The mistake in traptown movie(the answer)

Originally posted by JavaGuy
This post is just troll bait.

It sure is!!! And he's been reelling in some 1/4 pounders.
The only troll SheepFactory caught with that post is SLH.
Shiiiiit... if i'd reeled that in i'd throw it back. Useless.
Originally posted by bastard_loud
The only troll SheepFactory caught with that post is SLH.
Shiiiiit... if i'd reeled that in i'd throw it back. Useless.

It was only a bit of fun. :)

Btw, I like the way you keep this thread alive, just when i think it's going to die.
Originally posted by SheepFactory
ROFL, no. In the real world you dont find empty dumpsters on the rooftops of buildings elevated off the ground so that you could toss a nade under it, propelling it over the roof and onto enemies walking about doing mischief. You dont find iron beams suspended on wooden scafolds in an area whre there is no apparent reason for their to be one, strangly suspended from a rope, and the legth of the rope is just long enough so that when you destroy the wooden scafolds the beam will swing around killing all the baddies.

What i described is a physics toy. Its not realistic in the least bit.
That "dumpster" wasn't a dumpster at all. It was a water tank. Guess what part of a building they are usually found? (Hint: It is usually found on the top of a building, and begins with an 'R'.)

Also just because you have no idea of the context behind the scafold set up, it doesn't mean there is no reasoning behind it at all.

Why don't you play the game first, before making irrational judgements and statements about it? :eek:
Originally posted by FatboyTim
That "dumpster" wasn't a dumpster at all. It was a water tank. Guess what part of a building they are usually found? (Hint: It is usually found on the top of a building, and begins with an 'R'.)

Also just because you have no idea of the context behind the scafold set up, it doesn't mean there is no reasoning behind it at all.

Why don't you play the game first, before making irrational judgements and statements about it? :eek:

I was under the impression that that whole town, and its traps, were set up by the monk guy whatever his name was.
Actually, I really enjoyed the thread. It was very cool to hear from both Feath and Sheepfactory on what they saw and thought. Both were highly critical, and had reasonable arguements for what was discussed. I also liked the fact that there was an agreement to disagree. I don't think that Sheepfactory was bashing, just noticing things that bothered him. I, like many others here am looking forward to a finished product. Thanks to both of you for a good read.:cheers:
Originally posted by SLH
Not everything is physically simulated, because that'd be too CPU intencive, but most things are. e.g. barrels, crates.... but not walls & such.

some walls are
Originally posted by ferd
some walls are

True. I'd quite like to see an entire level made out of destructable material (apart from the walls enclosing the map of course!). Not sure how big the map would get before it wouldn't run fast enough to be fun though.
As I understand it, world (BSP?) geometry is not simulated. You would have to create it as a model thingy to have physics on your wall. And I think moving model thingies are harder to light because their lightmaps are not static, so it probably wouldn't look as good. Maybe.
Originally posted by SheepFactory

aawwww, look at all the fanbois. They are all upset, poor things, aaawww how cute.

The only one who brought up doom3 in this thread was feath, i dont know why you all are calling me a doom3 fanboi. The only reason you dont like me is because i see hl2 with eyes unclouded by fanboism, and i point out the flaws. Im sure you would much rather me be praising and diefying it like the rest of you, as if its the messiah. But i just see it as what it really is.

its a game with flaws AND potential, but ultimatley its just a moment of unproductive entertainment. A device on which we can waste some time out of our lives on. Its nothing for you guys to get in a fuss about, as if its release is something important and grand. Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize.

Sorry to butt in, BUT (had too), if you really think that Half-Life2 is nothing more than "a moment of unproductive entertainment" what are you doing here? Here's some information you may have missed:

  • 1. This is a Half-Life 2 Fan site. Of course there are going to be Half-Life 2 fans here. Use some common sense. This is comperable to a ps2 fan going to an xbox fansite and posting an "OMG PS2 SO PWNS XBOXZ!!!1!" thread.

    2. If Half-Life 2 is really bothering you this bad, perhaps you should stop gaming altogether. Every (3d) game that has ever been made has been riddled with flaws, much more so than this game appears to be. If you really are so bent on pointing out all the negative things about this game, maybe it's starting to get to you. Look out the window - there's a whole world waiting for you. Keep in mind, though, the world is not without flaw. The world has many more flaws than Half-life 2.

    3. "A moment of unproductive entertainment" ...Huh? What game is classified as "productive entertainment"? I think you're a little confused.

    (I guess, if you, like, played games for your career, THAT may be productive... Is that what you do? And, if so, why are you so mad?)

    4. Since you appear to not have faith or interest in the HL series, why do you appear to have all the videos and know all the facts?
    Originally posted by SheepFactory
    I also liked how they couldnt figure out if they should shoot at the combine that was emptying their guns into them. I also like how gordon didnt feel the bullets of the mantee craft, or even notice it was shooting him until it was right on top of him.

    5. "...the game (Doom 3) only looks plastic in the alpha and only on systems that arent up to snuff." Ahem...Doom 3 is has a very plastic look, no matter what hardware you use. I have a P4 3.2 Ghz, 800FSB, 120GB HDD, Radeon 9800 Pro 256MB computer, it still looks like plastic. And if you're looking for the "Nvidia" trump, I had a GeForce Ti 4600 128MB card last week....Doom 3 looked just as plastic on that card. Maybe you should start learning from experience and not blindly making assumptions just because you like the game. (had too x 2)

I could really keep going, but I just had the realization that I'm humoring a troll. I wonder if he reached his postcount? We may never know....
Was funny at first, just get boring now...

Don't you think the game looks kind of blocky ??
Man, nicely put nbk-brando. Couldnt have said it better myself!! :cheers:
Ack - looks like my intuition was right. The troll has been silenced.

ROFL, i forgot about this lovely thread. hmm, lets see......

"A moment of unproductive entertainment" ...Huh? What game is classified as "productive entertainment"? I think you're a little confused.

You misunderstand me. I wasnt saying hl2 is unproductive to a greater degree than other games. I was simply saying that a game in general is unproductive.

Since you appear to not have faith or interest in the HL series, why do you appear to have all the videos and know all the facts?

I have hope in the hl series. I am looking forward to playing the game. I dont have to turn a blind eye to all the flaws in order to get excited about the game. Just because i say the AI could be better, or the ragdoll physics dont look very realistic, that doesnt mean im not looking forward to playing the game. And it doesnt mean that i wont enjoy the game despite such flaws. It may still be a fun game.

"...the game (Doom 3) only looks plastic in the alpha and only on systems that arent up to snuff." Ahem...Doom 3 is has a very plastic look, no matter what hardware you use. I have a P4 3.2 Ghz, 800FSB, 120GB HDD, Radeon 9800 Pro 256MB computer, it still looks like plastic. And if you're looking for the "Nvidia" trump, I had a GeForce Ti 4600 128MB card last week....Doom 3 looked just as plastic on that card. Maybe you should start learning from experience and not blindly making assumptions just because you like the game. (had too x 2)

Its not an assumption at all.

what the marine looks like in the Alpha......
Plasticy look. This is due to both the cleaness of the model texture and the softness of the specualr highlights.

What the marine looks like at this point in time, and what it will look like in the final game when running on a system it was meant to run on........
No plasticy look. New textures and better specualr highlights.

Conclusion: Doom3 doesnt look plastic. Alpha looks plastic on most systems.

OWNED, foolish mortals.
I agree with your conclusion sheep; besides what the hell does "plastic looking" mean anyways? doesn't make any sense.
oh for the love of god. i expected this thread to last one or two posts or get shut down right away. not turn into some 7 page flame war. shut the **** up already
oh for the love of god. i expected this thread to last one or two posts or get shut down right away. not turn into some 7 page flame war.

Funny how it works out that way, innit. :p

I wouldnt call it a flame war though. Sure i attracted a few flames from the occasional fanboi, but thats to be expected when you say anything remotely negative about anything that has to do with hl2 on a hl2 forum.

For the most part however, it was just a gentlemanly debate between me and feath, no harm done.

come on guys, jump on the "i love HL2 blindly" bandwagon!
well it left say, 3 months ago, but you can still try.
well at least i recruited sheepfactory, right guys... right...:dozey:
hehe, it is funny.

Question: can normal people (read: non-obsessed everyday casual gamers) not come to these forums just to keep up with the news?

Sheepfactory has not actually said anything like "the game sucks", or that he doesn't want to play it. Yet, because he mentions a couple of flaws (and every game has flaws), and says that some of you are all blindly obsessed (which is true) he is suddenly "a troll".

In my opinion he has posted some of the most unbiased, logically thought out posts I have read here.

lol@ "the fanboi's"