The Death over a toe injury!!!

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I hated doing that also, almost every game now has that. The reason is is because almost all characters in all video games have hit boxes. Most of them assume that if a real human gets shot in the foot 10 times, he will fall down. Now, in real life, a human would most likely fall down screaming in pain. I have not played a game that does that yet, instead they are all to lazy and just implement the death animation. I hope Half-Life 2 doesnt do this.
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
Depending on where you got shot you would take major or minor damage, and would bleed according to how many times you got shot there and with what until you managed to bandage or died of bloodloss. They also factoring in hit boxes for internal organs such as the liver or spine or some stuff like that. The game was specific enough where you can bypass a guy's kevlar vest through the fabric straps on his sides and kill him by hitting his liver or some other important organs.

I think this would be cool against enemies, but not effecting the player, except in multiplayer. I for one find the bandage idea extremly annoying, which I why I can't stand DoD. If implemented correctly, this could be a rather good feature.
Urban Terror's bandage thing was pretty good, you bleed until you bandage yourself, bandaging certain wounds took certain ammounts of time depending on how badly you got wounded, you slow down, put your gun away, and stop further health loss. You had infinite bandages. They also never gave you health, there was no way in UT to regain health other than someone else having a medpack or someone else bandaging you. With a medpack you could regain 80% of your lost health, while with normal bandages you could regain 40%
Nah, too complicated methinks. Most people just wanna fight, not spend time fixing themselfs up.
Originally posted by GreaseMonkey
Why did this turn into a discussion of a combine's penis?
Yatta i've made such a lovely thread and you just had to shi* things up...
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
Urban Terror's bandage thing was pretty good, you bleed until you bandage yourself, bandaging certain wounds took certain ammounts of time depending on how badly you got wounded, you slow down, put your gun away, and stop further health loss. You had infinite bandages. They also never gave you health, there was no way in UT to regain health other than someone else having a medpack or someone else bandaging you. With a medpack you could regain 80% of your lost health, while with normal bandages you could regain 40%

Mod teams never cease to amaze me.
Heh, hope you are still looking forward to being amazed. Well - if OES goes to plan ;)
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