the little things you love about the game...

With the manipulator i like throwing the electric heaters even more than saw blades, they're big and heavy, its almost like throwing a big metal block at someone
So Much to enjoy, this game is genious!!

Playing ball with DOG was amazing, he kicks ass all round. the way he moves is crazy.

having the boxes with supplies marked with the word "supply" is great, instead of like HL1 when you spent heaps of time smashing every box you saw.

If you shoot a crossbow bolt into a unbreakable window, it gets only half way through and sticks out both!

When you blow up barrels or boxes when there are barnacles around and they try to eat the pieces then spit them out, I was freaking amazed when that first happened. Also once a head crab jumped into one and became lunch :)

big firefights against gunships shooting at you through windows, with glass and debris flying everywhere.

So much more... this is one Sweeet game, but of course I knew it would be :D
I like using exploding barrels as shields against bullets. Then i go deaf when it explodes. GG me.
Why? said:
i loved it in the beggining when you are walking through the playground and you can hear the kids playing, but they arent there. i loved the ending! i loved everything about this game!
There's a broken toy doll around there somewhere - try picking it up. ;)
i want to stress upon that one little thing someone mentioned. the water ripples when ur underwater and the combine are shooting at you looks unbelieveable. would be great in a ww2 mod.
the board in kleiners lab:

(the headcrab pic says "mutation? evolution?" in red in theupper right hand corner.


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The voice acting and scripted sequences:
1) scaring dr. kleiner when you're behind him in the window
2) barney making a MIT crack at you
3) Alyx's reaction to the other woman and when she says "You can call it the anti-gravity blah blah blah...if you want to"

etc. etc.

Never have I found so much joy into just being "part of the team" with every body else in the game.
Absolutely everything, but some small details that pop into my mind:

- Cat? What cat? - some time later - No, what cat? :P
- How the power of the manipulator decreases with distance, a barrel is still attracted from 10 m, but slowly rolls instead of flying
- The particle effects, simply awesome, especially bullet impacts and sparks.
- Bullet holes, for some reason, the metal holes look great.
- Birds with ragdoll
- Giving a headcrab a good smack with the crowbar was never as satisfying, love their ragdoll too.
- The way Antlions gib, nothing feels better than ripping them apart with a shotgun, which brings me to the next:
- The shotgun: Best. Shotgun. Ever. Period.
- Doppler effect on gunfire, love how guns make a *pop pop* sound in the distance.
- The scripted sequence in the beginning.
You run along the rooftops, bullets striking everywhere, you're unarmed, you get moved into an attic of a house, you check the door, it won't move. You find some stairs downstairs, you run down them, with the combine on your heels (I don't even know if they were, but it felt like it) the staris break under your weight. Ah screw it you think, and you enter a room with two doors. Suddenly, the right door gets kicked in, combine metrocops enter the room, okay, left room you think, as you walk towards it, door gets kicked in, more metrocops. Right, back upstairs it is, oh f*ck, the stairs collapsed remember?! The metrocops close in on you, and you're trapped. You get knocked out by their stunsticks, and then Alyx enters. LOVED IT.
- New ways of getting passed barnacles, you just throw a barrel in their tongue and you can move on.
- The 'boss fight' with the chopper in Canals, intense is the right word.
- The sound Combine soldiers make with their radio, and of course the flatline when they're dying, but also when they run, you can hear their heavy equipment bouncing up and down, they really sound like big heavy soldiers as well as look like them.
- The way the story is told, although it's a big point of critcism, I like it, just picking up conversations between characters and picking up details as you go.
- The teleport experiment in Kleiner's lab, superbly done.

And that's the tip of the iceberg.
So far I love:

- Setting zombies on fire.
- Father Gregori.
- Barney -- he's hilarious.
- Those exploding silver homing ball thingies from the highway level. Dunno why. It's just fun to hit combine soldiers with them and to toss them out to sea.
- Enemies getting painted when hit by a paint can.
- The whole bridge sequence towards the end of the highway level. Breathtaking.
- Ant Lion minions at my command.
- Philosophical Jah-prophet alien allies.
- I love how when a grenade blows up nearby, it blows out your ears and they ring, but since I play on headphones, I noticed that if the grenade was very much on one side or the other, only one ear goes deaf. Very realistic when you're wearing headphones.
- All the G-Man appearances.
- Alyx's line, "You can call it the zero point energy manipulator if you REALLY want to."
- Barney's, "eeeuuuuughhh" when Alyx says, "Not an animal person, are you?"
- The sound effects of the airships and striders. So creepy but unique and cool.
- Eastern European setting.

So far I hate:

- Poisonous headcrap-spawning zombies.
- The entire water level.
- Insane loading times.
- The game got off to a really slow start, I think. It didn't start to pick up for me until Ravenholm.
- No HL2 multiplayer. Just imagine "gravity matches," in which everyone only has the gravity gun, and there are blades and barrels and all sorts of things everywhere. Then throw in maps with some of Father Gregory's traps. Or hell, howabout wars between ant lion armies. Seriously, there's so much potential.
I'm surprised no-one mentioned this:

Crushing denizens of Ravenholm with the killer jumping washing machines. I found it by far to be the most effective crowd control weapon. I'd just pick one and herd it in front of me with the manipulator.

Moving furniture has never been so much fun.
*spoiler alert*

The cat fight between alyx and mossman. Hilarious !!

alyx "so your up to all this .. blah blah blah
mossman " well i didnt have a choose"
alyx "thats BULLSHIT"

and that that one sd moment at the end where the family is together again.

And when alyx says for gordon to kill breen and you go into the elevator and she says
"give em hell" or something like that
then the elevator goes downwards and kickass techo music starts !!!!!!

oh yeah and the first time barney says.

"GORDON watch out it the those freaking head humpers" !


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Gah use spoiler tags if you are gonna spoil, rather than just **spoiler** :(
- Feeding objects to barnacles, including flaming barrels :)
- use large objects as a shield with the gravity gun
- blasting headcrabs back with the gravity gun primary fire
- picking up a friendly turret with the gravity gun and walking round levels with it :)
I just love the i-rifle plasma grenade thingy.

I loved the SMGs in Halo 2, but the MP7 and the shotgun in HL2 have some SERIUOS punch to them!
Things I love about HalfLife 2...

1) The WHOLE damn atmosphere of the game -- They really get you to hate the combine and Breen (anyone remember when Breen is on the screens, and talks about why human's ability to breed has been disabled -- along with the oppressed people in the city, the beatdowns you witness -- I just wanna kill ALL those combine sumbiches

2) The little bits of humor -- "what cat?!?!"

3) Hedy Lamarr -- I lauged my ASS off from the minute she showed up.

4) Getting so involved with the characters -- Did you notice that
Eli has a false leg (and a bad one too) that he apparently lost in black mesa, AND he apparently lost his wife there too... I got so sad looking at the picture of his family, realizing that I had started the chain reaction that killed her, and took his leg, and yet, he does not hate me for this (and yes, I know he was involved too).,

5) physics -- throwing crates and bits to the barnacles, and being able to get past them that way (and if a large enough object, 2 barnacles can catch it, and argue over it). Breaking so MUCH stuff.... Water, bullets, etc.

6) Sounds -- the way the gunfire dopples, and fades with distance, and echos. Hearing combine run (sounds so real!).

In Short -- EVERYTHING!!!! I have know that THIS IS THE GAME, since very early into it. There has never been another game that has come close to this level of involvement. Thank you VALVe for giving me even more that I hoped for!
another amazing part - hearing the attack helicopter charge up, ducking behind some crates, and then just feeling so scared to move because of the loud, heavy plasma shells tearing up your entire surrounding area seeing bullet holes and shit blowing up everywhere.
ShinRa said:
another amazing part - hearing the attack helicopter charge up, ducking behind some crates, and then just feeling so scared to move because of the loud, heavy plasma shells tearing up your entire surrounding area seeing bullet holes and shit blowing up everywhere.
And better yet: having them destroy your cover and looking up into the muzzle of the gun! :P
The atmosphere is great. In route kanal, I liked the sound of the combine's racing engines and screeching don't know if at any moment a bunch of soldiers are going to pop up and start shooting at you.

First class.
I like:
- Sawblades
- Shooting the carwrecks which are on the road into the sea with the grav gun (in the buggy level)
- Pick up a tire with the grav gun and release it in a sort of way that it starts rolling.
- Feeding the barnacles various objects, like burning fuel drums
- the water reflections which are far more realistic than the ones in Far Cry.
- Seeing those things running and jumping on the roofs in Ravenholm
- Killing combines with there own grenades (you know, with the grav gun)

I don't like:
- the shadow bug
Only one thing? Conclusion: this game owns
the voices of the combine and barrel explosions awesome sounds
I really love the pistol... it feels just right. IMO the pistol in HL was underpowered but this is actually useful. Although, it came at the expense of the SMG - the one in HL2 aint a patch on the mp5 in HL. That's my opinion. I also don't like headcrabs. They scare me. :)
I really love destroying the manhacks with the crowbar...
It's so fun to see how they bounce back and roll in the air and then try to hurt you a second time only to be destory by the final blow...

May be it's so fun because they remind me of flies and mosquitoes(the way they fly a round, and hit the walls like they are blind),
but this time i can pay them back... Beside the combine and the running zombies they're the funnest enemey to fight against.
(so far... i'm only at the Highway level)
I love placing the toy doll on end of the see-saw in the playground... and either jumping on or dropping a cinderblock on the other end. :P
I thought the choppers dropping tons and tons of mines which all start to blow up simultaneously was pretty crazy. I also enjoyed the headcrab shells that caused the tower to fall over and eventually land right in my path. Excellent scripting. I also liked seeing the bullets from the Combine splashing across the water towards me. I havne't made it very far (as you can tell) but I'm LOVING this game and taking my sweet time.
AntiAnto said:
Things I love:

Things I hate:
- Ravenholm

How can you possibly hate this :eek: it's one of my fav levels. i've played through it several times on hard :D.

Some of my favourties -

- Water effects.
- Shotgun!
- the manhacks - well more the way you actually see the combine soldiers set them off.
- the super fast zombies that run up walls.

Things i hate :
- lack of official hldm2.
- sometimes the AI sends me potty , especially the co-operative AI.
hell I love near everything about the game!
This post contains some mild spoilers (I talk specifically about Black Mesa East in my second point about "Human vulnerability").

What I absolutely adore:

- Sound design: ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. The original had examplary sound design and Half-Life 2 continues the tradition. From footsteps, weapons fire, barrels exploding, Gordon experiencing concussion/tinnitus, bullets zipping underwater, the female tannoy system ("Confirm your civil defence status immediately..."), wood breaking, metal clanging, glass smashing, the Combine's radio system, the buggy's engine chugging, zombies shrieking, materials burning, alarms sounding... HL2 nails it every time. Absolutely astounding. Better than the physics, story, characterisation and gameplay combined. The sound of the ant lions flying through the air alone makes me queesy. I genuinely believe they exist. Terrific job.

- Human vulnerability. Valve said their aim was to make you care about the characters - and they suceeded. This is where HL2 makes leaps and bounds over not just Half-Life but every other PC game in existence. NEVER before have I felt so taken in by a bunch of moving polygons. And it's the little things that sell it. I'm thinking primarily of Alyx kising her father on the cheek, Eli hugging his daughter and the playful banter between them. How often do you see THAT in a PC game? There's so much being suggested with so little that I DO perceive Alyx and Eli as characters in their own right. You can even start reading between the lines and speculating on character motives a little. Why is Alyx so close to her father? For one thing, her mother died. Not only does she perhaps cling to Eli because he's her only remaining parent, but perhaps she also feels that Eli needs her as a close female presence in his life. Perhaps she also feels obligated to care for him since he's not getting any younger and is stuck with a prosphetic limb...The animosity between Alyx and Dr Mossman is also incredibly believable. Rather than have Mossman and Alyx immediately confront each other, we see Mossman walking in and looking UP to where Alyx is working. This highlights the immediacy of Mossman's contentions and what a pain in the ass she is; when Alyx then reacts by climbing down, we sense Alyx's own anger and frustration and get the distinct impression they've had numerous bust-ups before. Then we get Alyx's dry remark about the naming of the Gravity Gun (perfectly vocalised) as she's presenting it to you, further underscoring her dislike for Mossman. Amazing stuff. And that's not all... I actually felt sadness for Eli when he talks about his wife in the picture. Never thought I'd be genuinely moved by a video game. As much as Valve were boasting about their facial animation system at E3, it's all the elements coming together that makes the whole thing work: modelling and texturing, facial animation and body gesturing, dialogue and voice acting.

- Evocation of environment: The free-flowing, one-level-merges-into-next-level design of Half Life was amazing for its time. Its one of several things that still makes that game a joy to play. But Valve never really did evoke much of an environment that you could relate to. Half-Life 2 is another matter. From the dingy tenement housing to the Eastern European streets of City 17 to the dark and decaying zombie town of Ravenholm to the murky prison interiors of Nova Prospekt, you believe in what you're seeing and experiencing 100%. There's some stunning texturing going on in all these places. I've never seen a computer game with environments so random and bashed up. You don't have to look too hard to find repeating textures, unfortunately, but I guess we are still constrained by video memory; still, it doesn't matter too much in the grand scheme of things. The rended and chewed up metal railings in several locations are in themselves a stroke of genius. And beyond the visuals, I love the sounds of distant gunfire and that strange Sci Fi-ish whirring in Anticitizen One.

OK, so I guess those aren't little things... but I started out with a few small examples from each and then realised how perfect the "wholes" that spawned them were.
- Alyx's butt, yeah it's funny because you know that was in from the start ;0)
- The unlimited bugbait (& related gameplay)
- Strider
- Handgun reflection
- Water
Wraith said:
the board in kleiners lab:

(the headcrab pic says "mutation? evolution?" in red in theupper right hand corner.

I like the little lightning sketch of the zombie. Is that supposed to be a fast headcrab in the diagram?

And Lamarr eats watermelon? Must be because they're about the same size as a human head and mostly water like the human brain, or something like that...
when you get back the second time to kleiners lab after prospekt you can see lamarr hiding at kleiners legs and then running away when he sees gordon kleiner says something like:
"lamarr was scared from your crowbar gordon" made me laugh

the part in the mines where you had like 30 headcrab critters below you was for me most enjoyable.

HL2 sound effects-best ever

physics- i got to kill a couple of zombies from throwing a grenade near a hung body on a string and from the force of the gren the body swirlling arround killed the zomies
- Father Grigory's shooting posts - you find a couple with a deckchair, a crate of beer and a load of spare shotgun shells. That guy is awesome. ^_^

- The facial expressions on the Resistance members. Really makes you feel for them when you can see hope, fear and excitement on their faces as they look around.

- The Crane! Amazing use of physics. Whammo!
- The NPC's conversations, poses, facial expressions (Is that even the name??), body-language, the voice acting (you can tell a lot from this, like what they think of people etc, f***ing awesome!!)

- The Crane. Nice physics :)

- Alyx!
I love all the little details. I thought it was particularly cool how the combine snipers use the birds for target practice (you can see this in city 17 when you go up on the roof to help Barney).
-I loved the scoutcar and the Sound its turbo makes


-Sending squads to certain deaths while I escape unscathed

-Awesome scenery and cool sky effects (day/night)

-Combine flatlining

-Physics in general

-Blowing up a group of combine in slowmo

-Acting was better than any game I have played

-Barrels catching on fire and lingering before blowing up. It's fun to throw a barrel at a barnicle and blow it up when they get close to its body.
I liked how the sniper combines CAMPERS lol sniped the crows when i got close to them and they flew away, snipers shot em missed em but got a couple of em, and seing the birds fall down from 100 feet up lol to fall in front of ya hihiiii im sadistic
Dropping a breeze block on a bottle and watching it smash - it's the little things that make HL2 so cool :)
I liked G-man showing up at weird places. It doesn't get less surprising no matter how many times you see him.