The Insurgency Has Finally Begun!

What's the point of playing a FPS without kill reports? Major part of any MP FPS is bragging rights

That's the whole point, with no direct rewards for killing enemies players are forced to pursue objectives instead.
That's the whole point, with no direct rewards for killing enemies players are forced to pursue objectives instead.

Yeah, I like that. I don't think the kill indicator is necessary, I think it's good for the reality thing (althou in some areas they are going too far with the "reality"). And no, I still play CS:S sometimes and I have never "bragged" with anything, I have never checked what my kpd is.

One idea: if you would have the static map you could ask the team with the radio their position, if they would answer you would see them for a second in the map. This would stop from shooting a friend that you see in the distance that you are not sure if it's a friend or not.
I'm loving it. The sv_alltalk 1 is a big booboo though and the ease and lack of penalty for TK'ing is a bit annoying. I've spend time on servers where one guy pretty much kept slaughtering his team (resulting in a score of -500 or something) and we could pretty much do nothing about it.

I wish it had some of ZM's kicking features to get rid of the lamers and help people focus on the teamplay.

I must say though, finding a nice position to cover with the RPK is very satisfying. The only thing I hate is that when crouching and using the tripod, aiming down will result in you hitting whatever you're balancing your mg on. That kinda blows and makes you a sitting duck.
That's the whole point, with no direct rewards for killing enemies players are forced to pursue objectives instead.

But a lot of people don't know what the objectives are so they just sit in spawn.
Actually we found out the bad performance is not related to the maps.
I'm sorry but that's simply not true. I can get 100-150 fps on Baghdad with 50 absolute minimum and get 5-30 with 40 max on Sinjar. Strangely enough Sinjar has a long road with about 20-30 car props scattered throughout, which is bad mapping practise. It also has barely any vis blockers. Baghdad is designed so the road snakes through the map, meaning your rig doesn't have to process everything at once. It's simple: some of the maps are optimised well some aren't. There may be other issues involved but some of it is definitely down to bad mapping.
The map with the mine runs like shit. Whenever you look towards the Marine spawn the frame rate drops dramatically due to there being so many displacements...

Remove the poor performing maps and redesign them with optimisation in mind.
My CS clan have a server up and running:-

It's only 18 player, but that seems to be about right for level numbers. Before we got it up I was playing on a 32 man server and it was nigh on impossible for the marines to win on some of the levels.

I think the mod is pretty good, the level design is very atmospheric. Looking forward to the updates as they come.

I haven't really experienced any FPS drops, but I have come across countless server disconnects (no other Source game has this), and at least one crash of HL2.exe in this mod.

Guess's a mod beta..and a newly released one, so yes there will be issues, and crashes. No doubt the devs are getting a lot of feedback and with patching things will dramatically improve.
Downloaded but haven't played yet...

Got to comment on kill indicators, though. Not having them is good. Kill indicators (and kill stats) seem to ruin teamwork and tactics in just about every game that is intended to have tactics. Battlefield 2? People will do anything for a higher score. America's Army? Supposed to be a realistic tactical shooter, but players enjoy getting the most kills and bragging.

Without kill indicators, there's no bragging about how many kills you got. That weeds out the type of players that only care about their kill ratio. So those who want tactics are probably going to have more fun.

However, I'd add kill indicators for teamkills only. That ensures that teamkillers won't be able to shoot half their team unnoticed, and is generally a good thing to have.
However, I'd add kill indicators for teamkills only. That ensures that teamkillers won't be able to shoot half their team unnoticed, and is generally a good thing to have.

agreed that TKs should register and perhaps the serial tkrs get auto kicked after 8 kills or some such.
I'd prefer what they had in (can't remember name of mod) where you kill someone but it isn't confirmed until you or a teammate eyeball the corpse. When you have direct sight of a new friendly or enemy corpse the radio automatically says either "Enemy down" or "Friendly down". I think it might have been Hostile Intent but I'm not sure.
It should be a kick-by-vote. Sometimes people just get really unlucky with the RPG.

*stares angrily at Qonfused*
It should be a kick-by-vote. Sometimes people just get really unlucky with the RPG.

*stares angrily at Qonfused*

Well the game style means that TKs are inevitable, but the regularity drops over time unless it's deliberate. Perhaps a timed TK spec kick. IE if you TK more than 4 players in less than 3 minutes you get kicked to spec for half an hour. That kind of penalty is more than enough to ensure a deliberate TK pisses off.
This rocks! I love it, they've done it perfectly.

Really makes you work as a team and plan ahead, no run and gunning or noob play. It's great to work as a time to preserve your life and slowly push forwards.

It does say when someone gets tk'ed or attacked by a teammate. When you get tk'ed, after you black out you can check who attacked you in the lower left corner of the screen.
The problem is, the message disappears after about two seconds, so it's sometimes impossible to tell who killed you.
The problem is, the message disappears after about two seconds, so it's sometimes impossible to tell who killed you.

Exactly. Thats why I said in my first post that you usually can't see who TK'd you. All it takes if for a few more msgs to pop up and the TK line is gone and its not in the console log.

That's the whole point, with no direct rewards for killing enemies players are forced to pursue objectives instead.

Ive been playing Team Based FPS games since Quake CTF and Tribes and players will either help with objectives or they won't. My very first time playing, 2nd map, I was leading the team the entire game from protecting objectives (cus I looked at the map before jumping in the game). Taking away half the fun out of a game by eliminating kill reports isn't going to help. MG's aren't supposed to be helping to cap objectives in most scenarios, so all they have to reward them, is kills. Hell they could eliminate scoring via kills altogether (if they didnt already) but still show kill reports on screen and that would be better than the way it is now.

With the way they force players into certain kits based on first-come first-serve a player will often be forced into a roll they don't want to play.
With the way they force players into certain kits based on first-come first-serve a player will often be forced into a roll they don't want to play.

This is true. Invariably you always get one person who hogs the sniper role and stays on the server forever, whilst no one wants to be an engineer because the shotgun has limited range, and the RPG is just cumbersome. The classes should be up for grabs again at the beginning of the next round imho.
This is true. Invariably you always get one person who hogs the sniper role and stays on the server forever, whilst no one wants to be an engineer because the shotgun has limited range, and the RPG is just cumbersome. The classes should be up for grabs again at the beginning of the next round imho.
Engineer and shotgun? Time to install this mod! :D

BTW do we have a ventrilo server or something to go on?
Kind of. We've always leached from other peoples' vents ("people" being random MMO guilds). The current one we're using is:

Port: 3504
No password

They haven't caught onto us yet, so this should be good for awhile.

This is true. Invariably you always get one person who hogs the sniper role and stays on the server forever, whilst no one wants to be an engineer because the shotgun has limited range, and the RPG is just cumbersome. The classes should be up for grabs again at the beginning of the next round imho.

My theory is just to have the AK-47 or M4 as the default weapon and class and just have the specialties selectable. Therefore everyone gets the default weapon and class (Rifleman) unless they want something different.
Engineer is great, that shotgun is awesome. No need to go in iron sights mode, just kill them UT style. Hell I think they need to Nerf him a little bit.
They need to make it a pump shotgun and increase the damage. Then it's no longer an automatic shotgun and it'll actually kill in one shot.
This mod is pretty awesome, much better then any other ive played so far. Kindof a mix between CS and BF2( im sure im not the first to mention this).

There are some aspect that bother me like, no real indication of the classes, no Frag count etc. But besides that and some minor beta stuff it's practically flawless.

Level design is suburb as well.

IS there a HL2 server up?
It's more of a mix of BF2 and America's Army without the stink of America's Army. The mod is fantastic, and I will be purchasing this when it's released. There needs to be some minor changes making it accessible to more of a broad public; beyond that, it's perfect. I don't believe there's a HL2 server. We just usually leach onto servers with two or three people.
It's going retail??? ****...its a mod, community PEOPLE!!!

And another thing, what are the objectives...i ran around the entire level and didn't have a clue what to do, so i became content with killing people. But, eventually it would be nice to have some sense of purpose.
There's really no point for objectives in most situations. Unless you memorize them by playing the map 24/7, you'll never know where they are. The compass is useless as it shows NOTHING.

And yeah, it's going retail. Think Garry's Mod.
Is that even allowed? I guess Valve has a hand in it....****.

What's with all the realism complaints? It's pretty arcadey if you ask me.
It is kind of arcadey, but it's far more realistic and immersive than CSS, BF2, and DODS. Even more so than America's Army, I'd say. And as Qonfused said, all it needs is a better indication of teamkills, objectives, and class selection, and the game will be pretty much perfect.
And another thing, what are the objectives...i ran around the entire level and didn't have a clue what to do, so i became content with killing people.

Maybe you need to read the objectives that are displayed upon loading the map instead of just clicking the button to advance? It shows a map, with spawn points, objective locations and a text description.

It is kind of arcadey, but it's far more realistic and immersive than CSS, BF2, and DODS. Even more so than America's Army

America's Army is what I would most liken it to right now. I don't know why people keep calling it "perfect", it's very far from it. Animations need a lot of work, hit registration, camera view with relation to iron sights vs visible enemy models etc (like the problem CSS had for a long time), and plenty of other stuff.

To give an example, I was firing single bursts at this guys helmet that was poking over a wall, should have hit him half a dozen times but got nothing. He finally turns a little bit sees me, boom I'm dead, even though his eyes cant even see over the wall from my perspective as I can only see the top of his helmet.

I know it seems like I'm ragging on the mod a bit, but I do like the potential it has to be a really FUN shooter. I'm just worried its not going to be a FUN shooter, but go the way of being a boring shooter like Ostfront.

Maybe they can offer two modes (action & realism) and let server ops make their own choice, as it would mostly be tweaking settings.
To give an example, I was firing single bursts at this guys helmet that was poking over a wall, should have hit him half a dozen times but got nothing. He finally turns a little bit sees me, boom I'm dead, even though his eyes cant even see over the wall from my perspective as I can only see the top of his helmet.

You know, most rifles aren't sniper rifles. And plus, you probably could have just shot him through the wall.
Actually the compass does show a rally point if your leader assigns an objective to take/defend.
You know, most rifles aren't sniper rifles. And plus, you probably could have just shot him through the wall.

K, first you are commenting without knowing don't.

Was using an AK (single shot fire is very accurate), roughly 30 feet away, Marine was at an elevated position (probably part of the camera problem) behind a cement wall a foot thick, shots don't go through that wall.
I was making judgments based on what you already told us. Excuse me for not invading your mind and reading the details for myself. If you only saw the top of his head, it's pretty hard to hit that in Insurgency. The rifles seem more accurate than what they really are considering most people die in one body shot.
I didn't have any problem making accurate single fire shots to the head except when someone was behind cover.

Did you not play CSS prior to 6-8 months ago when this was a problem, before Valve fixed it? People could hide behind crates/walls and be able to see and shoot over them, but the opposing player could not see that other player behind the crate.

This is a very similar problem from what I can tell. Maybe it is specific to the map that I was on, or that area of the map, I haven't looked that deeply into it.

You are just trying to dismiss it as user error without being open to the fact that it could actually be a problem with the mod.
I never said there's not a problem with the mod. If you've looked, I've had many complaints about the mod and I'm even banned from the Insurgency forums for making my complaints too... outwardly. Maybe there's a graphical problem. Hell, the ironsights are off on most weapons, so it's likely that there was a problem. You came off as "omfg its the games prob not mine" like most posts I've read.
Do you want realism?

Go join the freaking army.

Anyoen wanna play? I've got it installed now.

The only problem I found annoying is that the RPGs sometimes disappear after firing.