The Mandatory "What book are you reading now?" thread

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Freakonomics, Steven Lewitt.
Soon to read: Never Let Me Go,Kazuo Ishiguro
Eldest by Christopher Paolini

My first fantasy novel since the LOTR series. Normally I read horror novels, by authors such as Stephen King, Richard Layman, and Dean Koontz. I enjoy many different types of books, but for some reason I tend to enjoy horror the most.
Red Storm Rising is good, but i prefer The Bear and the Dragon by Clancy. Have read that about five times i think, absolutely love it
Come as You Are: Story of "Nirvana" - Michael Azerrad

For research purposes, good book tho
Just finished:
Lord of Chaos; the 7th book in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan

About to start:
Crown of Swords; the 8th book in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan
Gui! said:
Come as You Are: Story of "Nirvana" - Michael Azerrad

For research purposes, good book tho
I read that a few years ago. Damn good book.

I'm currently starting The Plague by Camus - last two books before that were Burning Chrome by William Gibson and Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dosteovsky, both of which were excellent but particularly the latter.

I'm also considering reading Atlas Shrugged but I'm somewhat daunted by the size.
actually last night I just found a site that has the full book (from what I saw of Orwells 1984, so I'm not reading that)
I am reading Killashandra by Anne McCaffrey.


Off the Cuff by Carson Kressley
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
A peoples history united states - howard zinn
jane eyre - charlotte bronte
staticprimer said:
Listen to this man, for he speaks words of wisdom.

I bought the book. :cheers: It looks really good, plus it's only $11 with shipping.
Finished The Iraq War by John Keegan. I wouldn't recommend it. Too broad of scope. I would have liked it more if he had focused on the war itself and the preparations. The first 120 (out of 190) pages are all about pre 2002, i.e. the Iraq - Iran war, Gulf War, even the Ottoman Empire ffs!
i finished the first book and now im on "So Long and Thanks for All the Fish"
Wheel of Time: Knife of Dreams

Author: Rober Jordan

Actually, I finished it the day after it came out. Awesome. I'm reading at again :)
Things Fall Apart - Chinua


English class.
Dark Tower III: The Wastelands - by Stephen King
We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families - By Philip Gourevich (or something like that, but it's a really good book.)

Non-English class ftw...
The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne (English)
Red Storm Rising - Tom Clancy (Non-English)
The joy of flex - strengthening your PC muscle for a better orgasm
DeusExMachinia said:
Slaughter House Five or the Children's Crusade.-Kurt Vonnegut

Ooh, good one. Huge Vonnegut fan.

Right now I'm reading "Atlus Shrugged" by Ayn Rand, which I suppose is sociallaticish (I just made up a word!) as Vonnegut, but hey, it's all fun.
I'm reading a book about relativity and gravity...weird stuff...I love weird stuff! :p
dream431ca said:
I'm reading a book about relativity and gravity...weird stuff...I love weird stuff! :p

Well, if you're looking for fiction that makes you recoil slightly with wierded out-ed-ness, read Tom Robbins. A few suggestions are...

Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
Still Life with Woodpecker
Skinny Legs and All

...and so on.
IonizeMyAtoms said:
Eeee, I love Kurt Vonnegut

Hah, beat you to it!

Greatgat said:
Ooh, good one. Huge Vonnegut fan.

edit: Actually, I think that's the first time I've quoted myself... On forums anyway. I quote myself oodles in real life.

Oh, and also to my deep shame, I'm reading through the Harry Potter series in preparation of the new movie which I'm looking forward to.
The Tradegy of Macbeth. -Shakespeare
Greatgat said:
blah blah blah indeed, old sport! blah blah blah
O ya I almost forgot (untill I saw your name): I just finished reading the Great Gatsby. :cool:
Teta_Bonita said:
The Tradegy of Macbeth. -Shakespeare

You pretentious motherfu... Oh wait. I've read that too. I have all his stuff in this leather-bound collection that I treasure which I recieved on christmas. Fun stuff.

Does that make me pretentious too? Hell.
If it were done when t'were done
T'were well it were done quickly
If the assassination could trammel up the consequence
And catch with his surcease success
That but this blow might be the be all and end all
Here upon this bank and shoal of time we'd jump the life to come
But in these cases we still have judgement here
That we but teach bloody instructions
Which being taught return to plague the inventor
This even handed justice commends the ingredients of our poisoned chalice to our own lips
He's here in double trust
First as I am his Kinsman and his subject strong both against the deed
Then as his host who should against his murder shut the door not bear the knife myself
Besides this Duncan hath been so meak hath been so clear in his great office
That the angels will plead trumpet tongued against the deep damnation of his taking off
And pity like a naked newborn babe striding the blast
or heavens cherubim horsed upon the sightless couriers of the air
Shall blow the deed in every eye
That tears shall drown the wind
I have no spurs to prick the sides of my intent
But only vauling ambtion which oerleaps itself
And falls on the other.
From grade 6 shakespear. I think I ****ed up the lines though. Anyways, I'm reading Thief of Time. It's funny.
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