The Lost Coast - Requirements?


Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
Well i cant wait to see this one. Thanks VALVe

But if this is not an ATI level then are they still coming?

What do you think the requirements for The Lost Coast will be?
DX9 card i would bet, but anything else?

Is this "X800 Pro" stuff is incorrect, i have 9600pro tell me i'm safe.
2.4 + ghz I'd guess, and 512 mb ram. I'm hoping it'll be more demanding than HL2 atm, but instead offer better visual quality (Not that there's anything wrong with HL2).
I doubt it will raise cpu requirements much, I think HDR is handeled on the gpu mostly. I bet you will need a card with full DX9 and PS 2.0 support (radeon 9600 for absolute minimum most likely).
Yeah I think the only change in the requirements will be that you need a DX9 graphics card. Gladly I have one already
Sainku said:
(radeon 9600 for absolute minimum most likely)
Oh, good! :D I kept hearing that the X800 would be the minimum.
It all depends on what kind of HDR they're using. They'll probably be using 8-bit so all FX, 6xxx and 9500, 9600, 9800, Xx00 cards will be able to do HDR.

There is some Doom³ fanboy at the local gamesite that doesn't want to believe that the pictures of the concept sketches are public.

But it is, isn't it?
subtlesnake said:
I think the minimum requirement will be an X800 Pro.

Are you being sarcastic? Because that would be pretty stupid. "Yeah lets make the minimum requirements so that only the best graphics card can handle it"
I really doubt that an X800 would be the minimum spec. Anyone who says that is just an X800 owner trying to brag. :P
I agree with the others, prolly a 9600+ or such as min :)
I've seen HDR techdemos done on 9700s anyway..
Insane said:
There is some Doom³ fanboy at the local gamesite that doesn't want to believe that the pictures of the concept sketches are public.

But it is, isn't it?

It's from Steam. Of course it's public, dumb fanboy.
I had this HDR test thing on my computer, ran perfectly on my 9600pro. Not sure how well it'll run once it's chucked into a game, though.
This needs to be said somewhere and I believe this has to be the thread;
Source > Doom 3 engine
Gabe > Carmack (SP? lol)
Dead-Inside said:
This needs to be said somewhere and I believe this has to be the thread;
Source > Doom 3 engine
Gabe > Carmack (SP? lol)
well I agree on one of the 2 and it definetly isnt the second statement. Carmack has done so much to revolutionise gaming for PC, I'd put him alongside SHiragoto Miyamotto (SP? the Nintendo guy thats behind half the mario games ect). But yeah Carmacks an absolute genious :) . Gabes good too but i wouldnt say hes greater than by any long shot.

onto the thread i doubt itd be an X800, probably something lower down. In any event I'm geting a new rig with an X800 this week so i feel safe anyway (i still wouldnt want that to be the min, since it means im still playing on the lower end of the scale lol). :cheese:
In my opinin the minimum requirement will be a Radeon 9600XT, simply because it's the slowest card to be sold with a HL2 voucher.
wilka91 said:
In my opinin the minimum requirement will be a Radeon 9600XT, simply because it's the slowest card to be sold with a HL2 voucher.

I believe 9200's and 9600 SE's were sold with the voucher. Definately the 9600 SE though.
The Thing said:
I believe 9200's and 9600 SE's were sold with the voucher. Definately the 9600 SE though.

No, only the XT series. 9800 XT and 9600 XT :rolleyes:
I don't think even ATI knew what all cards Half-Life 2 was eventually bundled with
that's some exception, but we all know that a 9600 se is crap, it's not even worth a GeForce 3 ...
Seppo said:
Are you being sarcastic? Because that would be pretty stupid. "Yeah lets make the minimum requirements so that only the best graphics card can handle it"
You don't understand, that's exactly what the ATI levels were going to be. Levels specifically designed to showcase what the next gen hardware was capabable of.

Notice: "specific set of high end hardware requirements".

Would you call a 9600 Pro high end?
wilka91 said:
No, only the XT series. 9800 XT and 9600 XT :rolleyes:

Nope sorry I got the voucher with a 9600 SE... I was surprised too because I didn't know they were doing that until I walked into best buy :)

Well I upgraded to a 256mb GeForce 6800GTO so I don't mind :P

Min req's will obviously be a DX9 card, CPU won't raise too much, if at all. If you have a low-end GeForce FX (like 5200) yes it technically supports DX9, but it supports it very very badly :P So I think you will be able to run it, but it may be slower.


Would you call a 9600 Pro high end?

Not in any way shape or form, but you will be able to run the levels most likely. The 9800 is even considered Mid-Range now just to give you a clue. X800 for ATi and 6800 for nvidia are considered high-end
I'd guess you need a 9800 or above for ATI,or a 6 series for NVIDIA to meet the requirements to get the new level. Maybe the 9600XT will scrape in but it depends how much the HDR effects the cards workrate since the 9600 probably won't take too much more ontop of running dx9 (don't get me wrong I know the 9600 is still A LOT better at dx9 than my current 5900xt, but lets face it, dx9 does push the 9600 to its limits. Whereas it pushes my card well beyond the limits:p - fortunately my 6600GT GLH arrives monday or tuesday....ooh lordy lordy I'm all excited)
I wonder if you'll still be able to play these levels on lower end hardware but with the high end effects disabled? I really can't see why not.
I can't see why not either but the news piece really made it sound like it would only be released to users who met the requirements.
I do know I'd be mad as hell if I wasn't upgrading my gfx card and couldn't even play this bonus stuff without the added gloriousness of HDR. Since I was already upgrading before it was announced it doesn't really affect me, but if they don't let everyone atleast try it then I'll still feel a bit miffed.
I doubt theyll make it as scalable as Half Life 2, as it is meant to purely show off the HDR. Lower end systems will probably be able to run it, but at around 2 fps or something. Its not like its a entire new set of maps with new weapons and enemies anyway.
Im not too worried with me and my faithfull 9700 Pro, should pull through ok, just might have to knock a few of the eye candy off.

I dont know how relevent this is or if its relevent at all but you guys can check this out, HDR Demo (yeah i know its old but just having new people check it out)
From the post it sounds like it will scan your hardware and download it only if you meet the reqs. So I doubt it will be scalable. People without the proper specs are just out of luck, which is an odd way to treat your fanbase. This will just offend at least 40% of their user base.
Gossoon said:
From the post it sounds like it will scan your hardware and download it only if you meet the reqs. So I doubt it will be scalable. People without the proper specs are just out of luck, which is an odd way to treat your fanbase. This will just offend at least 40% of their user base.

Sounds a bit too heavy handed for Valve. Im sure theyll just give lots of warnings and chances to realise your comp cant handle it before downloading it.
I cant wait for these to come out. Im ready to see what my X800 can really do.
I have 9200SE, laugh away, but why release a map that my computer wont run, I can run HL2 and the developers of HL2 should be making this map scalable, to be honest I dont care about HDR, I just want a new map to run about on.

I am not rich, I have a poorly paid job, I can't afford to be splashing out on new Graphics cards (I could use more RAM to). Things like this is why the ideology of Communism hasn't died.
I see this as a demonstration map release more than anything else. Kind of like a test for high end systems.
I get about 35-40 FPS in the HDR demo at 640x480 resolution, so I'm hoping I'll be able to run this level. I know I'll probably have to turn most graphics options down to medium/low but that doesn't bother me. And I'm planning on getting an X800 when they're a bit cheaper :P