The Flat Earth Society

stern please ridicule them on their forums, iw ant to see their responses.
No, believe it or not, there are people who still believe the Earth is flat. Its a really scary . Their forum is soo funny too. I think somethingawful once featured their site.
If laughing makes you live longer that forum is the key to eternal life.
lol, pesmerga is now trolling their forums, its hilarious, he's posted in almost every topic with something like, "HEATHENS, I SHALL PUSH YOU OFF THE EDGE OF THE EARTH!"
Those people are so dumb, I almost threw up my sugar-free popsicle in disgust.
I thought the earth was triangular?
No, it's a big hollow cube. The outer shell is called a skybox and the Earth is made of things called brushes. Everything else is a prop. But the main thing you guys are forgetting is that if something is blocked by a brush or too far away we don't have to worry about it because it's not being rendered. That's why we Americans don't care about the rest of the world... those Iraqi NPCs won't be getting blowed up until we load the map that they're on.
Me too, man.

And I said that because he said that it wasn't a joke, zeus.

Err, I mean, zeus -edit :E
No, it is not a fake.

Yes, these people are real.

No, they do not make sense.

No, they do not understand this strange and alien concept of 'the burden of proof'.
Satelites cannot exist becuase our beliefs say otherwise.

Theres some wacky logic. Using this I could say Flat Earther's don't exist becuase my beliefs say otherwise.
I've given up on them, but seriously their FAQ doesn't have anything to explain magnetism.
I've given up on them, but seriously their FAQ doesn't have anything to explain magnetism.

The genius himself, 'Dogplatter' of this wacko society posted this to answer magnetism: "The Earth doesn't have to be rotating to produce a magnetic field. It produces one anyway."

Yeah, can't beat that. Flawless logic. 'Tis like arguing with 10-year old kids and one claims "it's like this because I say it is so. Everyone else's opinion is invalid". Reminds me actually of a while ago when I found a site with a similiar close-minded society, consisting of mostly 13-17 year old kids that was determined to bring back dinosaurs with the help of dino-dna and create a dino-island similiar like in the Jurassic Park movies. They were *very* stubborn was funny mocking them on their forum though. But they were kids...these appear to be grown up people which is kinda scary :/

I'd gladly beat the living shit out of these people if I ever came across one.
Erasmus wrote:
I've explained that it's superior because it's mine.

Kyorisu wrote:
So I suppose my evidence must be superior to yours, I've taken flights around the world and I've never seen your ice wall.

Pathetic really.
That site makes me so angry reading it because those people have convinced themselves the earth is flat, and if you suggest evidence why it is (and there is ****ing loads), they don't think 'hang on i could be wrong', they think 'that evidence must be wrong because i believe...' And the reasons they make up are incredible! Seriously they make science up just so they can satisfy their warped imagination. The internet houses some odd folk...
You know, I cba registering.

But point out that if you go to a beach, put a ruler up against the horizon, you can see that the horizon is bent, and thus must be curved.
Solaris you'd be glad you didn't. I so feel like bashing my head against a wall right now. Argh idiocy throws me off.
We need to make a Moon Cheese society that claims the moon is made of cheese and that all Scientists are hogging it for themselves by giving us false theories ;P
I guess it's a good thing Mechagodzilla hasn't seen this yet. He'd probably have a heart attack. :P
We need to make a Moon Cheese society that claims the moon is made of cheese and that all Scientists are hogging it for themselves by giving us false theories ;P

I like that idea

You know, I cba registering.

But point out that if you go to a beach, put a ruler up against the horizon, you can see that the horizon is bent, and thus must be curved.

They'd come up with some sort of stupid arguement against that like 'Oh the world's tilted so all the water is collecting in the middle, making it look round'

Or they'd ignore it completely.

Someone posted a picture from the top of Mt. Everest, showing the clearly curved horizon, yet still they wouldn't accept the earths roundness.

I'm guessing they all have some sort of collective mental illness. That's the only logical explanation I can come to.
I'm waiting for a response regarding satelites. Sent out a few pms to high ranking Flat Earthers.
The only way to get stuborn people like this to face facts is to send them into space and let them have a look.. then persist to kick them out the nearest airlock.
One of them should go on a long-haul flight, where the plane tends to fly quite high. You can easily make out the curvature of the Earth's surface from that height.

Of course, their explanation would probably be that aircraft production companies are owned by Illuminati members who install special light-distorting windows on their planes.

And even if they don't trust NASA, you have the European, Russian, and Chinese space agencies all confirming the same thing.

I guess they only see what they want to see.
Nah, all the space agencies in the world are in on this conspiracy! As is every pilot, naval captain, and anyone involved in the operation of commercial or military satalites. Duh.
sorry for bumping this old thread guys, but I thought it was new enough that it would be better to bump it than make a new thread.

I was inspired by the Flat Earth Society to write a spoof tribute song to them, and my band Stylish Headphones Milady, agreed to flesh out a recording with me the other day.

It's still very much a work in progress, and it's missing stuff, but it sounds good enough for me now to post it

Here is what we did in our initial recording.

and here are the lyrics
INTRO (note- not included in the recording)
A long time ago
We thought the world was flat
If you sailed out to far
You might as well go splat
If you were a heratic
And thought the world was round
They’d throw you off the edge
Or at least they’d hope you’d drown
If only they could see the world
From space or from afar
Then they’d know the secret that
The world is just a ball
Oh no oh no

But now we have satellites
And men on the moon
So much information now
You’re fed with a spoon
Yet not so long ago
There were Fundamentalists
They got a little angry
That this might persist
Oh no.

It’s a conspiracy
It’s a conspiracy
The world is a disc
And its really hard to miss
Faked NASA photographs
And walls made of ice
The flat earth society
Doesn’t play nice

Breeding in ignorance
As the story goes
The flat earth society
Stepped on all our toes
Disregarding scientists
And every government
The flat earth society
Their lies still persist

It’s a conspiracy
It’s a conspiracy
The world is a disc
And its really hard to miss
Faked NASA photographs
And walls made of ice
For the flat earth society
Doesn’t play nice

In spite all of evidence
Theories and spoofs
The flat earth society
Still seems aloof
Their precious bible
Can’t seem to tell the truth
Logic and reason
Are given the boot

The Earth accelerates upwards at 9.8 m/s, causing the illusion of gravity
The sun is a “spotlight” which flys around using dark energy, lighting only half of the earth at a time, wobbling to cause seasons.
The atmosphere is only 150 ft high and is held in by a large “wall of ice” Nobody has seen this wall because there is a massive conspiracy dating back to the time of the romans.
Why is there a conspiracy?
We don’t know, we just like to think there is because we’re crazy.
Meteor showers are caused by rocks which the government sends up every six months to create the illusion that we’re on a round earth. They also create eclipses by sending up large cardboard cards.
Satellites are actually low altitude airplanes, and the real signals are sent by radio towers. Space is not a vaccum, but is made entirely of matter.
The moon is two dimensional, as are all the other planets, and are also accelerating upwards at the same speed we are.
The world sits upon a turtle and four elephants, which sit on an amazingly huge blanket of dark matter. Penguins are actually robots created by the government to confuse us. Magellen actually was put off course by the government and went in a large circle.
Every expedition to the south pole has actually been to the north pole, but we don’t really know it, we never can because it’s a conspiracy.
The horizon is an illusion created by atmospheric distortion, and mount everest , and every mountain that is taller than 150 ft is fake.

I am profoundly stirred.
And there was an eye in the anus..... an eye.......

*rocks back and forth*
It is a consistent dome. It is a dome no matter where you go, my friend.
Bhahahahah ohhhhhhh I finally have something to do this vacation. I'm gonna post there and make sense. Look out for my posts. I'll start as a blank believer that doesn't know what to believe, and make them prove their points. Please don't screw it up.
Bhahahahah ohhhhhhh I finally have something to do this vacation. I'm gonna post there and make sense. Look out for my posts. I'll start as a blank believer that doesn't know what to believe, and make them prove their points. Please don't screw it up.

I looked at your "Hi" thread, I scrolled down and...and...


Someone give me a new set of eyeballs, with haste.