Gordon Freeman is a bumbling idiot

There are several things that can show Gordon Freeman isn't so great...he is a bit of an idiot, but the farthest thing from a hero.

He pushes carts
He can jump and duct
He can swing a crowbar like a bat
He can aim and fire
He walks around in a suit that warns him about things are obviously dangerous(Green glowing liquid...Very bad)
His suit also protects him, that's pretty cool, but what does this suit have that requires special use?
He gets on elevators after seeing one crash killing a scientist...
He knows to kills things that are trying to kill him.

And the list continues...What I ask makes Gordon Freeman so special? what makes him so great? AND WHAT SHOWS HE HAS TITLE "DOCTOR"???? HE FLIPS A FRIGGIN SWITCH AND PUSHES A CART! Oh and he presses buttons...
I don't know... I suppose making it out of a alien infested, marine killing black mesa isn't so great after all. Shame on us for taking Gordon Freeman threw that damn maze for no reason! Apparently, we fail at understanding games, which, hahahaha, ironically is a game.

Gordon Freeman isn't a idiot, he is a ****ing mouse in a maze. If one tunnel is blocked off, hell I wouldn't want to fight headcrabs all day, so I'd just move a long the hall.

So yeah, overall, he is just a average person. But who cares, he is the main character and you're him. If you wanted, you can just stand still and let a headcrab kill you, but no, all of you obviously have completed HL1 or HL2, understanding the game

Just be quiet, if you think Gordon Freeman is a "bumbling idiot" then take your own route in the game and waste your time making a mod, or some shit.
AwesomeHead said:
Megalomaniac, that made no sense at all.

Lol it didn't did it? I was just trying to point out that everything Gordon Freeman has done is what anyone of us would've done, like said before, he is a mouse in a maze. He isn't this great hero he is a survivor who either has an outside influence helping him or has a lot of luck. Dr.Breen even said he isn't a trained fighter he is a scientist. He is just going with the flow...helping out random people so he can escape...
If he is just going around trying to escape and finds things that happen to be where he needs them in order to escape, then what in this game shows that he is more then average?

Also, "TheGMan.", lighten up! It's just an awesome game, I may bash Gordon but that doesn't mean I don't love this game. Relax, realize we are just having fun, and if I'm wrong and you are just having fun too, I apologize.
It's a friggin game. It's a friggin game. It's a friggin game. It's a friggin game. It's a friggin game. It's a friggin game. It's a friggin game. It's a friggin game. It's a friggin game. It's a friggin game.

So I hate the game? I think I made my point. :p
Gordon is a doctor, and it's a friggin game! Whould calcylating stuff and building machines count for fun gameplay? HA i think not. Fun gameplay is when shit blow up and you have to run your ass off.
Rizzo89 said:
Gordon is a doctor, and it's a friggin game! Whould calcylating stuff and building machines count for fun gameplay? HA i think not. Fun gameplay is when shit blow up and you have to run your ass off.

Gordon has not and will not prove to any of us that he is deserving of the title "Doctor"
Megalomaniac said:
Gordon has not and will not prove to any of us that he is deserving of the title "Doctor"
Seriously though, the g-man seems to think that he diserves the title, after all in the closing speach he refers to Gordon as "Doctor Freeman" (for the first time ever I might add)
Gordon has not and will not prove to any of us that he is deserving of the title "Doctor"
.... Oh my god, of the mother of the sweet jesus mary virgin loosen pussy.

If you're seriously so wanting of him deserving the title "Doctor" go bitch out vALVe and beg them to make a movie of how Gordon Freeman got drunk and layed all the ugly girls when he went to MIT. Show his hang-overs, and show when he went to class so then , we can all officially call him doctor.

No. It's amazing how much you can put out of porportion in a game. Do we really need proof that he is a doctor? I mean, I agree with ríomhaire, those flipping the switch abilities just don't come out of no where.
Lay off the vodka, TheGMan. Seriously.
*reaches for vodka bottle*

Freeman's MIT days don't matter anymore in the HL universe because all hell has broken loose. So I think it would be stupid to show him as some kind of genius in the game.
The gameplay whould SUCK ASS!
And yeah, Barney seams to think that your MIT education comes handy, the way you flipped that switch and all. Besides. if you meet a doctor, do you demand that he runs throw a seris of tests, just to prove that he is a doctor?
His diploma not beeing good enough?
abit off topic, but the rebels aren't too smart either tbh. I mean, at every single hideout theres a map with a big red circle round where elis lab is, even in the little red container thing where the vortigaunt and the human is(where you get a jolt from the vortigaunt). if one of those places get raided by cp's or whatever elis lab is pretty much f*cked.
99.vikram said:
Lay off the vodka, TheGMan. Seriously.
*reaches for vodka bottle*

Freeman's MIT days don't matter anymore in the HL universe because all hell has broken loose. So I think it would be stupid to show him as some kind of genius in the game.

vodka? nah. I'm just trying to get a point across that you don't need be shown everything for it to be a fact in a video game.
quote from darkside55

Gordon Freeman gets a lot of praise. A humble MIT-grad with aspirations of working on teleport technology for the good of mankind, he's saved the world twice and been hailed as an almost messianic figure in the minds of the oppressed. But in reality, Gordon Freeman is a bumbling idiot.

Let me present the case against Gordon Freeman. He is a naive, easily-manipulated pawn who doesn't consider his actions and acts on what seems like impulse and some other sort of half-assed judgement, whether it be his "feelings" or possibly some "moral code." And while he means well, he inevitably ends up screwing it up for all of us.

since you are the person playing (operative word there.. PLAYING) the role of Gordon Freeman then that would make you the bumbling idiot....

you know there is life outside your computer.. dont be opressed by Breens anti-breeding field! go forth and multiply :cheese: GIGGEDYGIGGEDY GOOOO!
Lol clever who...

I know it's just a game...I could care less if he was a doctor, a lawyer, or a priest...he could be a friggin pr0n star for all i care....he is there to save the world and his "luck" doesn't seem to be going dry...Whether he is an idiot is debatable...he hasnt done anything to say he isnt or he is. But bumbling full steam ahead...he doesn't know where he's going, he's just going forward.
who said:
you know there is life outside your computer.. dont be opressed by Breens anti-breeding field! go forth and multiply :cheese: GIGGEDYGIGGEDY GOOOO!

Thanks! You have truly inspired me and given my life meaning!!!
I guess that comes to opinion and the way you see it acually. If he is bumbeling or a fool. I see him completaly differant.
I see him as the right man in the wrong place. If it wasn't him in the teleport chamber that day, it would have been someone else.

NOTE: The sample used that day was an unstable crystal taken from Nihilanth's lair - it was bound to explode. Valve chose not to make this connection clear in the final build of the game. So it was not Gordon's fault in any way.
Yeah, but seriously, how do you call a video game character (that you control, I add) a "bumbling idiot"? That's like calling a remote controll car (that you're controlling) a piece of shit, because you ran into a wall. Anyways, no need to call Gordon a idiot, if you wanted, you could've jumped out of the elevator thing at the beginning of HL1, if you didn't want none of this to happen, in your mind.
Of course you can call him an idiot. Especially in a linear game. Look at CJ in SA. You can't get any more idiotic than that.
Carl Johnson doesn't have aliens chasing him, nor does he teleport to another planet, ah, he doesn't never get put into a deep sleep, then get suddenly awaken a few 10 years later?

You cannot call Gordon Freeman a idiot for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Call all the scientist for ****ing up the expierment. Freeman just pushed a cart into some laser, causing havoc. It's a game, afterall, a video game, a fictional video game that never has taken place and probably never will.

Please, I don not want to read 20 pages, so please, tell me why Gordon Freeman is a bumbling idiot.
geez... I have debated against it but... Read the first page.
CJ is a dumb son of a *****
Seriously, it's the main way tell posters apart. Every time there's an avitar fad another piece of me dies.
Well... I cant make a new one. So you can make me one if you want :D
Ah well in that case. Yes, I agree, Freeman is a idiot for just walking along trying to get out of Black Mesa, I mean, it's not like he would've been killed by US Speciliest Marines or aliens of any sort.

Haha, I mean, it's not like he wasn't led to where he was suppose to go by "The G Man". I mean, I guess him popping up several times is just a "Hey, Gordon, oh buddy!". Uh, maybe we forgot, but apparently Gordon Freeman's life has been in someone's grasp (well, apparently before Ep.1). But still, I think calling a video game character, that has a MIT degree; a notable doctor and doesn't even talk a "bumbling idiot". Like I said before, calling a man a idiot to try to get out of a alien infested building is idiotic, I'm sure him staying by the chamber would've made him the smartest man in the world, right?
Oh... Your calling me an idiot now? :/
No he is not an idiot. Im sure he is a smart guy. We don't get to see his briliance becouse that doesn't fit in a action game and such and such. BUT! He only listens and do what other tells him. Alyx tells him to go into the core of a reactor, and do as much damage as possible. I mean, wtf did they expect. I guess they thought it was worth the sacrifice.
Is it that he listens, or is it we that we go? I mean, if vALVE wanted, they could've easily let every door unlockable and go our own way, but sadly, we couldn't. Is it that Freeman listened to the scientist? Or did he just want to get the hell out? Basically, like I've said before, you cannot call a video game character (exception of few) a idiot for going the only way. Luck, luck, he runs, he kills, he shoots, whatever. vALVE made the game to get out of an alien infested compound and then moving on. If they wanted, they could've made it where you could make your own deciscisons(sp), but quite frankly they didn't. So how could you possibly call Freeman a idiot for going the only way?

Gordon Freeman = You.
Same difference :p

He listens to people who know more about Black Mesa, Xen and city 17 than himself. Is that idiotic?

The lamda team and the resistance both had a plan, which depended on Gordon doing such and such. So he does it to keep himself alive.
99.vikram said:
Same difference :p
Nonono! It's an important distinction.

If Gordon Freeman was You, then Gordon Freeman would act exactly like the player, share their proficiencies, their strengths, their weaknesses, and their preferences. It'd be really more of a roleplaying game.

However, You are Gordon Freeman, which means everything you do is what Gordon Freeman would do under the circumstances. You are becoming someone else, rather than putting your actual self into the game.

Valve say: "You are Gordon Freeman" - and not the other way round.
Yes, you are Gordon, you do what he whould do.
Im not saying he is, but if someone where to call him a bumbeling fool, i whould have to say that they are justified. I think he is a Alien killing bad ass.