The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

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Alexisonfire - This Could Be Anywhere In The World

For the first time in about 2 months I was listening to that album today. Stunning.

Pendulum - Hold Your Colour
Although the L is actually an I.

*smacks face and runs hand down slowly, comedy style*

"Roygbiv" Boards of Canada. Never really listened to them before that damn thread took off. They're pretty good.
that's what happens when you cover a talentless band.

The sidewinder sleeps in a car-REM
*smacks face and runs hand down slowly, comedy style*

"Roygbiv" Boards of Canada. Never really listened to them before that damn thread took off. They're pretty good.
oh, that's a good song too

boards of canada - into the rainbow vein
"Dial" by Autechre

Simple pallet. Increasingly fractured beat. Distorted screams and moans. Atonal synth lines rising and falling with intensity. My ultimate dissociative song.
The Streets - Fit but you know it

"See I reckon you're about an 8 or a 9
Maybe even a 9.5 in 4 beers time"

Funneh lyrics
"Dial" by Autechre

Simple pallet. Increasingly fractured beat. Distorted screams and moans. Atonal synth lines rising and falling with intensity. My ultimate dissociative song.

I've got 2.03GB of Autechre on the way, entirely because of you waxing lyrical about them.

I recently aquired the two Peace Orchestra albums, four Squarepusher albums, and a few BOC EPs. My last five songs look something like this:

Sonic Youth - Teen Age Riot
Squarepusher - The Exploding Psychology
Peace Orchestra - Marakesh
Boards of Canada - Kid For Today
Boards of Canada - Dayvan Cowboy (Old Nosdam Mix)
I've got 2.03GB of Autechre on the way, entirely because of you waxing lyrical about them.


Just be prepared for some very strange music, especially from the album "Chiastic Slide" onward. It can take getting used to. Melodies and beats interchanging, patterns shifting, weaving in and out of warped distortion. I'd be lying if I said I didn't encounter tracks that were absolutely grating on my nerves. But they're still capable of a moving tune, and at the very least they're always interesting. No BoC though. They are at the complete opposite end of the scale. I wish that I could get a glimpse into their heads, just to figure out how they make such sounds.

Also, props for "The Exploding Psychology". Which 'Pusher albums did you get?
I snagged Go Plastic, Hard Normal Daddy, Selection Sixteen, and Ultravisitor. I've also got no idea where to start.

Also, the Autechre is downloading veeeeeeeery slowly... the ETA is something like two months.

Currently: Boards of Canada - Skyliner
Only one of those I don't have is Selection Sixteen. Go Plastic probably the favorite due to its sheer madness, but Ultravisitor has a lot more depth. If you want some jazz-fusion thrown in, Hard Normal Daddy is by far the most tuneful.

"Kid A" by Radiohead
Absinthe - this song I'm listening to is ridiculously good, title track for a reason

Squarepusher - Ultravisitor
My introduction to Ae was "ep7" which I bought in Manchester. After cutting my ears up, I fell in love with it.

Currently listening to: Al-Naafiysh (The Soul). Sechs :D
Amber is taking me a few listens, but when I'm doing school work it's a great album for the background.

Ultravisitor is, indeed, one hell of a track, Ennui. First I heard, and I didn't listen to the album for a good solid few hours because I was just listening to that one song. I'm torn between Ultavisitor and Go Plastic as my favourites. Go Plastic is just pure awesome for I Wish You Could Talk alone.

A Silver Mt. Zion - God Bless Our Dead Marines.
I Wish You Could Talk, you say? I guess that's on deck after I'm done with this:

TV on the Radio - Staring at the Sun

TVOTR is probably my favorite indie group of all time, and definitely top 3 overall artists.
My introduction to Ae was "ep7" which I bought in Manchester. After cutting my ears up, I fell in love with it.

I really need to pick up more of their EPs. Cichlisuite and Envane (the latter in particular) have such wonderfully bittersweet tracks on them.
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