The Official Chess Tournament Thread

Fat Tony! said:
Dan I searched for your name but I came up with 3 matches, challenge me instead or give me your full name including numbers :s

It's just plain DanDaMan. I haven't gotten around to confirming the account yet. I'll do it when I get off of work.

But is Solaris actually going to organize this as a tournament or will it just be, play random people?
Raeven0 said:
He already wrote the layout for Round 1.

I missed it way back there. Anyways Fat Toni, the game is afoot. I'll be on and off during the day whenever the boss is out of the office
Only matches I have arranged are cannon to the tournament just to clarify.

The secound round will begin in 2 weeks, maybe earlier.
Antianto do you keep canceling our games? This is the second time it's disappeared. I'll send it out again.


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Please note, when your opponent has completed a game you will then be able to challege them succsesfully.
Challenge me and this time don't cancel it (if that's what you're doing). I'd like to get the game started.
Bad^Hat said:
Am I matching bryanf445 now? Just got a challenge... still waiting for bliink.

I moved! To arms, bastige!
With the pieces you have it can be done in two moves. Matter of fact, you could have done it about 10 moves ago. ;)

Good game btw. You took advantage of every mistake I made whilst making none of your own. Pretty much thrashed me.
A True Canadian said:
Yeah I could probably have ended the game earlier, but I was playing too defensive at times. Plus I wasn't really sure if Pawns can move backwards. :P

Anyone who wants to see how this match played out can view it here:

Oh, and I detect a friendly rematch happening? ;)
Lol @ 19b - Qf6g6

Yes, justa little something to pass the time. ;)
Friendly match with Bryan is in full swing.

As soon as he gets that stupid queen out of my guys :(
Does anyone else find it ironic that a website devoted entirely to half-life 2 has a chess tournament, but no gaming tournament?

JNightshade said:
Does anyone else find it ironic that a website devoted entirely to half-life 2 has a chess tournament, but no gaming tournament?




Weeeelllll this is a lot easier on the blood pressure. :/

"OMGWTF my rook is lagging D: "

_Z_Ryuken said:
"OMGWTF my rook is lagging D: "

Haha, that's what would happen if the CS community had a chess tournament...

"WTF HAX0RZ!!11"

edit: Come to think of it, that would be a pretty entertaining chess match to watch ... just once. :E
Bad^Hat said:
Would but I can't seem to get the links working when I try...
Sok doog I just searched some user names and found it yesterday. I can post the url if you want.
My epic battle with JellyWorld continues. I believe we're about to pass 50 total moves (25 total turns).

I like doing this slowly and methodically. Normally I just rush all my pieces into battle because I like seeing battle, and because I want the game to end. It loses the fun if I have to sit there for half an hour doing nothing but poring over my men.
Just keeping this up on the first page so I can post the results in case Fat Tony decides to move later on this week.
Fecking Bryan and his shitcock pawns... I'm so his bitch right now :(