The Flat Earth Society

She males and cocksuckermuleman65 are gods among men.
This theory is true. Why? Because the producers of, "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" will have Johnny Depp travel to the end of the world! :laugh: And btw its in China where he fight Chow Yun Fat.

Oops you are right. That MUST be true. Even if the results of my simple experiment will indicate a round earth, the signal is probably received, altered and sent out again by the government.

omg, wtf
Where do you dig this stuff up Stern, i think you google too much :)
Alright they don't respond properly and if they say anything at all, it's 100% hypothetical. So I gave up hope and now I will pretend to be FE and post all kinds of rediculous ideas as a response to the logical questions of RE's, just to make the FE look stupid. Actually they don't need any help with that but it's fun anyway.
Rofl Brick I read the start of your forum post, then scrolled down and *almost* saw Shemale's sig.

Obviously they haven't seen the Apollo 11 pictures.


Or they failed Kindergarden.
They have, and seen videos, mathematical evidence, natural phenomenon that only work with round earths.... It's either A) faked by the government B) 'you have no idea what you are talking about' C) 'OMG YOU MADE A TYPO I WON'T LISTEN TO YOU' 'yeah me neither!' D) "Just because we can't explain everything doesn't make it false. Look at round earthers, they can't explain everything as well. If you have two theories that can't explain everything, you should believe in the simplest one." E) "........."

There is no use in talking to them, but I just do it for fun. To see what stupid crap they come up with.
Me and my sister were lol'ing at the sun/moon spotlight idea.
One of the saddest things I've seen on the forums so far has just happened like an hour ago.

Dear god is that guy for real? I keep asking myself are these people serious or are they just pretending. I've visited that forum on many occasions and seen their so called theories:upstare: . If they really do believe it, then it's really sad. If their "theory" was true then we would be doomed, there would be nothing else then the flat earth, a spot light sun and spotlight moon:laugh: and of course the "heavenly" dome with stars painted on it.
I LMFAO when they tried to explain how the seasons change:laugh: .
Have them explain why when sailing the mast of a ship would appear first.
this shit is just TOO GOOD:

  • Q: "Why do the all the world Governments say the Earth is round?"
    A: It's a conspiracy.

  • Q: "What about NASA? Don't they have photos to prove that the Earth is round?"
    A: NASA are part of the conspiracy too. The photos are faked.

  • Q: "Why has no-one taken a photo of the Earth that proves it is flat?"
    A: The government prevents people from getting close enough to the Ice Wall to take a picture.

  • Q: "How did NASA create these images with the computer technology available at the time?"
    A: Since NASA did not send rockets into space, they instead spent the money on developing advanced computers and imaging software instead.

  • Q: "What is the motive behind this conspiracy?"
    A: The motive is unknown.

  • Q: "If you don't even have a possible motive, why do you say there is a conspiracy?"
    A: Well it's quite simple really; if the earth is in fact flat, then the the governments must be lying when they say it isn't.

  • Q: "How are the world governments organised enough to carry out this conspiracy?"
    A: They only appear to be disorganised to make the conspiracy seem implausible.



I think they may really think the world is round but are doing this just to wind people up...

Either that .....or they really are stupid ignorant fools. But they don't...seem that stupid from the posts in the forums.
10 highlights I encountered today while browsing the forums. These are from posts made in the last 3 days, and this crap has been going on for years. imagine the stuff you can find there :D


And here's another thing. Why doesn't our breathing air just slip over the edge and leave earth as a vacuum? We would be dead.

Upwards push=downwards pull. Basically, the air doesn't leave for the same reason gravity keeps air on a round earth.

What in the hell is providing the propeling force that accelerates upward? Eh? Is it Atlas, who was doomed to carry the earth on his back?
Don't be silly. The UA is a blanket of dark matter. It's properties are not fully understood in FE theory, but nor are they in RE theory, as any scientist will admit.
[this is a perfect example of the logic of FE reasoning]

Hi all,

I've been lurking here for a few days, reading the posts. I think I have a modification to the flat earth model that makes it work.

It explains everything: the horizon, the edge of the world, weather, satellites, stars, the Sun, the Moon, the view from space, the short distance between southern countries, the fact that no one has seen the Ice Wall. It also removes the need for that highly unlikely Round Earth Consipiracy(tm)!

We know that the Earth is flat - we can see it looking out our window. We know that the North Pole is the centre of the world, so many people have been there! We know that the edge of the world is the South Pole, as it is the furthest thing from anywhere.

To make the travel distances in the south match reality, all we need to do is assume a 4 dimensional warp field emmanating from the rim of the world. The closer you get to the rim, the more distance is warped, tending towards an infinite warp at the edge, and no warp at all at the North Pole.

So you see, as you get further South, more of the world is warped away, like a piece of paper folded like a fan. When you get as far South as you can, the world is so warped by that field that it is folded to a one dimensional point. There's no need for an ice wall, because anything "falling off the rim" will fall straight onto another bit of rim that due to the warping is is immediately adjacent!

What does this mean? As the warping is in the 4th dimension, we can't actually see the warped (folded away) bits, so in three dimensions the world appears (on a large scale) to curve towards a point (the south pole), while on the smaller scale, the earth is quite clearly flat (because on the smaller scale the warping is unnoticeable).

As it warps infinitely towards a point, the rim actually is percieved as a single point, right in the middle of Antarctica.

So, as a roundness is evident on a large, three dimensional scale many think that the world is round, and it behaves in the solar system as a round world. In fact, all weather, physics, space travel and all that works as if the world was round because it all acts on the large scale in three dimensions. But any given part of the world is clearly flat, when considered on a small enough scale. Exclamation

Oh, and what makes Earth so special that it's flat where everything else is spherical? Nothing! Everything else is flat just like the Earth, but warped towards one of its poles. A flat Earth, in a flat solar system, in a flat galaxy in a flat universe!

When the ice crystallizes in the ice wall at the perimeter and the ice shelf in the centre of the disc, the water molecules line up. So many tiny electrical charges lined up is sufficient to generate an electro-magnetic field from the centre of the disc to the perimeter.
Not a very good one, sorry. Try it at home, freeze some water and see if it becomes magnetic.
You need to freeze more ice. Only a tiny electro-magnetic field is generated by the lined up water molecules in an ice cube. To generate a bigger electro magnetic field that one can measure requires more ice.

I challenge you to disprove this.
Okay well I've read somewhere that the properties of distance and size and such as they apply to the universe are actually symmetrical, so maybe the iron is really really really small (smaller than planck thing!) but there's tons and tons of it.

So we can't see it but it's there and exerts its influence.

I find it funny how people label FEers as stupid, we have highlevel conversations in which the shape of the earth is argued.

Well it all depends on what you believe that stars are doesnt it, under the celestial dome model of FE, starts are just impurities in the celestial dome, which is normally clear, causing things to stand out, iirc.

We're not the ones who need verification about the Earth's shape - we know it's flat.

RE keeps on making up theories to explain stuff that is easily explainable in the FE theory.

Yeah I figured it was a joke after I read the thread down further, but damn it is so hilarious :laugh:

But what they don't see is that they make these sort of theories seriously and actually believe in it when they are asked to explain some obvious RE things.

Edit: Also, just now was the last time I visited their forums. I was putting up a good fight against them but it was of no use. Now that they started deleting posts with definate proof of RE, I figured I was just wasting my time. Especially since I had to use a proxy because they IP banned me.
There is debate on whether the participants of the forum are actually serious in their beliefs, and trying to further the old cause.
There is debate on whether the participants of the forum are actually serious in their beliefs, and trying to further the old cause.

According to this there are only about six people on the forum who genuinely think the earth is flat.

I suppose the rest are just there to talk rubbish and take the piss.
These guys crack me up, they ignore every argument laid before them and start chatting about something else.