The Insurgency Has Finally Begun!

Check these ingame videoclips out how Insurgency is really ment to be played (once you understand the game).

Are there objectives? 'cause I didn't have a clue...
Mods pretty good so far. I noticed there is an option to use bandages, which leads me to believe that every shot isn't a instant kil. I'am guessing it depends where you get hit. There seems to be a bug with the bandages which causes you to stop moving if you use them when you don't need too.
Mods great, really high quality, smooth, great atmosphere thnx to the incredible mapping and awesome sounds. Still I predict I will tire of it in 1 week and never touch it.
Check these ingame videoclips out how Insurgency is really ment to be played (once you understand the game).

I didn't watch it all through but that doesn't seem any different from any other game. I mean, you are supposed to cooperate in CS too, but it just not happening in a public server. What is it in this game that would force them to cooperate?
I installed this, went to go online to check it out and found my Steam account has been disabled.....even though I was playing CS:S barely an hour beforehand....
I didn't watch it all through but that doesn't seem any different from any other game. I mean, you are supposed to cooperate in CS too, but it just not happening in a public server. What is it in this game that would force them to cooperate?

If the server full you need more than one person to capture an objective.
I'm not into the whole uber-realism thing, but they did do a very nice job on this mod. Props for the high-quality work.
Check these ingame videoclips out how Insurgency is really ment to be played (once you understand the game).


Haha I love how in the first vid at 1:20 you clearly see the 1st p player throwing a nade against his teammates head, screaming "INSURGENTS INSURGENTS", killing several teammates with the nade, yelling "We got X men down!" and taking their weapon :p

Congratz on the release, I hear a lot of good things, definately gonna download it and check it out this weekend. I'll be glad if we get like 1/5th of your succes or something.
wow those vidoes make the game look even more boring than when I played.
If the server full you need more than one person to capture an objective.

Yeah, I know. That's not any different from DOD, thou. And it also doesn't really make them work as a team much more in the sense of "you go there, I go here, I will cover your back" etc.
Check these ingame videoclips out how Insurgency is really ment to be played (once you understand the game).

If only the server config didn't default to having sv_alltalk set to 1 - games like that might be a bit more likely to happen (that and the general lack of communication or team spirit on publics - Another player and I spent far too long trying to get a third to help cap an objective...)
I didn't like it. I just need to accept I'm not into ultra-realism. I still think more effort could have gone into the interface and 2 of the maps are not at all suited for a first release. Strangely enough one of them is the one in those videos. I'm not gonna make a massive post on why I'm disappointed, so here's one I made earlier :p

INS seems very niche but it does well at what it sets out to achieve. It just really, really needs more polish on the menus and on some of the maps. It seems no thought has gone into designing the game with new players in mind and no amount of blaming their PR in the release thread will account for that.
It seems no thought has gone into designing the game with new players in mind and no amount of blaming their PR in the release thread will account for that.

Very true. I posted on their forums to point this out.

Mr.Psycho said:
I like this mod. It's very professional and has that quality which makes it a must-own mod.

But, why? Why did the developers decide to not include a mini-map or any kind of help/hints? Seriously. I was on a server and nobody had a clue what to do. Now, don't say, "OMFG NOOB, Your commander has to tell you where to go!!11!!", but what if they don't know what to do either?

You dev's really are going to have to make some sacrifices in realism if you want the mod to be more-accessible. Why do you think CSS is popular? Its because it's easy to play. It gives you hints when you spawn, it tells you clearly that you are at a bombsite, it explains what you have to do.

Look at DoD. The capture points have giant flags in the center. Is that realistic? No but it certainly helped me understand what I had to do within the first 10 minutes of playing the game.

Just my thoughts.

And here's one of the replies;

MrUtada said:
wow man...honestly, u need to read the loading screens and the friggin MANUAL!

it shows all the commands and the info about the different map types.
so next time when your playing a game. read the friggin manual first and then play.
it took me about the first 5 minutes to figure out the class choices. it wasnt hard though, now i always go for commander/cell leader. the only thing i dont like is the ability not able to see ur squad members. i know everyone is noob considering now, about theres a difference between people who read and people who dont.

Looks like I'm never going back there again. -_-
ok, this is really getting on my nerves. most people here seem to be saying that this mod isnt really that great. im already beginning to wonder if i should dload..o well, i guess ive got t give it a shot.
Its great, some people are just never happy and expect everything from mod teams...
soulslicer0: Get it, if simply for the experience.

I got it yesterday and am thoroughly impressed. Yes its a beta, yes it has problems, yes its unpolished and yes its downright confusing in places, but its still entertaining as hell.

Just bear in mind that its not meant to be CS, Plan of Attack or Battlefield. Genre-wise, i'd say its the bastard son of Red Orchestra, Americas Army and Counterstrike, in a sordid 3-way **** fest.

As long as you don't petulantly expect it to be the best, completed, polished game on the planet, you'll do fine.
I think that this is the best mp mod currently released in terms of overall quality. I agree though that ins is not very newb friendly, even after having read the manual I felt lost. The objectives could be marked more clearly. As I had discussed elsewhere, I think this game really needs some server and client side options to make it a bit more newb friendly. Options like death notifications, no ff, pop up hints for objectives, and friendly icons over teammates heads because it is simply impossible to see whos who with all the dust they have in the maps sometimes. Don't get me wrong though, I think it is a quality mod and it is very well done, especially for a first release. However I do think it needs some minor additions/changes to really make it successful.
This is great :)

Any HL2 netters currently playing?

Give us ya server IP :D
I think that this is the best mp mod currently released in terms of overall quality.
I'd say Dystopia is best atm in terms of overall quality. The weapons are balanced and original, cyberspace is original and fun, it has a very polished team/class/weapon selection menu, it has an intuitive HUD and GUI, it has an excellent manual, the models look good and are animated well, and the maps are also well optimised and some are even well balanced. Now Dystopia wasn't like that on release, but as far as the best MP mod for Source in terms of overall quality right now, imo Dystopia wins by a mile. I don't play it because it's too repetitive, but it has got high standards of quality.

If they actually put some thought into the menus and do something to ease new players into the game this mod could easily overtake Dystopia in terms of overall quality. If they don't want to change the HUD then just make a tooltips system that you can turn off with messages like "Your Captain has set a new waypoint, check your compass to see which direction he has ordered you to go". And for the love of god a map. A map would at least tell me which of the gazillion doors in each map can be opened and which are just for show.
Could someone host a HL2 server with a password and PM the password around? I would if Mediacom (my ISP) didn't give me terrible upload rates.
All this mod needs is a few bug fixes, clearer objective notifications, and a terrain-only minimap, and it'll be hands-down my favorite Source multiplayer game.
^ Agreed. I was pretty confused at first, put after playing a few maps for a while you eventually learn where the choke points and objectives are. Becomes so much more fun then.
^ Agreed. I was pretty confused at first, put after playing a few maps for a while you eventually learn where the choke points and objectives are. Becomes so much more fun then.
I agree, because for some reason Almaden is the only map I seem to be able to play long enough on to get a feel for before the server crashes, I'm beginning to learn it. I was tempted to use a mic to get some teamwork going, but alltalk was ON (it is by default although supposedly a new patch has fixed this). There's no way I'm yelling team instructions to everyone on the map.
Also something they need to improve is the performance within the maps.
At map load there are a lot of errors show in the console (mapping errors) and the maps LAG a lot as well, either bad mapping or too much content shown in view. Either way, they should use CSS as a benchmark and make sure people who can play CSS should be able to play their mod. For instance, I can play CSS at 1440*900 EASY, but Insurgency feels kinda laggy at this resolution. So they need to do some cleaning up imHo, and less junk in the maps would also improve gameplay, cause rite now theres just too much to get stuck upon and get killed imHo. But the mod is already pretty damn cool for a first release, nice work!
Actually we found out the bad performance is not related to the maps.
Actually we found out the bad performance is not related to the maps.

Just out of curiousity, what is causing it? I thought it was a bit strange how some people can play it flawlessly and others can't, on a whole range of different systems.
my guess would be the player models. My fps drops dramaticly if 2-3 players are in sight.
I haven't really experienced any FPS drops, but I have come across countless server disconnects (no other Source game has this), and at least one crash of HL2.exe in this mod.
pretty nicely put together but I'm afraid I just don't find the realistic elements fun.

That pretty much sums it up for me too. This game has all the makings of being a fantastic action shooter with limited realism added. But some of the things they seem to be going for in terms of realism will end up making me not interested in playing. Same reasons why the mod Red Orchestra was a lot of fun, and the retail Ostfront just bores me.

Minor things that I have no idea why they would change/remove...You cant see who killed you, or who you killed, or even if you got the kill. No log in the console, so again, can't see who killed who. Intentional TKing is rampant right now because most of the time you have no idea whether it was friendly fire or enemy fire.

Even with quick weapon switching on it still gives me a stupid menu that I have to scroll and mouse click to select....this is slow and a pain the in the ass when you are in the middle of a fight.

My only advice is keep it fun and don't go over the top with realism.
realism is fun!
very very well made tactical game - i am definitely hooked for the short term
I would change a LOT given the chance but given that I am a realism junkie, I am fairly confident that the mod makers will create CQB heaven: minor things like leaning and slow-strafing simultaneously, major things like a map edittable by a squad leader, gameplay issues like the stupid spawn setup and wishlists including free-look.
Kill reports, hit indicators, radars, crosshairs are gone - good riddance \0/
What's the point of playing a FPS without kill reports? Major part of any MP FPS is bragging rights, especially when you take down the opposing teams best player over and over. I don't want hit indicators, I hate that crap from Q3/4 and ETQW.

FYI the game does have leaning.