The dumbest thing you've ever thought


The Freeman
Aug 3, 2005
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My first wank was at the age of 9. I thought it was raw cancer coming out. I didn't find out for like 3-4 years later that it was not cancer (when I actually paid attention to health class). Yeah and I kept thinking 'damn I've got a lot of cancer.'
Heh, i thought that in televisions all those actors who die in movies really die. And i thought i will never become a actor because then i'd die! And that Estonia is the only country on earth and sun is habitable. And the moon is actually a cookie, what i always tried to eat.
I heard the moon made of cheese thing and I was like "cmon, its clearly made of chalk."
lol when i looked at porn when i was young i always got paranoid that the cops would find me and were tracking my computer
^ yeah i was wondering why the cops were taking pics of me and following me
Actually when i was very young i thought that people talked to me through the TV. Then when somebody talked there i talked back. Sometimes it got very ugly. Like people asked me "Where is the corpse?" I would run away screaming.
I can't remember. Maybe I've never thought anything at all dumb.
I thought Jesus was my savior.

Maybe I should take that back... in case he's real and I've committed a mortal sin or something that can't be taken back if I become a convert again on my death bed. D:
I heard the moon made of cheese thing and I was like "cmon, its clearly made of chalk."


-I thought babies were made by kissing when I was a kid.
-When I was a kid I thought I was going to live in a giant white tall house with my friends and sister, and we'd all be married and have great jobs and always have fun. :sleep:
I thought I'd get downs syndrome if the wind changed.
lol when i looked at porn when i was young i always got paranoid that the cops would find me and were tracking my computer

Yea but the porn you were watching involved the young as well ;P .

Anyways, I thought the lines on the road were hand painted when I was young. Boy would that job suck.
I once thought ejaculation was the secretion of water vapor from plants. How wrong I was.
I once asked my mom if there was people living in saturn, she shaid she wasnt sure
When I was 6 my brother convinced me that we were all just bacterium living inside a giant alien carcass.

We problably are.

Problably the dumbest moment I had was when I thought my family was perfectly normal and wrong I was.

At some point I also thought I might have leukemia again, but that wasn't dumb because I was right.

When I was a kid I thought for some time that my mom always has money because after she payed the cashier at a shop, she always was getting money from the cashier as well (change) Back in the day we didn't have coins in our currency, only banknotes; so she gave some notes and then got back even more notes!
As a very young man I was under the impression that babies came out of asses.
Occasionally I'll wonder where the hell I put my phone, and then realize I'm talking on it. Shows you how much I actually use the thing.
I once asked a friend of mine when told me he had bought a guitar what he was going to do with it.



In the safe-room the mighty safe-room the survivors sleep toniiiiight....
I thought sexual reproduction was optional, because there's no way my parents would do that!

Yeah. :(

Also, I asked my grandfather why he didn't just go to the bank again when he told me he didn't have the money to buy something expensive.
I thought money was given away for free at the "hole in the wall" (ATM).
Dad occasionally reminds me of the time I was watching telly (when I was much younger) and saw a woman who had sextuplets. I hastily exclaimed, "wow, she must have six breasts!"
Oh I remember I once mistook the French national anthem for the American in French lesson haha.
After my first wank I remember thinking 'Oh boy I hope sex is as good as this'.

My first wank was at the age of 9. I thought it was raw cancer coming out. I didn't find out for like 3-4 years later that it was not cancer (when I actually paid attention to health class). Yeah and I kept thinking 'damn I've got a lot of cancer.'
Nine? That's early. Maybe you do wank out cancer at that age.
i once went in a shop, picked up a game that was ?29.99 took it to the till, gave em a ?50 note, told them to keep the change, walked out the shop, counted how much money i had left and thought that i had lost ?20
I thought when I was very young if you cracked your head open, egg white and yolk would come out.

**** knows why.
"This website '' seems pretty decent. There are a lot of cool people here."
I tend to block out instances of retardation due to insecurity. Ask me again when I'm lying awake at 3am, unable to sleep, and they're all queuing up to be replayed in my mind.

It's not a dumb 'thought', but I did once say 'thanks' to a coffee machine. I was tired.
So when I am older and I am about to have sex with a girl, and if her vagina opens up wide like a mouth, IS IT NORMAL OR SHOULD I GET AWAY?

That sounds exactly like something on yahoo! answers.

But I used to think that speed bumps made you go faster when you hit them.
In young age i thinked that girls have wangs too. I was suprised that they dont. I spent whole day thinking how do they pee. Then i figured out that they dont. Well i was wrong again.