The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

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Martin O'Donnel and Michael Salvatori - One Final

Halo has an amazing soundtrack, I'll give it that. Too bad the majority of Halo 3's music is a variation of the piano part in the reveal trailer etc.
Dancehall Crashers- All mine

oh oh wait wait

Fabulous Disaster- Say what you want

meh, it's off their last album. I Don't like it so much.
BarlowGirl- no one like you

christian rock :|
too bad, 'cuz it's a good song, except there's this thing in the back of my mind, like "it's about jeeeeesus...." And I'm just hinking, god, can't you sing about something real? Or at least interesting? It's like writing about vikings in frozen woods.
Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box

Hyphenated songs must be today's theme in the randomizer.
My Dying Bride

- The Whore, The Cook, and the Mother

- Apocalypse Woman

- A Kiss To Remember
Schizophrenic misogyny if I ever saw it.
I can't speak for the singer, but in my eyes, it's just base for interesting lyrics.

As for me, it's more like -

but in my case, it's a result of bad experiences with people, not a condition. In a comparison example, just because you think people are out to get you doesn't mean they aren't.

EDIT- oh what the hell
Misanthropy is a general dislike, distrust, or hatred of the human species or a disposition to dislike and/or distrust other people. The term is also applicable to those who self-exile themselves or become loners because of the aforementioned feelings. The word comes from the Greek words μίσος ("hatred") and άνθρωπος ("man, human being"). A misanthrope or misanthropist is a person who dislikes or distrusts humanity as a general rule.

While misanthropes express a general dislike for humanity on the whole, they generally have normal relationships with specific individuals. Misanthropy may be motivated by feelings of isolation or social alienation, or simply contempt for the prevailing characteristics of humanity.

Misanthropy is commonly misinterpreted and distorted as a widespread and individualized hatred of humans. Because of this, the term often associates a great number of false negative tie-ins with the term. An extreme misanthrope may indeed hate the human race generally, but it doesn't necessarily entail psychopathy. In actuality, it exists as a form of elitism. Misanthropes can hold normal and intimate relationships with people, but they will often be very few and far in between. They will typically be very selective of who they will associate with. This is also where their aversion is most prevalent, because their perspective shows an overriding contempt towards common human faults and weaknesses in others and in some cases, themselves.

It's because of that aversion that most misanthropes will often be categorized as loners, living in recluse. They generally won't find solace or effective functioning in society as a result of their perspective.

My Dying Bride - Unreleased Bitterness
Keep My Composure (Featuring Spank Rock) - The Chemical Brothers.

I probably would. I'll listen some more.
Biosphere - Chukhung

Substrata gives Selected Ambient Works Vol II a serious run for its money in my book for best ambient album ever.
Biosphere - HyperBorea

Kinetic, I have a song called Pitch Black: Ape to Angel by Bluetech (album Sines and Singularities), what's the deal, does one of us have an inaccurate/fake track?

edit: nvm, it's a remix of the song you're listening to
Love Hater - Outkast

Uhmmm... Pitch Black is a New Zealand dub/electronica group, and their most recent album is called Ape to Angel. I know for a fact that mine isn't incorrect. I think Bluetech is them? Maybe an alias? Okay he's not. Maybe it was a reference?
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