The Mirror Box


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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So I learned about this mirror box not too long ago and was just thinking about it.. It's a 'scary' story type thing:
The Mirror Box

Though written about in fiction occasionally, the mirror box is quite an old invention. Being inside of one can be enlightening or traumatizing for the witness who bears its burden. The procedure is simple, though finding and preparing the materials required might take some time.

The materials to construct the box are:
-Six square metal sheets, slightly taller than the witness. The length should never exceed the height of a witness with raised hands. One of them should be larger than the rest by at least the thickness of the sheets themselves. The material should preferably be made of graphite or lead alloy for the most prominent effect.

-Five nearly perfect, aligned mirrors, sealed upon the metal plates. Each of the 5 will form the sides and bottom of the inner box. One larger mirror should be attached to the large metal plate, which will be used for the top.

-A simple light source of pure white or bright yellow. The light source should emit in almost all directions. Candles can be used, but carbon dioxide and monoxide poisoning is a problem. The light source should not be planted upon the mirrors or receive any outside energy. Construction techniques are left up to the witness.

-Two or three alarm clocks. An extra alarm clock of any kind is also needed. Watches are alright, but not suggested due to the small type face and hands.

-Wear simple clothing.

-Do not bring any other objects. Witnesses have often crowded the box, causing it to become either useless or highly dangerous. This includes jewelery, food, weapons, or religious materials such as beads and crucifixes.

-An assistant is required to help the witness in and out of the box and get help in case of emergencies. The assistant should be trusting and as strong willed as the witness.

-Two ladders

-Several Blankets, water, medical remedies, and a first aid kit.

When the box is complete and ready to use, prepare the alarm clocks to ring around ten minutes after the witness’ planned entrance. Depending on the material used for the box itself, the time of day will not matter, but a night during a new moon is suggested. Despite intuition, sound does not play a large role in the event. The witness should use a small unattached ladder to enter the box. The top should already be placed upon the box, with an opening large enough for the witness to enter. Once inside, the witness should be handed the light source and the clocks (one should be kept with the assistant). The outside assistant should ask sincerely whether the witness is alright. Once confirmation is given, the top should be moved to seal the box. The witness may turn on the light source once the box is sealed. At any point should the witness ask to leave the box (if soundproof, tapping should be used), ONLY the top should be opened. The witness may do it themselves, since the top of the box should be easily reachable. Once ten minutes are up, ALWAYS remove the top, regardless of what the witness says. Some witnesses may plead to stay inside the box, even suggesting great danger should it be opened. The assistant should never trust those pleas. Suffocation is only one of many concerns should the witness stay too long in the box. Once the top has been slid opened, place the second ladder in the box to allow the witness to leave. If the witness has any serious wounds, or discoloration, call for medical help.

Should you happen to meet a witness, never trust what they say about their experience, and never ask them for the time or where the antumbra meets.

But I was just wondering, leaving someone in a box with mirrors all around for a long period of time would make them go crazy? Would they want to stay inside forever? Would they want to get out asap? Maybe nothing would happen? What do you guys think would happen?

I think it would get kind of crazy to just look anywhere and see the endless reflection of mirrors and yourself, and nothing else. Seems like a good torture device maybe?
I doubt it would do anything significant. I'd like to try it though.
I don't think it would do anything after like an hour, but who knows, a day? Two days? A week?
I don't think it would do anything after like an hour, but who knows, a day? Two days? A week?
Well solitary confinment can do serious brain damage after a month or so, so I imagine it would be like that.
Isn't there something like this in Phantom of the Opera?
Why the heck would you make the thing airtight?

Anyhow, aside from the apparent oxygen depletion, I don't see anything particularly terrible happening. It's not like we go insane when seeing our infinite reflection in back-to-back mirrors. Maybe claustrophobia + infinite reflection + bright light would be disorienting though.
Because the mirrors are supposed to be as close as possible. You do that with anything and it will be relatively airtight.
I think it should be done whit a monkey since monkeys dont diferentiate reflexions from real monkeys so it would be hilarious
Well god damn you guys if we were gonna suffocate the dude we may as well say **** the mirrors and put a plastic bag on his head..
You missed the part where the mirror entity kills the "witness".
HA, you all think you're so mentally unshakable. You'd all lose your shit and you know it
You'd all lose your shit and you know it

In ten minutes no, but in ten hours, sure. I would lose my shit all over the floor, for lack of a better place to put it.
Leave me in there for a week and the stench would melt the glass anyway.
I've always wanted to point a laser light in something like this.
Sounds interesting, but I think I'd be traumatized more than enlightened.
/me pulls out gameboy micro+pokemon fire red
Sound like a load of horseshit. Where did you find this? I didn't see a link.
He probably meant psychological damage, but whatever...
I think what happens is most people begin to wank off. However, when ejaculating, you get it all over the mirror. Since you see yourself in the mirror, it would seem like you ejaculated on yourself. Since there are infinite reflections of yourself, it would seem like you ejaculated on yourself an infinite number of times.

That itself should explain why we should never trust the person's experience. How could anyone admit they ejaculated on their reflection an infinite number of times? The person would probably say he saw a ghost in the mirror, hence the white ectoplasmic substance on the mirror.
What? Brain Damage?

No I meant Brain damage. I've been reading a lot about the American prison system and the effects of solitary confinement. Brain scans have show that enforced solitary confinement for long periods (>3months) can and does do serious and sometimes permanent brain damage resulting in severe psychological issues and total inability to function normally.

In other words, America is torturing it's prisoners.
I think what happens is most people begin to wank off. However, when ejaculating, you get it all over the mirror. Since you see yourself in the mirror, it would seem like you ejaculated on yourself. Since there are infinite reflections of yourself, it would seem like you ejaculated on yourself an infinite number of times.

That itself should explain why we should never trust the person's experience. How could anyone admit they ejaculated on their reflection an infinite number of times? The person would probably say he saw a ghost in the mirror, hence the white ectoplasmic substance on the mirror.
Laugh did I.
No I meant Brain damage. I've been reading a lot about the American prison system and the effects of solitary confinement. Brain scans have show that enforced solitary confinement for long periods (>3months) can and does do serious and sometimes permanent brain damage resulting in severe psychological issues and total inability to function normally.

In other words, America is torturing it's prisoners.

How does that work? I am guessing certain parts of the brain start to malfunction when not stimulated regularly?
How does that work? I am guessing certain parts of the brain start to malfunction when not stimulated regularly?

I'm guessing it's brain deterioration. Some parts of our body no longer function properly if we don't exercise it. I'm not too sure, but its probably similar to people who work out constantly but suddenly decides to stop.
Sound like a load of horseshit. Where did you find this? I didn't see a link.

It's just a fairy tale, a scary story. The story I posted is just an urban legend, it's not fact.. I was just wondering what would happen with a real one, and leaving someone in there for a long time.
My friend used to take acid back in the day and said that it was the best experiences of his life and made him a "better person". He did say that his other friends experienced hell and basically scarred him for life.

I'd stay away from LSD.
I think everyone should try it at least once
My friend used to take acid back in the day and said that it was the best experiences of his life and made him a "better person". He did say that his other friends experienced hell and basically scarred him for life.

I'd stay away from LSD.

imo, it depends on the mindset you have before taking it. It's kind of like a kid queuing up for a roller coaster ride, if he's nervous and transfixed on the idea it's a scary mysterious experience in which his safety isn't guaranteed, he isn't going to enjoy it, he'll start crying and freaking out once it climbs up in altitude. (At least I did when I was a kid idk) but the people who are, of course, ecstatic and almost anxious to get on the roller coaster are going to enjoy it, because they were free from doubt and second-thought about it, have a blast, and usually want to get on it again straight after.
I find all hallucinogens there is that rollercoaster ride.. Take MDMA before you take it and that goes away. LSD is the best though I do as much as I can find it, I dunno about you guys (it's really hard to find here though so only like once a year if that :( ).

Wow this got off topic.
I find all hallucinogens there is that rollercoaster ride.. Take MDMA before you take it and that goes away. LSD is the best though I do as much as I can find it, I dunno about you guys (it's really hard to find here though so only like once a year if that :( ).

Wow this got off topic.

I dunno how you do LSD but if it doesn't F you up then more power to you. I know I'm a really anxious person by nature so something would definitely go wrong if I tried acid.

I even get panic attacks when smoking too much weed sometimes and it takes an incredible amount of energy for me to snap out of it.
It's just the high of acid is different.. I've had bad trips before, on mushrooms once I almost killed myself by jumping into traffic because it was so horrible I didn't want to experience it anymore (only reason I didn't is because I kept assuring myself it would end eventually), but people really don't lie when they say acid changes them. It changes your whole perspective on life and makes you prioritize your life alot better. I've yet to have a bad trip on acid, but it can happen. That's why I say take MDMA if you ever have a bad trip or take it before you do the hallucinogen. The way MDMA works is that it makes you happy (overloads seratonin receptors). You can't bad trip on it - it WILL make you happy and love everything. It's just the day after you'll feel like shit because of the MDMA, but that always goes away and your still sober, you just feel sadder then normal (your seratonin receptors repairing themselves)
Dog-- you mix MDMA with everything. I wouldn't be surprised if you spread it on toast every morning.
Recreational drugs are stupid. They may make you feel good or happy now, but then you come down and feel terrible. Worse still, some can leave you feeling down for long periods of time due to withdrawal symptoms.

All the drugs I have used or tried are like that. I have heard some are even worse, since you need more and larger doses to get the same high - add to that, the fact that some have a lethal overdose capability. That makes drugs like heroine extremely dangerous.

My advice, don't use them. If you do, use the smallest quantity required to pick you up. If you use with friends, restricted/responsible dosing is very unlikely, however.

I'll use alcohol as an example, since most adults have tried it. When drinking alcohol, it will probably make you want to drink more and more - because you feel good and want more of that. But then there is a tipping point where you have done too much and feel sick, and everyone knows what it's like to come down from alcohol. Headaches and vomiting are common. That's why I don't have more than a few beers a day maximum.

But keep in mind that most drugs, even alcohol, is addictive. When I was young I couldn't understand how anyone could become addicted to alcohol, but let me tell you that it is cumulative. If you drank a lot at parties when you were in your twenties, you have the propensity to become an alcoholic later in life.

I would guess that other drugs are similar. So even if you aren't addicted to something or don't notice it, it's easy to fall into that later in life.

Addiction is difficult, but not impossible to overcome, but you may always 'have a taste' for it, for the rest of your life. I'll use smoking as an example since it is so common: it's very hard to quit, and easy to go back.

So why put yourself in that position in the first place? Even recent science articles suggest that the effects of caffeine (like alertness), aren't there until you are addicted. Having caffeine withdrawal simply makes you less alert.
I haven't taken psychadelics in over a year, my happiness isn't exactly noticeably different up or down compared to before and after.

I mean you're in that "Woah everything is energy condensed to vibrations most of which are outside of our spectral range of frequency perception" sort of phase for a day or two afterwards, but that's just the afterglow.

Did you have a bad experience with drugs once, Virus? You seem oddly emotional in that post.