The GMan grows to like Gordon?


Apr 13, 2004
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When the GMan bends over slightly to deliver his last line, I was immediately struck by how (relatively) caring this was. Sure, he's patronising Gordon but it's an improvement over complete indifference and - let's face it - justified. I've just noticed something else that further strengthens my argument. throughout HL1 and the beginning of HL2 it's Mr. Freeman but now he addresses Gordon properly, as Dr. Freeman. A bit of Respec'?
I guess it was just a satiric, ironic reference to HL1, where Gordon gets "off". This is where he get's off. ;)

Although he seems to have some sympathy for Gordon, that's true.
GMan, whoever he is, is very clever and is very good at playing his own game, doing stuff however he likes to achieve his goals - whatever they are. So he should like Gordon, who is also clever and very successfull at what he does.
I think yoy guys are right, i think in HL3 the G man will let Gordon in on what he is up to, and they will become "buisness partners". I have no doubt now that the G man is an alien, or a higher being, but it seems like he's beggining to respect Gordon.
I'd sure as hell respect someone who's fought off thousands upon thousands of Combine soldiers, Xen aliens, Marines, and whatever else is thrown at him.
Well, Gman seems to respect people who manage to survive against all odds. We have the whole ending of OpFor, when he put Shepherd into 'storage' as it were on that floating Osprey instead of pushing Shepherd out of the Osprey. Gman specifically says that he spared Shepherd if for no more reason than he reminded the Gman of himself. Then we have Gordon of course.

Barney seems to be the only one left out, but then again he didn't do anything particularly noteworthy. He managed to escape from Black Mesa, but did he kill any highly important alien creature? Did he fight off legions of black ops and soldiers? I remember him killing a few soldiers, but not the legions of marines that Gordon plowed through nor the hundreds of black ops that Shepherd gunned down. Gordon and Shepherd merit more attention than Barney.

I don't think that Gman is a really caring guy, rather that he has respect for extraordinary people.
I get the vibe out of him like he is your agent.. of sorts. He receives job offers, and makes the choice for you to perform them. So now all Gordon needs is to have him negotiate contracts for millions of dollars per job.
I don't know the master plot of the HL series and what the G-man is all about but I do know Gordon is an unwitting pawn and being played big time.