The Iron Curtain



Ladies and Gentlemen, I propose a toast to our vaulted heroes at Valve Studios for for their ambiguous actions regarding the recent crisis regarding the beta leak. They have truly handled this situation with great care and confidence. Let us list the many procedures this revolutionary studio has put in place to catch the hacker, contain the beta and keep the public informed!

They have:
  • Shut down their network
  • We don't know
  • We don't know
  • We don't know
  • Headphone specific sound-options will not be available in HL2

As you can see, Valve has kept us au courant to the utmost degree on their doings regarding this monumental crisis that has taken place in their company, largely by shrouding these foresaid actions in the utmost secrecy. Not content with merely shrouding their game development titles in doubt, they have reassured the general public by not telling us anything about recent developments either.

However, I am convinced this lack of straight information from the source is easily explained. Gabe is trying to tell us via his apparent 'other' interviews that everything is thumbs up! For example, he can't comment on his high profile game that may or may not be released this holiday season, but he does have time to comment happily on his favorite movies.

A toast. With butter, please. We must simply be vigilant and interpret Valve's status by reading Gabe's comments on how Spielburg kind of sucks.

Of course, Valve can't follow precedent. As we all know, Doom III's alpha was released on the internet some while ago. ID promptly kept the fans informed. Valve treads new paths, my friends. We can't expect the trodden; we have to look sharp! Be on our toes! Who knows when this damn game comes out, I don't!

Oh, and of course, Valve doesn't owe us anything; anyone who would claim such a thing is foolish and vapid. However, decent PR is somewhat expected in what we call these 'gaming circles' and I am sincerely proud to be part of a community headed by Valve that only gives the best information, up to date, and without *EDIT: No foul language.* - Ghost.

Wait, a news bulletin! Many members will not detect the sarcasm in this post!

On with our ramblings. When looking at this board I see only the most informative topics about the newest media unearthed on this game. I do not see run-down topics about really nothing interesting that nevertheless garner pages of replies due to pent up demand. I don't see less and less topics being created every day. I do see excited threads debating the latest screenshots released by Valve the other day and the latest media showing off the artificial intelligence! Oh, and I see a couple topics talking about Valve's latest announcement regarding the hacker, because that's on-topic too!

As you were.
So I guess they are supposed to tell us everything and put themselves in a compromising position in the market? For what exactly? It will be done when it will be done talking about it won't make it happen faster.

All it will do will allow thousands of loyal fans to moan and whine again if the date slips again since many people reacted to the Hacking by saying OMG VALVE LIED TO US ABOUT XYZ. That is a real incentive to give us more information.

Being quiet does one thing, limits liabilty and stablizes the community since we have proven that we never take any information given at face value and all we seem to do is complain.

A valid argument can be made that many of Valves problems happened because they were too open with the community.
Stryyder, I am rolling my bowler hat around in my hands in agitation due to your rankling words of disbelief. Your rhetoric caused me a flashback of the slavering Communists in WW2 and for a minute there I felt the harsh punishment of the electric chair.

But wait, I burned the documents. They can never find me now.


I kindly refer you to my previous post, where I talked about Valve's PR in general, rather than just the release date.
Originally posted by manny_c44
I need to know what color Gabe's pantys are! Now!

I have been informed by a clerk at EB that Gabe wears a thong.
I was thinking of making a post like this, only mine wouldn't have been nearly as sharp or witty.

This situation is getting absurd. I have a little day by day chart of half-life 2 occurrences that i've been keeping in the margins of my notebooks since September 10th. it goes something like this:

Sept 10: New Steam Server (happened)
Sept 11: New Steam Client (happened)
Sept 15: Gold? (no)
Sept 17: Spitcodfry to Valve - Gabe: "we'll see"
Sept 22: Final Day For Gold (no announcement)
Sept 23: Still no annoucement
Sept 24: DELAY - "Holiday 2003"
Sept 26: Tokyo Game Show - new date? (no)
Sept 30: Benchmark (no) Alcatraz (no info)
Oct 1: Alcatraz Q&A - "we're sorry"
Oct 2: Source Code Leak? (yes)
Oct 3: Source Code Leak widespread
Oct 7: Possible beta images leaked
Oct 8: Beta Leaked. Inquirer - Holidays 2003
Oct 10: Vivendi - April 2004
Oct 11: Doug Lombardi - "we are still assessing the damage"
Oct 12 - Nov 3 (today): LOCKDOWN. No new info.

Don't quite know what i'm getting at, but it's a rundown of recent events... every day that valve is shut tight is a day they lose the support of some community members. Like someone said elsewhere, i could go for a couple of days just on a new screenshot... instead, this crap. Silence.
Gabe Newall: Ok ok, Im sorry for the lack of updateing about the leak, So far we have narrowed it down to human, but some of our rumors all surject it could of been done by a cat, or maybe a smart hampster
Originally posted by manny_c44
I need to know what color Gabe's pantys are! Now!

You mean his boxer shorts, right?....

.....right? :(
Originally posted by ph34r t3h cute
Gabe Newall: Ok ok, Im sorry for the lack of updateing about the leak, So far we have narrowed it down to human, but some of our rumors all surject it could of been done by a cat, or maybe a smart hampster

/me dies of laughter.
He's obviously an arrogant American disembodied soul of a maiden of Odin who decides what heroes get slain in battle and sent to Valhalla :)
i thought valve narrowed it down to that one guy with the possibly brownish/blondish hair that is about 5 feet to 6 feet tall and has light colored skin and blue/brown eyes? anyone else have any information on this.

*cough*vALVE sux*cough**cough*
Nice post... sums up my thoughts pretty much. I realize that Valve's going through a major ordeal right now, but a LITTLE more communication with their devoted fan base would be nice.

A lot of people didn't even download the beta or source code out of respect (not to mention it's illegal) for Valve. They deserve better than this.

My excitment level has gone from, on a scale of 1 to 10, a 12 (pre 9/30) to a mere 5 right now (post hack). I attribute this loss of excitment to the utter LACK of ANY RELEVANT INFORMATION whatsoever out of Valve for the past month.

It's pretty obvious to me at this point, that Vivendi was probably right about an April '04 release.

I'd be nice if Valve atleast kept us in the loop.
Originally posted by RhapSidious
Nice post... sums up my thoughts pretty much. I realize that Valve's going through a major ordeal right now, but a LITTLE more communication with their devoted fan base would be nice.

u see, my guess is.. that Valve doesn't want to disappoint anyone now since the whole Sept 30th date didn't work and pretty much every 5th mail had the question "whats the release date?" and do i need to mention stolen source code?..

anyway.. Valve figures its best to probably stay quiet altogether than to answer questions and make promises that they may not be able to keep.. at least thats how i see things..
Valve HQ: Day After the leak.

Employie #1: Hey hey, dudes, come look at this sweet game I just downloaded!
Employie #2: Wooow those are some gfx!
Employie #3: Yea and the sound is unreal!

20 mins and one completed game later

Employie #1:Hang on! I think this is Hl2, look, its got our names in the credits
Employie #2+3: Holy Crap!
Good initial post. The tone may make it seem not objective but it really is. The facts speak for themselves. I think it's time that people take off the rose-colored glasses and maybe put your taped-together hornrims back on. Valve's actions (or lack thereof) can be understood but they're hard to defend. Fan support is definitely a bell curve and Valve is slowly sliding down the other side. And the sad thing is is that it's so easy to remedy. Throw us a frickin bone will you?!
Originally posted by Shuzer
He's obviously an arrogant American disembodied soul of a maiden of Odin who decides what heroes get slain in battle and sent to Valhalla :)

Nail on the head! Seriously, that's the whole point be hind my Name. My Avatar is because I'm an American patriot. My Signature is because people are always calling Americans arrogant.
It all fits together, ha!
This is a great post and sums up my thoughts exactly. Valve needs it's fans more that we need Valve, and they need to stop screwing us over.
Originally posted by iamaelephant
This is a great post and sums up my thoughts exactly. Valve needs it's fans more that we need Valve, and they need to stop screwing us over.

Yes, we have been royally screwed over. Because they don't answer email constantly anymore because... they were hacked. And if I recall correctly, everyone said they were horribly incompetent for having their computers connected to the internet. And everyone whined when they missed their release date in spite of their best efforts. SO now they don't connect to the internet and they don't give us a release date. And we whine some more. Makes you want to invest all the money you made into making games instead of just living very comfortably off the interest doesn't it. I mean, who wouldn't prefer having a bunch of whining prepubescent kids screaming at you for "screwing them over" to spending the rest of your life taking it easy.
This whole damn thread is witty and sarcastic... wittily-sarcastic???

Oh yeah, funny too :).
Originally posted by Ahnteis
Yes, we have been royally screwed over. Because they don't answer email constantly anymore because... they were hacked. And if I recall correctly, everyone said they were horribly incompetent for having their computers connected to the internet. And everyone whined when they missed their release date in spite of their best efforts. SO now they don't connect to the internet and they don't give us a release date. And we whine some more. Makes you want to invest all the money you made into making games instead of just living very comfortably off the interest doesn't it. I mean, who wouldn't prefer having a bunch of whining prepubescent kids screaming at you for "screwing them over" to spending the rest of your life taking it easy.

First of all, learn to use paragraphs...

I never said anything about answering email, I never read the Info from VALVe thread because, frankly, people ask way too many dumb questions, and those are the ones that are usually answered...

I never complained about the release date either. Or the hackers for that matter.

The fact is that we are Valve's loyal fans and we deserve an update every now and again. I mean honestly, I couldnt care less about special sound for headphones, that sort of crap can wait until the game comes out.

I, like most HL2 supporters, just want to know whats going on in the Valve offices, and we want to get one single estimate on the release date, we're sick of all the contradictions and bullshit.

Just give us something Valve, some new screens or videos, some info on the multiplayer or a couple of the weapons or vehicles.
I second what Ahnteis said. i would almost RATHER they didn't say any more at this point......remember how awesome it felt when they finally did release info after years of silence? When the game comes out, all this silence is only gonna make it sweeter.
Great thread. i especially enjoyed the bit someone quoted how their excitement level had gone from a 12/10 to a 5/10. Thats edzacary (sic) how i feel.

It would be great to feel the HL2 frenzy i had for a while again.

I recon valve should just announce a date as FALL 2004, then when they finish earlier than that they can release to MASSIVE excitement.
We don't DESERVE anything. It would be NICE to have an update, but we are owed nothing.

Valve, unlike most game companies, does NOT need us. They had money to start with and they have money from an incredibly sucessful game. They have chosen to reinvest a large part of that in making a new game because they WANT to--NOT because they have to.

Welcome to real life where not everyone is at your beck and call.
Originally posted by Ahnteis

Valve, unlike most game companies, does NOT need us. They had money to start with and they have money from an incredibly sucessful game. They have chosen to reinvest a large part of that in making a new game because they WANT to--NOT because they have to.

Well, last time i checked, Valve was still a *business* company, and last time I checked, such companies *do* need customers...unless all Valve employees have millions in some unmarked Swedish account, and are just making the game in their spare time.....

True, they dont have to tell us anything, I'll give you that, but then you have to concede that at this point in time, it seems highly uneccessary for them not to indicate whether we are looking at a small (a few months) delay, or a 6+ month delay.....

I don't think the posters here are asking for a date set in stone, just a general feel for what is up.
Originally posted by ph34r t3h cute
Gabe Newall: Ok ok, Im sorry for the lack of updateing about the leak, So far we have narrowed it down to human, but some of our rumors all surject it could of been done by a cat, or maybe a smart hampster

It was the one-armed man!
Erm, valve is loaded. They don't really need our money. Look at how much half life has earn them and is still earning them! And CZ is coming out. They honestly make games because they love doing it. If you can't see that then you need either realise it now or simply leave. Because alot of the people on this forum can not stand people who attack valve because "we are their customers and without us they are nothing!"

Please try to understand that there isnt another games company quite like valve.

But I can understand the frustration right now. I too am getting slightly fed up with waiting but I realise there is nothing on earth we can do to affect anything. We just have to leave them to do their own thing i'm affraid.

I am sure they wont let us down. If they do I will be VERY VERY supprised. Oh and I sugest you lot try CS1.6 again if you didnt like the first couple of versions of it. Its alot of fun now. :)
Well, last time i checked, Valve was still a *business* company, and last time I checked, such companies *do* need customers...unless all Valve employees have millions in some unmarked Swedish account, and are just making the game in their spare time.....

True, they dont have to tell us anything, I'll give you that, but then you have to concede that at this point in time, it seems highly uneccessary for them not to indicate whether we are looking at a small (a few months) delay, or a 6+ month delay.....

I don't think the posters here are asking for a date set in stone, just a general feel for what is up.

That was thoroughly excellent. Please understand, those who would accuse us of disloyalty and greed, that we are fans, not trolls; we love Valve, we want the game, we know that Valve is unique.

However, you must understand Valve is a business. It isn't made of money; they had to make another product, so enough with that particular claim. As a company, they are expected to suitably develop their PR and customer base methods to satisfy the general public. A total communication blackout isn't legitimate.

Ahnteis, may you be pierced with the swords of truth! Viva the revolution, and let it shine through the chinks in our collective walls until it bursts through in a glorious symphony of overwhelming justice! Take off your hat, drop to your knees, submit to the ever-consuming Now! We do not talk of contradictions; we do not talk of prepubescent whinings, we speak of merely being kept informed.

But I am spent. This exhaustion is total. Viva the Revolution, tear down the wall, roll back the communist frontiers!

Well, Gabe certainly has good taste in movies! Pulp Fiction and Aliens!! :D Go that man.
because i have nothing better to do, i'm going to re-post this from an old thread, as it is almost, in a way, somewhat near-relevant:


"'finding the hacker' is a huge waste of time and money. the best thing vavle can do is buckle down and get hl2 out asap! it's going to sell huge numbers, and everyone should realize this, i wouldn't be surprised if this hacker-publicity is actually beneficial for sales, in the short term. i haven't even thought about looking for whatever is out there, but from reading posts on this and other forums, it seems what has been distributed is not really that playable and buggy and whatnot. i don't see how this will affect sales at all, except maybe to whet peoples appetites. i'm serious, if valve had a great game on their handds, and some old code was stolen, just tweak for like a month and release the game while all this hacker talk is still hot. i'd buy it in the first hour (of course that's based on how much i liked the first hl, and how cool the e3 demo looked, but i wouldn't be so anxious if it weren't for all this exposure from the incident).

that said, i do think valve is right in keeping shut-up about this. too much saturation of the news with hl2, and people are going to get oversexed by it all, that's the only danger they face, assuming that i have a working idea of the situation with the leaked code. i mean, look, when they release the cds of the game, there's going to be a fringe group of people hacking that real release automatically and distributing it, that's going to happen regardless of if they find the hacker or not. besides, i mean what the [puppies] are they going to do to the hacker if they find him/her/them? most likely it's a dumb 10-13 yr old, so have fun with that valve.. or yay they could sue the holy [kittens] out of his/her [love] or his/her parent's [love]es, for the grand total of like zero [puppies]ing dollars. terrific, nice way to waste time and money. i doubt valve is really doing this, i'm sure their lawyers and BoD, or whatever, is smart enough to have realized all that a long time ago.

err, sorry for ranting, it's really late here.. i should get back to work..


p.s. yeah, i censored myself."


welp, that puts that one to rest.. new thread!

oh and, i really wasn't sorry for ranting, and i didn't get back to work, hahaha.

p.s. everyone look to rotorhead!!!! i think we could all use a little more bouncing tits in our avatars.
You guys are the BIGGEST WUSSIES!!!!!!!!!!

Go here:[email protected]^[email protected]

these poor miserable souls (including me) have been speculating on TF2 for 5 damn years now. We've been getting nothing from Valve for years and years. You guys have had to wait a few months! poor babies.

And here's the real kick in the ass. Half-Life 2 info explodes, and STILL NO NEW INFO ABOUT TF2. So we're still biding our time.

Originally posted by Ahnteis
Valve, unlike most game companies, does NOT need us. They had money to start with and they have money from an incredibly sucessful game. They have chosen to reinvest a large part of that in making a new game because they WANT to--NOT because they have to.

ROFL.... thats some of the biggest rubbish i have ever heard on this forum. Im sure Valves accountants agree. (sarc)