The Epic Improvement Thread!

I'm back and more than willing to help you guys with any improvements :)

This type of calendar? Where you can post events and such things?
damm you and you're beating me to things...

If we did go thorough with a posting calendar -{like what we have with cncnation} it could just be a script that emails an email account, say "[email protected]", with moderators being able to put it online if it passes filters...

If this works the same way as the cncnation one - more infomation would be put into a post {we could have a new mod-post-only forum for them} if need be... Handy for clan matches, or random gaming info...
As long as there was a "NEW" with flashing lights around it to notify that there has been a new entry in the calender.
Why doesn't it show my birthday? ;(

EDIT: I forgot that I chose to hide it :p
Ennui said:
We are not allowed (Valve's terms when they offered to host us) to host mod websites, but we do have a planned extensive modifications section in the works.
Does that also mean that if you were to do a review of Episode 1 it wouldn't be entirely impartial?
just because Valve pay the hosting bill doesn't mean that they have any kind of editorial control of influence. They're certainly not above criticism.

Release the damn SDK already, you Valve arsebags!

-Crispy- said:
Does that also mean that if you were to do a review of Episode 1 it wouldn't be entirely impartial?
No. We operate entirely independent of Valve Software. The no-hosting-of-mods thing was just a stipulation of their offer to host us for free on the Steam content servers because they don't want us to take their space and bandwidth and run with it, giving hosting to dozens of mods.
Ennui said:
No. We operate entirely independent of Valve Software. The no-hosting-of-mods thing was just a stipulation of their offer to host us for free on the Steam content servers because they don't want us to take their space and bandwidth and run with it, giving hosting to dozens of mods.

You are not on the Steam content servers. Valve have their boxes hosted at Limelight so they got nothing to do with the steam content servers :)
Majestic XII said:
You are not on the Steam content servers. Valve have their boxes hosted at Limelight so they got nothing to do with the steam content servers :)
oh, then at limelight.

i just assumed because we go down whenever steampowered does
Ennui said:
oh, then at limelight.

i just assumed because we go down whenever steampowered does

They are hosted at the same place. is on the same box as and all those sites.
There should be an arcade center kinda thingy link area for the site!

either that or turn the site into a smurfs fan site!
The Arcade feature of vBulletin is good in certain communities, but i think here we have too large a community for an Arcade to be fun for the peeps
NeoNight said:
There should be an arcade center kinda thingy link area for the site!

either that or turn the site into a smurfs fan site!
eww to both suggestions D:

i've always thought arcade centers on forums are a bit silly
How about looping techno music and bright flashing lights?
I would suggest making the news much wider, feels so claustrophobic on the frontpage.

I would also say a better looking site as well, but you've mentioned a new one in the works, so I'll look forward to that appearing.

And I like the trimmed down news posts, no one wants an epic novel about the mod each time, just a brief introduction and then all the necessary information, much easier.
blink said:
And I like the trimmed down news posts, no one wants an epic novel about the mod each time, just a brief introduction and then all the necessary information, much easier.

I like the 'epic novel' approach. Makes HL2net unique.
SixThree said:
I like the 'epic novel' approach. Makes HL2net unique.
It also detracts from news. I'm inclined to agree with Blink here, but it won't be a change one way or the other, we'll make some sort of compromise.
Maybe you could choose if you want the brief or 'epic novel' description. Like on HL2Fallout where you can expand newspost to read more news about it.
blink said:
And I like the trimmed down news posts, no one wants an epic novel about the mod each time, just a brief introduction and then all the necessary information, much easier.

yes :)
I shall keep pushing for this til I die...or become bored...

Sub-Forum in General Game Chat for organising online match-ups and games!
sabre0001 said:
I shall keep pushing for this til I die...or become bored...

Sub-Forum in General Game Chat for organising online match-ups and games!
like Glenn said, you might do well to check out the forum index carefully :p
My apologies...Honestly I have never looked in there...Sorry about that....

Thats why I bring it up...I have seen people trying to organise games in the General Games forum and also in the Battlefield 2 sub-forum there was a Game Night organised so I assumed that there was no place to do it properly (and we all know what happens when you assume).

That Clan & Community Events forum however seems to be used just for clans...For organising games and meeting up, do people just use X-Fire or another program?
lolz hi :D:D ur in teh wr0ng thred yo

I'd like to see a 'jump to first unread post' from the usercp on subscripted threads. I usually have no idea on wat page I left the thread and then I have to search for the new posts. Would be nice if you can jump to the newest post automatically. Yes I know the button on the top, but it doesn't work if the first new post is on a previous page.
sabre0001 said:
My apologies...Honestly I have never looked in there...Sorry about that....

Thats why I bring it up...I have seen people trying to organise games in the General Games forum and also in the Battlefield 2 sub-forum there was a Game Night organised so I assumed that there was no place to do it properly (and we all know what happens when you assume).

That Clan & Community Events forum however seems to be used just for clans...For organising games and meeting up, do people just use X-Fire or another program?
Generally we use xfire, most of us have a good amount of the other members on their xfire - add me, I'm ennuisatyagraha, we can play something sometime.
Sent Munro an e-mail making some..uh applications....:O

No response yet D:

Just want to be able to aid the team here
Could someone please link me to the "Munro incident"? I wanna know what the hell its all about everyone's making a big fuss of it
You just...weren't there, man.