The "Is this a photoShop" Question:

Me Tooooo!


Please note the sarcasm, and view the pic. :p


  • IGOTIT.jpg
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I love all these photo "experts" who claim everything is fake then start pointing out perfectly natural--and common!--photographic anomolies as their "evidence".

Look, this is a real photo of a real box. There's no photographic trickery here. The only trickery is of the old fashioned variety--show somebody something real but eliminate the context so they jump to the wrong conclussions. The truth is, this is one of those "place holder" boxes, the kind that have been on shelves for months.
Color on thumb = reflection from box

Flat looking = he is holding the flat insurt up from the rest of the box, so it looks flat when combined with the angle

Jaggies = bad camera, internet compression.. ect..

its possible its real, but unlikely...
I say fake (but purely due to circumstances, I have next to no knowledge regarding Photoshop trickery). Although the outline of the thumb looks thicker than usual to me... could just be that I spent the last age trying to edit a scanned pencil image, mind :sleep:
the photo has been taken with a SONY DSC-P8 and been edited in Adobe Photoshop 7.0
1) Valve moderator @ steampowered confirmed it's fake
2) It's a photoshop
3) Valve moderator @ steampowered confirmed it's fake

Oddly, I have an Atari sticker in the EXACT same spot on my 2nd monitor.
Fake or not, there's some weird shit goinng on tonight. That's the second or third (just second? I don't know) post about HL2 being "leaked" from some store tonight. I'm getting agitated now. How the hell am I supposed to do Geometry with all this?!
Notice the Lamda logo are in different positions on the box versus the DVD case? Little details like that are what makes it look so real.
it's blatently fake. You just need to register the immediate 'intuition' you get from the first glance. The thumb stands out as wrong. If it were 'right' there'd be no doubt. It's been photoshopped, although I'm thinking the author may have put a twist in it by photonig a legit box, and editing it to make it look fake - thus confusing us all!
I hope this all doesnt become a daily thing. "HL 2 IS RELEASED IN HICKVILLE! REJOICE!" then the Steam servers crash because everyone is crapping their pants...

But wouldnt it just be the icing on the cake that is HL2 if it were prematurely released? It's had so many crazy headlines, why not make this the final, ball busting headline? "HL2, released 1 MONTH premature! Gamer's everywhere crap pants."
I would reason that it's a fake because it's a photo of everything we've seen thus far (albiet in different positions, etc.).
Biozeminade said:
1) Valve moderator @ steampowered confirmed it's fake
2) It's a photoshop
3) Valve moderator @ steampowered confirmed it's fake

MATT doesnt know what hes talking about.

If you open the file in notepad, it shows the camera used to take the picture and the date... although it as opened with photoshop, it was saved in it to reduce the quality (notice the size of the picture in pixels compared to the size in KB, its not right - cameras' sizes are different for this pixel count).
Could be one of those display boxes always up at EB and junk. The box looks real enough but notice how a lot of the CD case is hidden. Plus the grahpic inside the jewel case is all crappy, like it was out of a printer or something =/.
yeah its not real. Another thing missing is the front flap thing which hl and the expansions have.
The box is flat, they don't make a flat box.

The camera flash is UNDER his thumb, according to laws of physics and basic science there should be a shadow, and i doubt a hl2 box can defy laws of physics.

you can see the cutting around the thumb.

looks like an envelope or something simular.

When you zoom in on the thumb, you can see a lot of signs that overlays were used to impose the image on to the box.

the orange light on the manual is a little questionable, but that's the only problems i can spot immidiately.

doesnt the dvd come with the collectors edition? or is that game box from europe?
Link is down,. I take it that it was a picture of some guy holding a supposed HL2 box.
bobthecombineguy said:
My god, can't you people tell that that box is as thick as two cds:rolleyes:?
He is holding the box at a certain angle where is hard to tell how thick or thin the box is... :dozey:
1)Print fake cover

2)Put fake cover on generic case

3)Take photo of case with fake cover.

4)Fool people on the internet.
The Bait said:
He is holding the box at a certain angle where is hard to tell how thick or thin the box is... :dozey:

If thats real, I'm a garden gnome. I don't wanna argue, I just think its plain that its Fake as hell. He just folded it to look like a box.
here is the link

yes it is a fake, many people have confirmed it and there are many things in the picture that say it is photoshopped. and how would only one person have it. if it was actually out then i think there would be a lot of discussion about it, not just one picture of a box
apoc4lyps3 said:
here is the link

yes it is a fake, many people have confirmed it and there are many things in the picture that say it is photoshopped. and how would only one person have it. if it was actually out then i think there would be a lot of discussion about it, not just one picture of a box

See? Ahahahahaha I-was-riiiight hahahahahaha.
there isnt a valve logo or sierra or any logo for that matter...very good photoshop job though
someone over on the steam forums was saying that the way is thumb is, is saying that he is applying to much pressure and it has to be fake. well it is fake but there is nothing wrong with his thumb
Why are people still philosophizing about this :)? The question isn't whether or not the image is "fake", it's "why not take more than one picture"? And "why not a picture of something new, like the manual"?

It doesn't pass the initial "common sense" test.
Its a preorder box or a nice photoshop, but i think a preorder box. Where is the flap? Why doesnt he show a collection of photos of the entire box and its contents? Why wont he show the CD's or screencaps of the autorun or install sequence? just doesnt add up.