The official HL2 countdown thread

i have arranged 2 days off, if i play it for 48 hours solid anyone wanna give me a medal?
I live in Japan,

So all the countdown clocks say -1:30 hours!!
Should be unlocked, right ? :p
I'm taking Friday off because I have a couple days to use up before the end of the year. No, I won't play it straight thru, because then you have nothing left to do if you beat the game in a couple days. An hour a day spreads things out.

If you notice, the kiddies who beat the game after playing straight thru, and usually the ones who complain.
bliink said:
Its actually going to beat duke nukem forever!!!

Best. Quote. Ever.

Damn, I have to go overseas. I'll be back NEXT week. NooOooOooooOOOoo!!!11!11!
wohoo my only lesson tomorrow was canceled, so i get the WHOLE day to play hl2....omg omg omg

whats the official amount of time left for UK??????
Pureball said:
wohoo my only lesson tomorrow was canceled, so i get the WHOLE day to play hl2....omg omg omg

whats the official amount of time left for UK??????

The same time as everywhere else. 15 h and 41 min

thx, now i can start counting the seconds :E
Let us come back to the wonderful concept of TIME ZONES.
In short: Aussies play it first. When they buy it in a shop. Which keeps the release data and hour. What they won't.

AAAAAHHHHHH one day left. More or less.
if you're going to the wonder of time zones, people who live in the same timezone as Valve, PST, will play Half Life 2 tonight at midnight, those of us in GMT will play it tomorrow morning at 8am. People in australia will have to wait until tomorrow evening so they can unlock it when they get back from shcool/work.

And yet we all get to play it at the same time.
Darn, got important class from 8AM - 12AM (with HL² @ 9AM overhere).
Gonna be hell, those hours sitting there knowing you could be playing.
Ansur said:
Darn, got important class from 8AM - 12AM (with HL² @ 9AM overhere).
Gonna be hell, those hours sitting there knowing you could be playing.

Same for here.
(Unlock 10 AM local time in finland)
according to xtreme co-op its 6 hours left !

I picked this time to join these wonderful-looking boards so if I ever need any help with HL2 then I have plenty of lovely chaps to assist :p
I hope i make lots of new friends.... man that sounds sad....
not according to it isnt :p

mind you, according to my new calculations it is indeed about 14 hours.... poop. :(
more time to waste then.

Not that I care.

I have to wait for flippin' delivery.
we're entering the realm of east math here folks... twelve and a half hours!

just over half a day....

and i get to sleep for most of that... i hope
12 1/2s for me :) but thats 4 am :( so Ill have to get up early :)
HeLL[R]az0r said:
11hrs 16mins for me here (New-Zealand, Auckland)

it's the same amount of time for everyone... no matter where they are. Unless they're in a close orbit around a black hole or other such extreme mass object (no Gabe jokes please) but regardless, while the persoanl experience may chande relative to your timezone (americans play it tonight at midnight, I'll play it tomorrow morning at 8am, you might play it tomorrow evening at 6pm) the time to wait it the same.

Did I stress the point too much? ;)
ok off to watch one more movie
go to sleep at around 10ish
get up after a sleepless night at 7:20
showered, shave, changed and have breakfast
go to school at 8:20
register at 8:40
come home for 9ish
restart steam and start to unlock of hl2
make coffee or something
come back and bloody well play it for the rest of the day due to no lessons!!!!!!!
ok off to watch play some more CS:S or Halo2
go to sleep at around 2ish
get up after a sleepless night at 7:20
showered, shave, changed and have breakfast
smile for the first time about being unemployed.
Sit in front of PC fine tuning it until 7:55
Begin randomly restarting Steam
Play Half Life 2... or complain about not being able to play Half Life 2 cos the servers are all busy.
im going to do homework
play cs: s
listen to the soundtrack for hours
drink bawls to keep me up
wait for that glorious moment at 3am here
10 HRS 50 MIN till release on the Eastern Coast of the USA!
Must know;
Is it released as soon as 0000 hrs hits? Or is it a set time for different locations.
I'm in Scotland, GMT, currently 21:13
i'm planning on staying up for it if it is, otherwise... :-(
muzzy50k said:
Must know;
Is it released as soon as 0000 hrs hits? Or is it a set time for different locations.
I'm in Scotland, GMT, currently 21:13
i'm planning on staying up for it if it is, otherwise... :-(

Its released at 0000 US West coast time.

10 hours 23 mins!
11 h and 20 min... But I think Steam is going to be down a while like it was when they released the pre- loads.