release their "Year Zero" remix effort, "Y34RZ3R0R3MIX3D" through Interscope on November 20th. The outing will come as a CD/DVD combo. A full listing of details as to what will be featured on the effort is expected in the coming weeks.


Nine Inch Nails is totally independent. said:
Hello everyone. I've waited a LONG time to be able to make the following announcement: as of right now Nine Inch Nails is a totally free agent, free of any recording contract with any label. I have been under recording contracts for 18 years and have watched the business radically mutate from one thing to something inherently very different and it gives me great pleasure to be able to finally have a direct relationship with the audience as I see fit and appropriate. Look for some announcements in the near future regarding 2008. Exciting times, indeed.

Digg it!
Oh man, NIN and Radiohead are both floating around out there doing their own thing. That's so goddamn awesome.