The Matrix Revolutions In Five Minutes!

Originally posted by nw909
I didn't see the movie yet, but this was entertaining.

me either, and the more I hear about it the less I care to see it. I think i'm just going to have to act like the first of the series is the only one - it's so good. But these sequels are very stinky.

BTW, LotR is probably the BLANDEST set of movies ever. LotR has no feelings to its characters - everything just seem really shallow. The best adjective for lord of the rings has got to be "boring."
I think that the movie may be too complex for most people. I enjoyed the challenge of figuring things out, but it seems like most people just wanted an hour of bullet-time effects.

There are allusions to several dozen religions and mythologies, plus philosophical discussions on the nature of fate, existence, etc. All of this represented through a detailed and thought-out science fiction world. Along with this are some of the best done action sequences and special effects in recent times incorporated into the plot.
If the plot apparently hurts some folks just to think about, imagine what it took to write it.

It's like Metal Gear Solid 2's plot, only far less convoluted.

Oh, and do you know why Reloaded didn't have a complete plot? Because it was only half a movie!
Same goes for Revolutions.
Imagine seeing only half of Matrix 1 and basing a review off that. Obviously, it would be ranked worse.
There is only one matrix sequel, six hours long and cut in half.
What about "to be continued" do some people not understand?

Edit: Antlion! Whoop!

I sound a bit fanboyish up there, but it's all true. There was some bad dialogue ("Neo, I believe!") and some pretty odd pacing, but you've got to admire the effort put into the complex, layered story.
I swear, every single thing in the Matrix movies was a metaphor or allusion.
Originally posted by dis
me either, and the more I hear about it the less I care to see it. I think i'm just going to have to act like the first of the series is the only one - it's so good. But these sequels are very stinky.

BTW, LotR is probably the BLANDEST set of movies ever. LotR has no feelings to its characters - everything just seem really shallow. The best adjective for lord of the rings has got to be "boring."

Heres a good example. "Hate the popular" as ive said before. Not only does he hate the Matrix movies but LotR too. Now seeing as SOOO many people like these movies its not logical for you to hate them so badly , no you hate them BECAUSE other people like them. Its the internet after all and its rad to be different. This thread reeks of it.

PS- I like the reviewer that gave the Hulk a perfect score hahahah , hes probably a 7th grader at the local middle school lol.
I thought the movie had a good balance of action and story, I thoroughly enjoyed all of them atrix series with the first being my favorite the third being my next favorite and the second being the third. And while the Zion battle scene was very clichey it was very well done and intense as hell.

1) how can dying in the matrix kill your real body?? yeah ok i can buy the "your brain thinks your dead" bit, but not real actual damage to the body (bleeding and such like).

2) how can neo blow things up in the real world? this sucked big time, i thought the "two matrix" idea was much more intelligent and could have explained away number 1 in the process.

3) as gabe once said "you can't show the player a realy big bomb and not let them blow it up!" - so what the hell was Smith's 10 million clones all about?

4) what the hell actually happened? neo jumped into smith and turned them all into light? what a crap ending, wtf???

5) matrix resets and everything is as it was before, except now "the ones that want to leave can leave". whatever.

* End Of Spoliers ***********************

Don't get me wrong the action kicked ass, and I will buy all three DVDs because of it. But the story was weak, I came out that third show with just as many questions as I went in with. And anybody who thinks otherwise hasn't seen a film with a good story (IMO lol).

People also need to compare revoulutions to the other movies in the theatre right now.

The people who say "WORST MOVIE EVER"..need to think. Would they rather see Revoulutions over..***naway Jury (only one I can think of..)? Or some other movie in the theatres right now...I doubt they would. They would probably rather see Revoulutions again, rather than see a different movie. They need to stop thinking the sequels will be as good as the original, which just simply cannot happen..the original was just too good, and too...well, original. One of a kind.
ok, the reson MOST people thinked it blowed ass... is cause u didn't understand it
Originally posted by thehunter1320
ok, the reson MOST people thinked it blowed ass... is cause u didn't understand it

exactly. Some people keep thinking the machines won, and others have no idea how smith died. ITs so f'ing simple. The same peeps who dind't like reloaded probably got uber-confused when architect started talking. I dont kno about you but i understood him.

this movie had a great ending, but is bashed due to its pop status and inability for people to understand what happened. low attention span i guess.
Yep. I turned on CNN for a second the other night, and they had a guy reviewing movies. He came to Revolutions, and basically said it sucked because "It had no character development. There was no plot, and they didn't explain who ANY of the characters were.. WHO WAS THE MEROVIGNIAN!? And the Architech?!"

After I heard that idiot, I'm thinking "Dude, they explained that in RELOADED! Go watch the movie before a sequel, otherwise it won't make sense."

I hate reviewers, so I get worked up over them :) lol
3) as gabe once said "you can't show the player a realy big bomb and not let them blow it up!" - so what the hell was Smith's 10 million clones all about?
film with a good story (IMO lol).

yo man, I think that u missed somethin out. the Mr smith that fought neo was the oracle transformed in smith. oracle/smith was more powerful than the other clones. in fact the one that cloned himself backed off the other smith cuz he was scared. Moreover he was convinced that 1 smith could do it, just as it happened. 1 smith was enough

and btw the movie rocked. yes guys pls understand that this was half a movie, and togethere with reloaded it makes one of the best sequel ever. the only thing that I would have to criticise is the last 2 min, were they left us with questions which are most likely not going to be answered as there is no more sequels.
Actually, theres already a comic in production.
Don't know when it takes place though.
They have however stated that they dont intend to make anymore films.
The only matrix thing after this, is The Matrix Online - a MMORPG set in the time after revolutions... I just hope it's better than Enter the Matrix. :|
Originally posted by Direwolf
They have however stated that they dont intend to make anymore films.

like i said in another Matrix thread, throw enough money at the producers/directors and they will make another one.. certainly they left the ending wide open with the creator's comment at the end..

anyway we probably won't see another Matrix movie for a few years but i think eventually someones gonna milk this cow named Matrix :p
Smith died because Neo died. The equation governing those two in the Matrix had to balance itself out by eliminating them both. Neo knew this, Smith did not.

I think the "peace" between man and machine would be the abolition of agent like programs, or programs which are created to keep those who know the truth from leaving the matrix.

One last thing also, it is a good thing for an author of any work, be it literature or film, to leave the spectator with some questions. Not plot holes mind you, just questions to think over. I think that's where many people find flaws with this film. It doesn't explain every single thing in detail, but rather it presents the facts and lets you put them together. So it does explain them, just not in the normal spoon-feeding manner. The only questions left unanswered are the ones at the end, just as they should be.
Originally posted by ale2999
yo man, I think that u missed somethin out. the Mr smith that fought neo was the oracle transformed in smith. oracle/smith was more powerful than the other clones. in fact the one that cloned himself backed off the other smith cuz he was scared. Moreover he was convinced that 1 smith could do it, just as it happened. 1 smith was enough

Yes I am fully aware of the storyline behind it. My question was posed from a purely entertainment point of view, what would be cooler: Neo takes on millions of Smiths? or Neo takes on one Smith?

Personally I like the millions.
One smith , didnt you ever see the fight from Revolutions???? It was cool for a few minutes but for godsake it got old.

Anyway , Smith is binary , do or do not. And as he said hed seen this moment before , he knew exactally waht he had to do unconciously(sp). So he nor his clones could do anything but what they were intended to.
Oh yeah, the lame argument about how we didn't understand it, isn't it great? You, fans of Matrix, can't even come up with anything better. I am sorry, but Reloaded and Revolutions dialogs are on the same level as new Star Wars dialog, one-liners that don't have any meaning behind it. Remember that scene from Reloaded?

“They need you.”
“I need you.”
“I know.”

Come one, do you take as for idiots or something?

Only in the end (in both Reloaded and Revolutions) there was some kind of progress in that area, but Jesus, it's like dialog from some anime cartoons, tries to be all self important, but in the end means a little. As philosophy movie, Matrix 2 and 3 failed miserably, as action they did not, at least from my point of view. You guys need to re-watch 2001: Space Odyssey and to see how real philosophical movies are made.
Ok, so Reloaded had some bad dialog in it. It isn't a perfect movie, no one is trying to say that. The only bad one liner in Revolutions though would be kid’s line, "Neo, I believe". I admit that one made me cringe. The overall story though is something many people do not seem to grasp, and the stories underlying themes (as well as all the symbolism) are things very few people pick up on or even try to notice. There is so much in these films, and, for the most part, people do not care about story or symbolism or any intellectual experience at all. They want instant gratification and non-stop action. If you go into this movie wanting that then you will be disappointed for the first hour or so and ultimately dissatisfied, since there is no mindless action in the Matrix, it all serves to move the story along. The Matrix does not fail miserably on a philosophical level, it is a triumph. Whatever you put into is what you will get out.

Another reason so many people seem to hate this movie is, as I have said before, because it is only the second half of a movie begun by Reloaded, and many people seem to think it's a separate stand alone film. I think that’s why everyone I have talked to about it seems so confused. The wait between Reloaded and Revolutions is like a 6 month long intermission. Instead of tying the themes of the story together (which anyone could remember 6 moths later, and is what a regular sequel would do), Revolutions called upon very specific events from Reloaded. Things that happened very quickly in Reloaded, and were given little emphasis, were brought front and center in Revolutions. This understandably threw many people off, since most haven’t watched Reloaded since May.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
You guys need to re-watch 2001: Space Odyssey and to see how real philosophical movies are made.

Well, that movie made the mistake of caking on too much philosophy in an unentertaining way. Also film nerds and critics like it because of its open-endedness. It can really be interperted anyway you want, but the ending isn't exactly great.

Watching 16 minutes of flashing lights doesn't hold up too well in repeat viewings.

I liked revolutions, I thought the dialouge was good, besides for the one liners, but many movies trip over their one liners. I thought the Agent Smith and Merv were all written well, and I enjoyed the films dialouge.

Plus, the stalemate ending is very original if you think about it. The movie didn't end in a big explosion so people gripe about it, but it was good in its own rite.
Originally posted by qckbeam
Reloaded was criticized because it had too much story
Actually, it was criticized because what story it had wasn't very good.
I've heard it criticized for both.
Thats the thing....I've never heard of any consistent problems. Seems that most people just have their own reasons, however misled or ungrounded.
The story for Reloaded was great, and very smart. It just seems to me that many, many people who watched the movie were very confused by it, and therefore misunderstood it or brushed it off as being stupid (simply because they didn’t fully understand it, or only took it on one level).

I can understand why people would dislike the sequel to the Matrix, since after watching the first one again today I realize the tone and feel of the sequel is different than that of the first. Where the Matrix is very general in some areas and leaves much of the back story up to the imagination, the sequels are very specific, and therefore they probably ruined some of the mystery of the Matrix for some viewers. I understand that, and it’s fine. But to put down the story and call it stupid, simply because you don't like the direction it took, is wrong. You cannot deny that it is actually a very intelligent story (you can still dislike it), since it is, especially if examined and taken at deeper levels. Just give credit were credit is do.

If anyone is going to try to argue with me (let me be clear I'm not flaming anyone), please don't just say something along the lines of "It's stupid because of the Architects scenes, WTF!!!?!?", people seem to say stuff like that all the time to prove the stories stupidity, when in reality all they are doing is proving their own. Provide examples showing why the story line for the Matrix sequel is stupid.