The Completely Unofficial (But Danimal & Ennui Endorsed) NIN Thread

Dr. Freeman

Jul 11, 2003
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Rob Sheridan (Trent's manager/tour manager/net monkey :p ) has updated with details on the Beside You In Time DVD.
something that i am very happy about is that the summer tour version of Closer is listed as one of the performances for this DVD and believe me, its something to see!

i saw it live and it was something i cannot describe and only hope it can give even a quarter of that feeling when i watch the DVD which is slated for a February 27, 2007 release.

i was hoping Mr. Self destruct would find its way into this DVD and while its not might be added as an easter egg.
my fingers are crossed :)

i know its a couple of months off, but hey? who will be getting this baby release day? i will! :D
Why won't NIN just release Closure with the Broken movie feat. Help Me I Am In Hell DVD already! :(
Why won't NIN just release Closure with the Broken movie feat. Help Me I Am In Hell DVD already! :(

its not in NiN/Trent's hands anymore.
a while back, he posted saying he had done all the work for a DVD release and even added extra content to the DVD.
its been finished for about 2-3 years now and was sent to the record label when it was all complete so why isn't Closure already released?

ask the record label because the hang up is not on Trent's end.

btw, i am curious...who is checking out NiN during that February to April tour?
you people in Europe must be quite happy :)
Do they have a price set for it yet? I'm thinking of preordering it for my best friend, being that she's a huge NIN fan.
I keep getting e-mails from them, but I don't know why. I don't remember ever giving them my e-mail :/
Oh how I would love to hear a high quality performance of Mr Self Destruct.
straight from

Trent over at said:
Is it possible I am actually finished writing and recording a new nine inch nails record? Apparently so. We begin mixing in January!

Juggling fifteen all-new tracks around. Testing sequences. No leftovers from "with teeth". Highly conceptual. Quite noisy. ****ing cool.

no leftovers from With Teeth? interesting...considering there was speculation of a couple leftover tracks from With Teeth.
i guess if there really are leftovers from With Teeth, they would show up on a limited edition SACD/dual disc version of With Teeth which Trent did talk about a while back but no word on such versions since then.
so hey guys, Rolling Stone magazine is doing a preview of some of the albums for 2007 and guess what? Nails made their list in this link as one of the albums they are anticipating.

of course it makes one think a bit when you scroll down to find the name Britney Spears in that same list of artists/musicians (is she really even a musician?) that they are curious about.
oh well...i guess they need to cater to the masses to sell their mag. :p
Has anyone seen the newly released high-quality broken movie? Holy crap
Downloading it now.

Both DVDs of Closure finished, so no one better message me. Cocks.

Edit: Wow. Closure Disc One is ****ing gold. Amazing.

Edit Two: Just finished it. I'm... speechless.
Just saw the crystal clear Broken movie. The whole thing makes the SAWs look like nothing.
Downloading Broken now.. has it got the unreleased version of Help Me I Am In Hell on it? *prays*
Yeah, it does. I've seen it before, but not in this clarity.
Just saw the crystal clear Broken movie. The whole thing makes the SAWs look like nothing.

Yep, definitely the most violent movie I've ever seen in my life. Let's put it this way, it would get a X rating in about 1 second if it was officially rated. I couldn't watch "Gave Up" anymore, but I did enjoy the 'Wish' video in the extremely high quality, it was the first time I had seen it above YouTube quality.

But hey, at least it will tie me over until I can get my hands on Closure and Beside You in Time when it comes out.
UK site has the new NiN album listed for an April 16, 20007 release date.
what day do albums/movies get released in the UK? curious as to how accurate this could be.
Wowo..Broken finally finished for me and :O

So damn f'kin hardcore shit!

Oh has anyone who is seeing NiN on their UK tour got their tickets yet? I haven't :(
Apparently the next NIN album is being named Year Zero.

Kinda cool sounding.
Apparently the next NIN album is being named Year Zero.

Kinda cool sounding.

Trent mentioned expecting a huge battle from the powers that be because this new album isn't "particularly friendly" in his own words.
he also mentioned an interview with Kerrang that there will be a guest vocal or two and Saul Williams' name came up in the interview. now has an entry for the Beside You In Time DVD. :D
anyone going to the Screening parties???
too bad theres not one being held in Toronto.
and oh.. did i mention they are free? :p

wish i could go...
There's one in Detroit (about four hours from me), but I doubt I'll be going.
There's a screening in LA, just a few minutes from here.

No way I'm gonna pass that up :p