The Insurgency Has Finally Begun!


Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
The much anticipated multiplayer mod for Half Life 2 is out - Insurgency V1 is available to download. Currently the INS site is patchy - I assume due to heavy traffic - so I'll give you the two download mirrors directly.[br]

Client : Fileplanet[br]

Server : Fileplanet [br]

For those of you that have been starving under that rock which you call your basement; Insurgency is a team based FPS set during the Iraq Conflict - as the name indicates the Insurgency battle the American and Coalition (to be possibly included in upcoming updates) Forces.[br]
To view the INS main page, just click over here.[br] Good luck and see you serverside.
Today you people are no longer maggots. Today you are Marines. You're part of a brotherhood.

Bring it on. :D
This mod feels like a stand alone game. The quality is amazing.
Waited through the ridiculous queues on fileplanet, and my download stops at 3%. I am not amused.
Waited through the ridiculous queues on fileplanet, and my download stops at 3%. I am not amused.

That's why you shouldn't use FilePlanet. There are plenty of mirrors out and about. ;)
That's why you shouldn't use FilePlanet. There are plenty of mirrors out and about. ;)

The mod site only had fileplanet. I managed to restart it and am currently at 10%.
Just use the torrent. Last time I checked it had well over 300 seeds and 2000 peers.
It's a pretty good game. Played on one map so far. I have to say the combat itself is a lot of fun, if a little annoying to get used to, since it's effectively a one-shot-kill game. Aside from that, the teamplay aspect seems to be very disorganized and not used very well, so I'll give the community a bit of time to iron that out. And the map I played on, Santar or something, was really unfocused.
Crashed twice, ages to load, bad fps on a decent rig...havent ACTUALLY shot my gun yet...
Downloading right now. Looking forward to checking this out!
Is alot of fun when you get into it - only problem is the ease in which you can teamkill an entire team...

But i can see alot of promise in this mod.
THANK YOU! I have been waiting for this. Now to wait in line for filefront :sleep:
I have to say, this is one of the best mods for HL2 right now. I love it! It's really great and professionally made.
after playing it a couple times, i'm enjoying the mod some more then i did after my first run. i think after a few more tries ill get more used to all the game mechanics... but i think the game is very hard to get used to over all. looks fantastic though, right up there with a AAA title.
We all need to play this together, as

This game is amazing.
Game kicks ass, just needs a lot of polishing up and a bit of tweaking. Hopefully the team will make some changes eventually, after the main bugs are taken care of...

I'm most impressed with the mapping/modeling and sounds so far, just great stuff.
Awesome! Looking forward to this one :) Gonna try it out today :D
*Added to Crosus mods.
Awesome, I left it to download (from Fileplanet BTW) and went to sleep. I wake up today, ready to play, start the installer, and at 3% or so:


The size of the installer is 646MB, so I don't get what's wrong. Downloading again via torrent this time. Eh...

EDIT: How's the performance for you all? I read about people having fps problems (even with high-end PC's). A tester said it's cause of some last minute fixes and additions and that it should be patched soon.
pretty nicely put together but I'm afraid I just don't find the realistic elements fun. I don't know what's wrong with me but I don't see the appeal of having one shot kills and no crosshairs etc.

I played a few maps, got killed like 5 times in a row to begin with and had no idea where it was from but obviously I didn't stop playing. kept persisting and the game is soooo slow. you crawl up peak out take somebody down move forward. Second map I used the shotgun and blasted a few guys. Why they don't register kills is just stupid imo. I actually got to a US spawn point and raped 3 guys who just spawned :/

I know I will get raped for this but had they taken the maps, the classes, the objectives, the sounds and mixed them with the speed, the mechanics of counterstrike I'd love it. I just don't like the mechanics and they are pretty much fundamental to my enjoyment, same goes with RO. Oh and yes I did know it would be realistic but wanted to try to get into it. Btw performance was pretty good on my pc (x800pro, amd 64 3500, 1gb)
Awesome, I left it to download (from Fileplanet BTW) and went to sleep. I wake up today, ready to play, start the installer, and at 3% or so:


The size of the installer is 646MB, so I don't get what's wrong. Downloading again via torrent this time. Eh...

EDIT: How's the performance for you all? I read about people having fps problems (even with high-end PC's). A tester said it's cause of some last minute fixes and additions and that it should be patched soon.

We put it up on Crosus, you can download it there without having to wait in line.
It even installs it for you afterwards so its painless.
thanks for the torrent... fileplanet seems to want me to register or something...
Ill try it out when i get home, looked neat from the media. Lots of people are playing it so lets see if this will last.
EDIT: How's the performance for you all? I read about people having fps problems (even with high-end PC's). A tester said it's cause of some last minute fixes and additions and that it should be patched soon.

It's okay but can get really sluggish when a lot of action is going on, especially when players throw smoke grenades my computer begins to crawl, makes it hard to aim especially with the sniper rifle. Should be noted though that I've only played on 32 player servers.

No HDR, no AA, 2x AF, V-sync disabled and the rest set to high at 1280x1024.
I've maxed my settings. It tends to slow down when I get a lot of dust clouds in the distance, or when there are smoke grenades going off.
If you want to download it using BitTorrent, go to I'm currently downloading it and I can't wait to play it, it seems to be really good.
Had a blast, and it's really well done!. I agree with all the points on the gameplay, my only comment would be that I feel the US player models fall visually below the standard, considering the very high standard of the rest of the content.
Hmmm, first try... I had to wait some time to get into the server, then crashed.

Second try playing the game: I had no idea where I was going or where you should go, or what it was that I did as an engineer. Couple of times I got to the place where I was supposed to, apparently. But died and I had no idea who shot me and so on. Then it crashed.

Third time trying I am having much more fun now.

I wonder why the Iraqians have a voice of twelve year old American, thou. I clicked that taunt thingie and I heard this childish voice "defending" somehow I assumed I was American... then I saw an Iraqian and I shot him. Whoops!

Yeah, and they should have just used the normal human walking animations, the once they made themselves don't work that well.
Iraqian? XD

But yeh apart from those things, for the first beta release it's the best quality multiplayer mod I've seen and played upto date.
I thought this was meant to be set in Iraq... I didn't meant to be offending or anything...

EDIT: I like how big the maps are

EDIT 2: Althou I whined a bit first I think it's still something I will find myself playing rather doing something important...
No, clarky was pointing out that "Iraqian" isn't actually a word :p The proper term is "Iraqi", I believe.
This mod runs great on my system, (8800gts 640mb and 2 gigs of ram). Though sometimes my FPS takes a hit.
No, clarky was pointing out that "Iraqian" isn't actually a word :p The proper term is "Iraqi", I believe.

Whoops, I will use the "I don't speak English as my first language" -card on that. :eek:

By the way, I just realised I am hearing the American voices with the Iraqi and the Iraqi voices with the Americans (first I thought that they had just been lazy making different voices for both). Is this something that everybody is experiencing?