The Epic Improvement Thread!

Say "Allow signautre images" again and I'll rip yer' arms off!
No signature images. Ever.
I agree with the emoticon posts too - The gun one, it seems to be a magnet to h4rdk0r3 1-mang clangs.
These HAVE to stay :borg: :monkee: :farmer: :frog: :cheese: :sniper:

This is the only one which is useless :bonce:
Get rid of them and replace them with decent ones.

I'm watching you.
Hahahah! Haha! Ha! Ha...ha...oh, God.
Yarr! Set a course for hilarity!
Ghost blowjob! WOO WOOO
Any more of that from you and you'll be kissing my banhammer!
You'll never defeat my scalar waves, said Kirovman, before being electrocuted.
I will never post my picture, nor will I tell you my name.
Far better than the shooty one but serves the same purpose.

That'd confound my identification of what the hell forum I'm posting on :O
Kamakazi, there wasn't a single one of those that I don't hate, I'm afraid
Kamakazi, there wasn't a single one of those that I don't hate, I'm afraid
Oh me too brother. And hate, it's the right word. Sometimes on the planet one would say "I don't hate anything" for the reason, it's such a strong word. Well I hate all those smilies. As the Lawyer would say...HATEHATEHATE
Well I hate the hl2.nets smilies, there just so damned plain; hardly any animated smilies, nada.
Please explain why you hate my contributions?

You're just trying to be mean? aren't ya? :p
I like the smileys. They're simple and effective.

Though I rather like Sulkdodds' policeman-with-a-billy-club smiley on imageshack :p
For those of you still thinking about implementing some sort of calendar on the site, have you thought about using Google Calendar? I have been very impressed with Google's efforts on this one. Although I don't think it will be possible to completely 'integrate' it with vBulletin (with birthdays etc), you can embed your Google Calendar in your website, and set it up so that all the admins/mods have either unlimited editing or read-only access depending on who you are.

Definitely worth at least looking into methinks :)

EDIT: Whoops - forgot to post a link: (you need a google account first)

Also, a FAQ on embedding Google Calendars here.
Ahem, I think some smilies should be added to the list.

For starters, how bout one of these?

(best one imo)

If not, why? whats the big deal :(

It could be displayed using something like ":erm:"

But not ":\" or ":/" as that might mess up URLs or path names
We could probably add more smileys, as long as they aren't stupid (Evo, don't even think about coming here with that huge BOW BEFORE ME smiley).

Not too psyched on the erm one, though.
I rarely use the smilies. If we had some good ones, maybe I'd take advantage of them.
We could probably add more smileys, as long as they aren't stupid (Evo, don't even think about coming here with that huge BOW BEFORE ME smiley).

Not too psyched on the erm one, though.

That's a lot nicer to hear than Pi's usual "No."




Man...that one's impossible ಠ_ಠ

and stupid anyway

We could probably add more smileys, as long as they aren't stupid (Evo, don't even think about coming here with that huge BOW BEFORE ME smiley).

Not too psyched on the erm one, though.

*decides not to bother*

I must say this forum has the worst smileys I've ever seen. They just plain simply suck, sorry :p
If you need animated smileys to express yourself coherently, than you should not be using the internets. At least not while I'm around.