the enemies in most FPS games.


Jun 14, 2004
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I've noticed a few things as my years and years as a gamer. The enemies in most games are the same time and again. Either they are aliens from another planet, Nazis, the army, government spies, government secret ops, or just guys with guns. The only exception to this rule is Soldier of Fortune, which outright said the enemies were Russian, Saudis, Egyptian, etc. Right now, America is fighting Al-Quida and terrorism. If the game companies are looking for more realism, why don't they rip stuff straight from the headlines?
(or, if the companies are too "PC" then maybe some brave modders could do it?)

please, share your thoughts in a nice and courteous manner.
Some people are modding stuff like that in, and personally I think it's slightly tasteless. I believe there is (or was) an HL2 mod in the works along a CS style in which you are either a Palestinian or an Israeli soldier.
As it features a situation of dead-locked bloodshed that is going on right now, I personally feel that would be inappropriate for a mod to do, let alone a proper games company, thereby aiming to profit off that.
john121 said:
guys with guns.

I propose a change. No more guys with guns. Instead, teddy bears with Rocket Propelled Candy launchers.

Imagine being deployed behind enemy lines, cut off from all allied bases and communications, alone and only with your wits to survive WHEN SUDDENLY you are assaulted by Saddam's elite Mobile TeddyBearX Vanguard unit. I see a platinum game in the works........

*calls up EA*
Bait said:
I propose a change. No more guys with guns. Instead, teddy bears with Rocket Propelled Candy launchers.

Imagine being deployed behind enemy lines, cut off from all allied bases and communications, alone and only with your wits to survive WHEN SUDDENLY you are assaulted by Saddam's elite Mobile TeddyBearX Vanguard unit. I see a platinum game in the works........

*calls up EA*
For teddy bear enemies...see Conker's Bad Fur Day :P
Haha is there any game where you play as the bad guys, like nazis and fight against U.S ?
Enemy Territory on the Axis?
I think a game like that would be cool and something a little different to mess around with for a while.
Garfield_ said:
Haha is there any game where you play as the bad guys, like nazis and fight against U.S ?

BiA: Earned in Blood has some kind of German element to it. But it isn't part of the main game as far as I can tell.

As for Conker's....WHAT THE HELL!! I thought I had a great idea going, but now I gotta come up with something new. Good thing I didn't call EA yet.
Aliens get annoying, they are either zerg-like or guys with advanced weapons and guns.

Enemies get annoying, they all just run at you shooting at you. I wish there was a FPS with something else... like... I dunno
john121 said:
I've noticed a few things as my years and years as a gamer. The enemies in most games are the same time and again. Either they are aliens from another planet, Nazis, the army, government spies, government secret ops, or just guys with guns. The only exception to this rule is Soldier of Fortune, which outright said the enemies were Russian, Saudis, Egyptian, etc. Right now, America is fighting Al-Quida and terrorism. If the game companies are looking for more realism, why don't they rip stuff straight from the headlines?
(or, if the companies are too "PC" then maybe some brave modders could do it?)

please, share your thoughts in a nice and courteous manner.

I think Delta Force: Task Force Dagger did what you want. Although it's not as topical now.
Thing is though, the enemies in FEAR are pretty much your average fodder (even in design, not just type), but they're made fun to fight against because they're so smart and they keep you on your toes.
Of course it's nice when enemies are genuinely inventive, but it's how they are to fight thst's most important.
Perhaps. Sometimes.
Bait said:
I propose a change. No more guys with guns. Instead, teddy bears with Rocket Propelled Candy launchers.

Imagine being deployed behind enemy lines, cut off from all allied bases and communications, alone and only with your wits to survive WHEN SUDDENLY you are assaulted by Saddam's elite Mobile TeddyBearX Vanguard unit. I see a platinum game in the works........

*calls up EA*

Best idea ever! MONKEY! :monkee:
"Either they are aliens from another planet, Nazis, the army, government spies, government secret ops, or just guys with guns."

....yea that about covers it. That's like when people, 'it's like a mercedes or something..' Yea, it's a mercedes--or something; good job.
Uhhhhh, what about the Armies of Hell? And enemies from another Dimension?
Is it me, or did he mention enough "enemies" that the only ones left are midgets with hand guns that shoot out silly string?
CyberPitz said:
Is it me, or did he mention enough "enemies" that the only ones left are midgets with hand guns that shoot out silly string?

Don't forget popsicle stick monsters that spit out glue.
john121 said:
I've noticed a few things as my years and years as a gamer. The enemies in most games are the same time and again. Either they are aliens from another planet, Nazis, the army, government spies, government secret ops, or just guys with guns. The only exception to this rule is Soldier of Fortune, which outright said the enemies were Russian, Saudis, Egyptian, etc. Right now, America is fighting Al-Quida and terrorism. If the game companies are looking for more realism, why don't they rip stuff straight from the headlines?
(or, if the companies are too "PC" then maybe some brave modders could do it?)

please, share your thoughts in a nice and courteous manner.

You ruined your argument right there. The underlined just made it more assured.
sinkoman said:
You ruined your argument right there. The underlined just made it more assured.
He never said WOMEN with guns. That's what I need to do to take my mind off women troubles. Just shoot them in the face!!
I've always wondered why you can't play as a battle police officer and shoot down protesters arned with LPG tanks and rocks......
CyberPitz said:
He never said WOMEN with guns. That's what I need to do to take my mind off women troubles. Just shoot them in the face!!


What I was trying to say (even though I know you know what i'm saying) is that, what the hell else is there to shoot at? You named damn near everything that makes sense both politically and logically in a videogame.

Scientists? No, although with a ton of storryline effort, it could work.
Women? No (for obvious reasons).
Children? NO (I know pitz wants this though).
Midgets? No, for political reasons (although rockstar could make it work).
Black people? No, for political reasons (and no, you didn't shoot at JUST black people is SA).

I should have also underlined "army".

PSST! And we're already shooting at middle easterns.

Some people need to play Painkiller.

The enemies are all different for a start. And in the expansion there is a whole chapter set in an orphanage.

Which is just creepy. And has kiddy killing. Which isn't nice.
something that I was thinking in the fps genre is....why not make a fps that is not about shooting guns? what about some sword figting game in first person? that can be a cool and refreshing thing

one example is condemed,where you pick up various objects and use them as melee weapons
Half-Life 2 and FEAR I thought had pretty similar enemies. Kind of cyborgesque with the distorted radio chatter. And the super soldier things in FEAR could be compared to the combine elites...

And it's not a bad thing! Those kinds of enemies are "in" now-a-days; and I'm not going to lie, I think they are cool.

Speaking of FEAR, the AI of the enemies was excellent. I'm currently replaying on Hard mode and it's quite a challenge. If you don't have cover in that game you are cooked.