The most awesome things that could possibly happen


The Freeman
Jun 21, 2004
Reaction score
All in the title. Put down the most amazing, kickass, brilliant situations conceivable, regardless of how realistic they may be.

3. Teaming up with the Terminator and Predator on an assault against the Death Star.
Crashlanding onto the station and cutting a bloody path through one of the most powerful weapons in fiction, culminating in an epic showdown against the Emperor as Vader joins the fray. Any geek could respect this.

2. Making breakfast in the morning when your toaster turns into a time vortex that sucks you back to the Viking era, where you are treated as a god.
You're recreating history to begin with, so that's rad. And you get in on all the fun with the conquering and pillaging. But if you guide them well enough, you could create a bloodthristy, space-faring empire of horned warriors by 2050.

1. Getting eaten by a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Sure, it's gonnna sting a bit. But come the **** on. It's a god damn T. Rex. Would you deny yourself being eaten? It has to be one of the most badass creatures to have ever existed, and being thrust into his gaping maw would be nothing short of an honor.
Alcohol said:
1. Getting eaten by a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

I think I clarified in the dinosaur thread that crocodiles beat out the T-Rex and all other dinosaurs.
Playing chess with Death. Would be fun.
Rocking out with Death. Would be fun.
Totally fixed, because nothing is more awesome than rocking out.

I think I clarified in the dinosaur thread that crocodiles beat out the T-Rex and all other dinosaurs.


Incorrect. Crocodiles, while "awesome" or "rad" or what have you, are simply not as good as a Tyrannosaur in any way. They are slow, they are small, they are not as strong, and they let birds sit in their mouths without eating them.
1. US Americans education, helps the Iraq to use maps in the education in South Africa to help our nation use maps.
'nuff said.
Playing Unreal Tournament in real life. Being able to get killed (with some short pain) and instantly respawn to pump lead in other people, it'd be absolute awesome.
Joining Luke Skywalker during the attack on the Death Star, preferably in a Y-Wing fighter.

And totally unrelated: being Ron Jeremy for one day during the height of his career (minus all the pubic hair tho ... the women I mean).
@Monkey - ..What about in Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey? They beat him at Battleship, Twister, electronic football, etc.
A ninja, a pirate, a rockstar, and an ax murderer riding in (on) a Dodge Challenger, out on a killing spree through New York City.

The only way it could be more awesome is if they were all on fire and shooting lasers out of their eyes.

The Roman Empire returns in all its glory, and we get to wear those fancy helmets.
Playing Unreal Tournament in real life. Being able to get killed (with some short pain) and instantly respawn to pump lead in other people, it'd be absolute awesome.

War would get repetitive, than nobody would want to play. Always complaining about the gay, newb canons, h4x0rs, and then ***** will show up, ruining the fun of the war for EVERYBODY!
you guys know this thread is heading in the direction of the "my avatar" thread. lol :D
Rocking out in Hell with a supergroup composed of the greatest performers that ever died: Jimi Hendrix on lead guitar, John Bonham on drums, Jim Morrison on vocals and John Entwistle on bass ..oh and Keith Richards on rhythm guitar (I know he's not dead but he's got one foot in the grave so ...)

drinking spiked koolaid made by Jim Jones and living to tell about it

Riding a cosmic surf board on the tail of Comet Hale-bopp hoping to catch jesus flying his souped up space hotrod with 38 former members of heaven's gate

being summoned to the United Nations as the last man alive who doesnt have penile erectile dysfunction after a plane laden with chemicals crashes into the world's water supply causing all men to become impotent and all women horny

"Your first duty to the Earth, Mr Stern is to repopulate it ..we've hand picked the creme de la creme of the world's most fertile women who gladly volunteered for this program ...Mr Stern, you're drooling"
Never seeing another post by Stern. And I know he'd love to see the same.


Anyway, I'd agree with the T-Rex comment. How ****ing awesome would that be. Reminds me of Patton Oswald's stand-up. He states that he'd love to go down in the Apocalypse so he could brag to all the other people in Heaven that in comparison to their deaths, his kicked ass.
Never seeing another post by Stern.

And I know he'd love to see the same.

but then I would be blind ...which incidentily is also a solution for your little dilemna ..I suggest a pointy stick driven into your eye balls at high velocity ..guarenteed you'd never see one of my posts again

Smoking a bowl with Bob Marley.

Seriously, that'd be almost religious.
oh shit I forgot ..ok Hell Band of Greats MUST have Marley singing backing vocals along with Peter Tosh ..Irie mon
Bush and his whole administration are removed, the US passes a law that makes the practice and belief of religion a capital offense, the US and the Middle East establish long-lasting diplomatic relations, gun rights interest groups are abolished (you guessed it, in the US), ...

Yeah, in my dreams.
1. Finding a ****ing Fountain of Eternal Youth.
Bush and his whole administration are removed, the US passes a law that makes the practice and belief of religion a capital offense, the US and the Middle East establish long-lasting diplomatic relations, gun rights interest groups are abolished (you guessed it, in the US), ...

Yeah, in my dreams.

That first dream will come true regardless in a little over a year.
Please... go in detail.

Well, it would be awesome, wouldnt it? After 9 years of continous masturbation i would like to try something new. I only got about 7 months till its illigal for me to do it with ppl in our school :S
Hmm let's see.... personally I would like to enter the Lord of the Rings world and show them how easily there situation could have been resolved with a good 'ole Nuclear explosion. :D
True: The Iraq war cost a family of four about 20,000 a year.

Now imagine this, the U.S doller is worth more than Iraq money and we have more citizens then them. So imagine if we took all that money and gave each Iraqi Citizen a piece of it so eveyone had say, 25,000 U.S. dollars. I think that would make them pretty darn happy.
The married woman that I had a crush on knocked on my door in one rainy night, she appear looking sad and soaked to the bone. And she cried: "I can't take this anymore! You are the one I truly love!"

After one night of wild crazy sex, I kicked her ass out of my house the next day...
Playing Unreal Tournament in real life. Being able to get killed (with some short pain) and instantly respawn to pump lead in other people, it'd be absolute awesome.

Totally hell yeah..

Also, Peace coming to the middle east.