The HEV suit and realism: HL1 vs HL2

Brian Damage said:
If you're talking about the "Gordon in Stasis" theory, I think comfort would be a moot point when you're frozen or a non-event mass with a quantum probability of zero...

Gordon is awakend be the G-man.
"30 years!?!?! Ive still got that library book!!!

On topic though, i dont see how electricity would be used to create armor...

Meh, its just a game.
I think Gordo steals a combine suit and paints it orange so people will know he's a friendly.
Actually, it's reactive armour, PatPwnt. The probable case is that an electric current running through the armour plating temporarily stiffens it in response to impacts.
I love you :)
and this board
and the admins
DeltaBlast said:
"I thought maybe it was a glitcha, and the armor display just didn't appear until some damage was done. "

That is, I'm afraid, correct. Look a bit further into the vid where he comes driving up to the combines (still the rollermine fragment)... his armor goes from nothing to 44 when he gets shot by the combine. and it only goes down afterwards (even when hit by a rollermine as stated before)

If you look at that.He starts the second Buggy demo(The one after he saves the Buggy from going into a crevice) with no armor.However as his driving he gains 44 however the roller mines are right behind him.My guess is that you gain a random amount of armor at the expense of health(This is the most flawed part of my theory cause he doesnt lose any health in this particular case.) and later on when he gets shocked he has like 30+ armor and the suit cannot absorb any more

Wither that or its a bug.
Brian Damage said:
Actually, it's reactive armour, PatPwnt. The probable case is that an electric current running through the armour plating temporarily stiffens it in response to impacts.
why does that sound erotic?
no, its definitely a bug... when you load a new part of the map, armor doesnt display until you are hit... gordon is hit a second time by an electro-ball and the armor is taken away...
Brian Damage said:
Actually, it's reactive armour, PatPwnt. The probable case is that an electric current running through the armour plating temporarily stiffens it in response to impacts.

Same thing...
It is DEFINATELY a demo bug. Look at 14 minutes with the alien thingies scene. At the start he doesn't have any armour, as soon as he's hit by one of them it jumps up to 52.

Demo bug.
Reactive Armour is a new lightweight type of armour made up of multiple layers. The top layers are filled with sensors. When the top layers detect an impact or penetration, an electric current is passed through the layers underneath, which then harden to repel the attack or projectile.

So reactive armour is like fabric at most times, but the part that is attacked becomes harder than steel in a fraction of a second, making it very useful for protection, and also explains why gordon can wear a suit made out of the stuff.

Hope that clears something up.
Yup, that's the stuff... in theory, anyway (I'd say it's more like rubber, not fabric, but meh...)...

I wonder... is the flexible stuff kevlar? Or is it a lighter type (Maybe a woven sort... actually like fabric) of reactive armour?
I'm guessing that Eli Vance gets you out of your hazard suit later in the vid and modifies it somehow...

ten years of new tech gleemed from aliens, has to help somewhat. :D
It would have been interesting if you start the game without your hazard suit and are only allowed to carry 2 weapons at most and nothing to crowbar and pistol...then when you get your suit you can carry everything and it acts like Hl1 again :)
Bicka said:
It would have been interesting if you start the game without your hazard suit and are only allowed to carry 2 weapons at most and nothing to crowbar and pistol...then when you get your suit you can carry everything and it acts like Hl1 again :)

Or then it just suck if it is like that. :hmph:
That suit be upgraded message was cool, it would be nice.
Brian Damage said:
I wonder... is the flexible stuff kevlar? Or is it a lighter type (Maybe a woven sort... actually like fabric) of reactive armour?

What flexible stuff? If you mean on gordons HEV, that's the reactive armour. It might be like kevlar though.

Theres a point. Gordon could still take a lot of punishment even when his 'reactive armour' wasn't powered. Maybe his HEV has kevlar underneath?
Mr. Redundant said:
[SARCASM]its Chain-Mail newbs.[/SARCASM]

Ohhh, the bits round his neck right? I have no idea what they are....

Looks a bit like chainmail, but I wouldn't expect chainmail to stop a shotgun blast. If it was kevlar and he got shot there it would still proably kill him from the force of the bullet.

My opinion: It's just the bit where his helmet overlaps, so doesn't matter what it is.
Dr. Kleiner modified Gordon's HEV suit to be compatible with Combine power outlets, among other improvements.
jabberwock95 said:
Ohhh, the bits round his neck right? I have no idea what they are....

Looks a bit like chainmail, but I wouldn't expect chainmail to stop a shotgun blast. If it was kevlar and he got shot there it would still proably kill him from the force of the bullet.

My opinion: It's just the bit where his helmet overlaps, so doesn't matter what it is.
its around his neck, shoulders and wrists.
I have no idea what it is either, looks like some kinda protective material, not metal. just part of the suit to add more mobility.

my comment before, was sarcastic btw
[SARCASM]this is a sarcasm tag :p[/SARCASM]
(just wanted to clear that up.. I dont actually call people newbs)
I meant the gray stuff in the joints, not the red internal padding.

Aotommo, I'm a little suspicious where you got that info...
Fender357 said:
Why wouldn't the combine solders use a little of Black Mesa technology?

We've seen from the videos that there are the standard med packs lying around (the strider video)

And I've seen the little battery kind of thing from HL1.

I just figure that the combine can use them too..

OOOO OOO OOOO.....but you know what I noticed!!!!!!!!!

In the video with the Buggy, and the cliff........... When Gordon gets zapped by one of those ball things when he hits it over the takes some of his health...... he had 100 Health...and that was it..... so it took him down to like 90 something health...but it also gave him about 30 something Armor...... so it seems that now...electricity elswhere in the game can charge the HEV's armor!!!!!

Also I've herd that the Vortigaunts will charge your suit for you :) :)
I dont see how that can be true, because in the next scene, a rollermine takes away suit power.
Brian Damage said:
I meant the gray stuff in the joints, not the red internal padding.

Hmm, maybe us hl2.netters could get together and make a schematic of gordons HEV? :D

I still think it's just where his helmet/gloves overlap. But I might be talking about something else...
I was actually thinking the same thing... I might draw one up if I get the time (Maybe two... one for the old one, one for the new one?)...